organizations, where he and his companies acted as a defendant for non-performance of duties, non-payment, etc. It is clear that the larger the organization is, the more court decisions it will face and the more it is able to pay. But if the organization is small and there are 100 court decisions against it, then this can hardly be a positive indicator. Besides, you may also draw certain conclusions about the management style of the person who headed the organization.
Useful resources include databases on offenses and convictions. Many security services use these databases. This allows to immediately identify malicious violators of the law. And you save time by not inviting potentially unreliable candidates. It is clear that not everyone has these databases (especially relevant ones). But if you have access to them, it is better to use them.
Of course, we did not mention all the databases and services that we work with. The main idea of the chapter is that in order to solve your problems, you should not neglect the existing possibilities.
So, we have considered the sources that should be used in your work, if you want to save time and increase the efficiency of recruiting.
So, you have compiled a position profile, selected CVs, found and analyzed information, and you already have a general idea of the candidate you need – about 60% of the full picture. Note that you have collected all these data at a preliminary stage, before meeting with a potential employee. A direct meeting with the candidate lies ahead.
The collection of information includes the study of many components. The person’s appearance (from the hairstyle to the neatness), the manner of communication, the use of certain words and terminology, punctuality, and behavioral characteristics are analyzed. At this stage, the metaprogram profile, the candidate’s psychotype, his values and beliefs are determined.
Accuracy, practical clothing, fashion style, colors of the wardrobe give tips on the qualities and behavior of the candidate, as well as how he treats his official duties. Appearance can also suggest what kind of psychotype the candidate may be. Although we must bear in mind that people prepare themselves for the interviews and put on what is accepted. Manicure, makeup, hair, perfume also contribute to the study. All this gives food for analysis, but, of course, does not fully characterize a person.
Recently, we had a candidate who came to us for verification. At first glance, judging by his appearance, he could have been hysteroid type. He had a bright yellow jacket on, a trendy hairstyle, light stubble, and good physical shape. But when he timidly knocked the door, entered the room with a rickety walk, sat down on the edge of the chair, and began to speak in an apologetic tone with tenseness, the first impression dispelled. He looked like a anxiety-valetudinary type who tried overcompensate it. During the interview the candidate often asked again, agreed with the verifier, did not defend himself in response to provocations. So I ask him a control question (questions that cause an emotional reaction, questions of uncomfortable truth):
– Have you ever gossiped about your bosses?
– Yes, it happened (confused).
– So are you a gossip?
– It turns out that I am.
«I have such a bad habit, I constantly double-check everything several times,» the candidate admitted. He did sports, loved to read, wanted to become a writer, and even had first steps in this. One could feel in him a certain creativity, which brought some changes into his appearance and slight confusion. Appearance might be sometimes deceptive, so analyze it carefully, along with other components.
Initial behavior
All people respond to situations individually, depending on their own experience, psycho-type, habits, thinking strategies. Even such things as the way the person entered the office, how he sat on a chair, how many questions he asked when filling out the questionnaire may say a lot about the person. Each choice made is a reflection of the person himself. For example, one person, passing by a branch that blocks his path, will simply throw it aside, and another one will bend down the branch.
We have a good story that illustrates this. There came two candidates for the position of sales manager. The first applicant turned out to be a shy young man of fine breeding. He timidly entered the room and asked questions on almost every column in the questionnaire in order not to make a mistake. The second one came into the office at ease, took a few candies from the table, without asking permission, spoke in a confident tone. In terms of his psychological characteristics, the second candidate turned out to be more suitable than the first one. In this position, politeness and accuracy are needed less than familiarity and confidence. These qualities are desirable for those who want to sell and persuade better than others.
Metaprogram profile
When we evaluate psychological characteristics based on linguistics and speech content, we begin with identifying a metaprogram profile. The combination of experience and world view of the individual we call the map. Everyone perceives the surrounding reality depending on the maps that exist in our heads. How do we collect information about the world around us to form our maps, where do we get it from, what do we pay attention to and how do we express it? It stems from our experience, environment, socialization, habits of people that we love, professional activities and other issues that form the filters of perception and thinking.
We have already spoken about the metaprogram profile, but just in case let us give the definition.
A metaprogram profile (MP profile) is a set of unconscious filters of a person’s perception, through which basic life and behavioral strategies and associated beliefs are formed. Using these filters, a person filters the incoming information and transmits it. Metaprogramm profile is being formed throughout life. When motives change, a metaprogram profile may also change, «stretch» so to say. Each metaprogram has 2 poles. The poles are the extreme opposite points of certain characteristics and features of the metaprogram. Several metaprograms have 3 poles, where the poles also reflect the degree of a particular characteristic. Metaprograms determine how a person behaves in different contexts. We have already mentioned above why do we need a metaprogram profile when evaluating a candidate. Let us recall.
The first and most important thing is to define the effectiveness of the candidate in the position he is applying for. The metaprogram profile will help to predict whether this candidate will be successful or not. Imagine that in the beginning a person works enthusiastically and fulfills various tasks, but then he runs himself out because of doing a job that is out of his character.
Knowing the MP profile also helps in determining how to convey information to the candidate. Imagine that two people are communicating, the first has the metaprogram «General» and the second one – metaprogram «Details».
What is this about? Let us give an example. The manager with the pole «General» sets the task: «Find out the main trends in the development of this direction.» And the performer with the pole «Detailed» immediately has a million questions in his head. He needs the maximum amount of information to clarify the task, to present it in detail. The MP-profile allows you to understand how to convey information to people in order to get the result that is expected.
Identifying the motivation metaprogram pole will tell you the main motives and motivators of a person. This knowledge allows you to put an employee into the conditions in which he can perform his tasks. And vice versa, it will become clear which working conditions are not suitable for a specific person. For example, people with motivation «FROM» feel much better when there are no immediate, «pressing» deadlines.
Also, with the help of metaprograms employers can define the speed of decision making and even the peculiarities of this decision. Is your employee an impulsive person or is he inclined to mull over his actions for a long time? Knowing the answer beforehand will give you an idea of what decision the employee will