Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want. Wayne Dyer W.
1: Here is a great definition of enlightenment: to be immersed in and surrounded by peace.
Your highest self only wants you to be at peace. It does not judge, compare or demand that you defeat anyone, or be better than anyone. It only wants you to be at peace. Whenever you are about to act, ask yourself this question: “Is what I am about to say or do going to bring me peace?” If the answer is yes, then go with it and you will be allowing yourself the wisdom of your highest self. If the answer is no, then remind yourself that it is your ego at work.
The ego promotes turmoil because it wants to substantiate your separateness from everyone, including God. It will push you in the direction of judgment and comparison, and cause you to insist on being right and best. You know your highest self by listening to the voice that only wants you to be at peace.
2: Go beyond the restriction of the physical plane. The purpose of the highest self is to assist you in this effort. You do this by creating an inner sanctuary that is yours and yours alone. Go to this silent inner retreat as often as you can, and let go of all attachments to the external world of the ego.
As you go to this sanctuary, a light will be born within you that you will come to know and respect. This light is your connection to the energy of manifestation. It is like taking a bath in pure light; you will feel this energy as you go silently within. This light is not of the earth plane. It will help you go beyond the physical world. Remember, you cannot go beyond the earth plane if you are still in it. The real you, the unseen you, can attract the energy of the sun, the wind and all that is celestial.
3: Refuse to defend yourself to anyone or anything on the earth plane. You must learn to stay within your higher energy pattern regardless of what goes before you in the material world. This means that you become like an unknown sage who refuses to lock horns with anything on this physical plane.
This is the challenge of the highest self. It is beyond the reality system that you identify as material and as form. Use your inner light for your alignment and allow those who disagree with that perspective to have their own points of view. You are at peace. You never explain, and you refuse to flaunt your energy. You know it, and that is enough for you.
4: Finally, surrender and trust in the wisdom that created you. You are developing a faith that transcends the beliefs and teachings of others. This trust is your corner of freedom, and it will always be yours. In fact, it is so important that it is the subject of the second spiritual principle of manifestation, which you will read about when you turn to the next section.
Your highest self is not just an idea that sounds lofty and spiritual. It is a way of being. It is the very first principle that you must come to understand and embrace as you move toward attracting to you that which you want and need for this parenthesis in eternity that you know as your life.
Learning to trust may be difficult in the beginning. It will be an exercise in futility if you rely upon your mind to create trust. This is because the mind works on material problems by interpreting sensory data. When turned toward spiritual matters the mind attempts to come up with intellectual answers by using proofs, logic and theoretical reasoning. It demands assurance and proof to establish tangible results.
In contrast, the method of the heart, focused on spiritual understanding, is an intuitive recognition of the value of love. Whereas the mind attempts to know the spirit by setting up conditions that must be met logically for there to be a release of love, the heart employs intuitive love as its way. It is not a conclusion of reasoning. It is the way of spontaneity, not the result of bargaining with the intellect. The heart trusts the inner wisdom that it feels and spontaneously knows, whereas the mind demands scientific evidence before it will trust.
Most of us in the West have been taught that the center of our wisdom is in our heads. If you ask people where their ability to process thought and experience is, they will generally respond that it is in the brain. Ask consciously spiritual persons the same question and they will indicate the heart.
When the mind seeks corroboration through specific proofs as an aid to spiritual understanding, it is encroaching into an area far more suited to the heart. For this reason, it is necessary to trust what the heart knows. Without total trust, it is impossible to know the miracles of the higher self and become a manifester.
Spiritual life does not grow in the soil of intellectual information gathering. Spirituality needs the fertile ground of feelings, which the unseen dimension provides. Trusting your heart space is imperative for the growth of a healthy spiritual life.
This means cultivating a harmony between mind and heart, and for most of us this means terminating the intellect’s domination. The mind must surrender its role as full-time judge and allow the heart to contribute its wisdom. It is with this surrendering process that trust begins to flourish, replacing doubt.
Mistrust begins early in most human beings’ lives. It is helpful to realize why it is that the heart space has not been permitted to be the center of our being. Here are two theories describing our place in nature. I think you will agree that the first theory illuminates why mistrust of ourselves and our divine abilities is so deeply rooted.
First Theory: Nature as a Mechanism
In the mechanistic view of nature, everything is an artifact made by a boss who has many different names. In the Western view, the boss is called God.
This God is often depicted as a white-bearded male who roams around the sky creating the natural world. In this theory, the world is a construct and God the constructor. This biblical God is paternal, authoritarian, beneficent and, in many ways, tyrannical. He keeps track of all things and knows precisely what everyone does and when his laws are being broken.
One of the operatives of this theory of nature is the idea of punishment for one’s sins. This God/father holds us accountable for transgressions. The transgressions are judged by various interpreters of his laws who throughout history have claimed access to the divine. Essentially, the universe is a monarchy, God the king and we the subjects. All subjects are considered born with the stain of sin as a part of their nature and are therefore untrustworthy.
This theory of nature makes many people feel estranged, creating an attitude of separateness from the boss. The more we feel separated from this God, the more we feel the need to create some way of feeling worthy. So we create an idea of our importance based on externals and call it “ego.”
Reliance on ego ultimately leads to more separation as life becomes a contest and a competition with designated others. But the sense of estrangement is partially assuaged with an ego-directed attitude of “us against them.” People are categorized and evaluated on the basis of “egonomics,” which includes appearance, tradition, language and physical characteristics.
I believe that the most troubling thing built into this theory of nature is the impact it has on our ability to operate from a strong position of self-trust. Once convinced that you are untrustworthy and basically a sinner, you are quite lost. If you are untrustworthy, how can you trust in even your untrustworthiness? You can’t!
Everything becomes subject to doubt when God is a vindictive boss. This leads to the confusion of doubting everything because our opinions, feelings and beliefs are untrustworthy. In this scenario, one cannot even maintain trust in God because of a basic mistrust of ourselves. And not trusting in that God may be breaking one of his laws. It is a no-win situation.
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