Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty. Lyudmila Ananieva

Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty - Lyudmila Ananieva

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      When caring for facial skin: to increase capillary blood flow and to better absorb products applied to facial skin, it is very useful before rubbing with aromatic mixture or neroli essential oil-enriched cream (as well as other nourishing cosmetics) to make a steam bath for the face.


      4.1.1. Neroli essential oil for face

      It is widely used in professional and home cosmetology. It can be used both as an independent agent and as an auxiliary component in therapeutic mixtures (creams, scrubs, tonics, balms). Neroli oil is suitable for all types of facial skin. It particularly helps well to restore “tired”, flabby, dehydrated and sensitive skin by providing such effects: rejuvenation; improvement of complexion; elimination of rashes of different origins; combating herpes rashes; relief smoothing; elimination of wrinkles (prevention of their formation); getting rid of small spider veins; effective and rapid healing of small lesions (wounds, scratches, cracks, abrasions); elimination of pigmented areas; combating dermatological diseases (dermatosis, dermatitis, eczema, ulcers, etc.).

      4.1.2. Bath with neroli oil

      This oil has a huge penetrating ability. Once in bloodstream, it has a direct effect on all organs. However, it is worthwhile to know that it cannot be used as an independent agent. And it does not matter which way and what kind of bath is supposed to be taken: lying, hot, sitting, warm, or cool. As a base for preparing a bath with neroli oil, it is recommended to use milk, natural honey, table salt (sea salt allowed), and cream.

      4.1.3. Neroli essential oil for hair

      This oil is one of the most effective natural products that can eliminate the consequences of harmful effects of negative factors on hair health and appearance. We can use it in many ways, namely, to be added: to shampoo; to massage scrub; to balm; to conditioner; in composition of masks with different effects. Regular use of neroli oil for hair care allows to achieve such results: restoration of hair structure along its entire length; supply of hair follicles with nutrients, minerals and vitamins; improvement of blood circulation in tissues of skin covering hairy parts of the head; normalization of the function of sebaceous glands located in the scalp (preventing production of excessive amounts of sebum). As a result, we can get rid of the “dirty ratty hair” condition.

      4.2. Precautionary measures

       Neroli essential oil is undesirable to use simultaneously with chemotherapy of tumor diseases.

       Safe for pregnancy after a four-month period.

       Moderately phototoxic.

       Since this oil is an effective relaxing agent, we should not use it when we need a clear mind and concentration.

       In large doses, a euphoric effect occurs, similar to the effect of clary sage essential oil.

      5. Petitgrain Petitgrain

      Effect of petitgrain essential oil: is a pronounced antioxidant, has antiseptic and regenerating effect, promotes excretion of toxins from the body, improves blood circulation, has a powerful antisclerotic effect; aromatic adaptogen;

      Petitgrain essential oil is used for atherosclerosis, emotional disorders, fatigue, nervous exhaustion, flabby and oily skin, wrinkles, acne, hair loss, cellulite, and to strengthen immunity.


      In cosmetics

      Has an excellent rejuvenating and toning effect for the skin. Smooths wrinkles, restores firmness to tired and fading facial, breast and abdominal skin.

      Prevents formation of stretch marks on the skin during sharp changes in body volume (pregnancy and significant weight loss).

      Eliminates acne and herpetic rash. Helps to get rid of pimples and skin fungal infections.

      Strengthens hair, restores hair follicles, prevents loss of hair and stimulates its growth.

      Eliminates swelling, burning and pain of tired feet. Is a powerful deodorant for elimination of sweat heavy smell.

      For enrichment of creams and tonics: 5–7 drops per 10 ml of base vegetable oil. In bathtub: 7–10 drops, pre-mixed with an emulsifier (1/4–1/3 cup of milk, whey, solution of sea or cooking salt).

      Precautionary measures

      Possible photosensitivity, do not apply to skin in less than 60 minutes before sunbathing. Do not use simultaneously with chemotherapy of tumor diseases. Safe for pregnancy after a four-month period. Check for individual tolerance.

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