West winds of infinity. An addition to the rule of the Nagual of Carlos Castaneda. John Abelar
double, the another I, the energy body, the astral body). I single out the word “warrior” because the energy of such a person stands out quite thoroughly among other people, and even if he has not yet broken the mirror of self-reflection, these features of energy can be felt literally. The warrior’s attitude to himself and the world around him has changed greatly, he is not involved in the social game and is directed in almost every action to pull out the second attention (the attention of the another I, the double, the energy body), first of all, his ability to be detached from himself and not affected by what is happening around. The petty tyrant can be a person of the same social status as a warrior, but his presence has a strong influence on the internal state of the warrior, this man is hurt and cling the warrior by words, looks, behavior, drives him crazy, generally speaking, takes the warrior out of balance. However, in my experience, the other side of sense of self-importance, namely self-pity, is not hidden under the mask of self-importance and dominates in life of many people, like the other side of the human ego. For such people, who are, in fact, introverts and themselves prone to melancholy and depression, petty tyrants have a rather negative effect. For such people need not a pressing external factor, but rather a stimulating one, but, of course, provided that these people will use this factor to maintain and develop their own spirit, but not personal self-esteem. In this case, should speak about the sense of self-worthlessness (self-pity) as the second side of the human ego.
There are five basic feelings in a person and they can be arranged in a certain sequence, which is important for understanding the ego and for understanding its action: fear, anger, sorrow, joy (gladness) and love. From my experience I consider it expedient to single out the sixth sense as a feeling of interest associated with the desire for novelty, with the desire to learn something new, unusual, with the attraction of the body to something outside whether it is a situation, a person, a tree or some inanimate object, which leads to awareness as a true and direct knowledge of something coming in the form of feelings in the body, or to vision, if it is possible to move the assemblage point to the appro-priate position. The sense of interest is more related to knowledge and contrasted with fear, as a feeling that is identified with the lack of know-ledge and that keeps, figuratively speaking, the soul in darkness. By knowledge here I mean awareness as the experience of the body, the experience of the soul, the experience of life, not the understanding of the mind dealing simply with information from books, people’s lips and other sources without relying on the sensual component. Similarly, love should be contrasted with anger and joy with sorrow. Intuition should be considered a typical case of awareness, which is timed to the knowledge of something concrete. The sixth sense, as it is easy to guess, is connected with the action of the will and is located behind love, being as if closest to the Power, the spirit and further away from the mind. Thus, the five senses are connected with our particular world and are quite well known to people. The sixth sense seems to represent the world of Power and is poorly known to ordinary people. It is less connected with the ego, and I will not dwell on it. However, its allocation and its estimate is very useful in the analysis of self condition here and now at searching for self wind (Chapter 5) or to evaluate the presence of the second attention.
Returning to the five basic feelings, it should be said that the main negative effect that the ego creates is that it makes the feelings of a person unbalanced, it inflates too much one of the feelings that captures the state of a person, and he loses control of himself. In addition, as a rule, the ego creates an imbalance of feelings between themselves within one day of the life of a particular person and throughout his life. In most cases, the first three feelings dominate significantly over the other two, and with age, almost at all people this situation is only aggravated. The first three feelings can be considered pessimistic, and the other two —optimistic, but in any case should not be assumed that some feelings are bad, and the other good. Each of these feelings, depending on the situation, can both kill and save your life. The five senses in their development sequentially replace each other, ultimately leading to the sixth sense, which brings true knowledge (awareness, experience of the body, which in common parlance is often called life experience). In my experience, I have repeatedly found that all these five feelings can be observed sequentially in one situation at a particular person, when it comes to breaking his ego here and now. Victory over the ego begins with joy and it is better if is in the form of laughing over yourself. To bring yourself or another person in the same situation to joy is undoubtedly a great success, because it allows for a short period of time to be convinced of the existence of the ego and the change of perception here and now, the possibility of changing the view of the same situation. The changeability and expression of feelings in the same situation is so obvious, clear and bright that it allows to speak not about one specific position of the assemblage point corresponding to the human ego, but about five different positions located one after another in the immediate vicinity. The first three pessimistic feelings can be attributed to the ego area, and the other two are located as if behind this area. Most likely, the position of the assemblage point, which the seers called the place of anxiety, or concern, just corresponds to the fear, which begins with the ego and almost all the problems of any person. Seers meant anxiety and concern primarily concern for self and in support of this it should be noted that, indeed, fear for self, for self physical condition, for self authority, for solving self problems, for self loved ones, etc. we experience almost constantly. It is obvious that love, as the fifth sense, corresponds to altruism and does not correspond to the ego in any way. When love is accompanied by strong jealousy, envy and other negative qualities, which in addition are reflected in the actions, then we should talk about the denigration of love by egoism. Love is a rather subtle feeling, which implies attachment to a certain person or people, nature and care for him, them or it. But this feeling very often becomes unbalanced in the form of obsession, madness, various kinds of violence (physical, forced care, forced doing good, etc.), which again is a consequence of the influence of the human ego. Therefore, to talk about the victory over the ego at the point of joy or at the point of love can only here and now. Speaking of feelings, should also mention the feeling of the offence and irritation that often occur on the way of a warrior. State of offence and state of irritation are purely energy states and can respectively be felt in the body, as specific kind of energy, which can be banished from bodies or dissipated with the help certain action, which the true I (energy body) can prompt you. Obviously, irritation corresponds to anger, and offence is a combination of several basic feelings.
In general, a pure victory, but not a final one, over the ego lies in shifting the assemblage point to a place without pity, in which the continuity of the mind is torn, the idea of man about himself and the world as something solid and unchanging. Anyone who has shifted the assemblage point to a place without pity surely knows that continuity restores again, if not to maintain the quality of pitilessness (meaning the lack of pity for self’s and other people’s weaknesses, habits), which is acquired in this position of the assemblage point. However, if a person consciously sought this position of the assemblage point because of dissatisfaction with ordinary life in society or because of attempts to break out of the vicious circle that creates the pressure of society, then his attitude to himself and the world remains changed for a long time, given the fact that the circumstances of the life path of such person support this quality in him due to the action of the spirit. This is the beginning of the path of freedom, although such a drop from the social circle (ego-park;)) is often painful. Don Juan said that the warrior to finally move into the world of magic of the second attention must completely build a new continuity, and for this he must completely discard the old one and this is the most dramatic episode in the life of a warrior and it can take many years (remember how don Juan left the house of the Nagual Julian,