Reach for the Stars: A feel good, uplifting romantic comedy. Kathy Jay

Reach for the Stars: A feel good, uplifting romantic comedy - Kathy  Jay

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did. Not even his parents.’

      ‘Poor thing. How embarrassing!’

      Nick tried to block out the snippets of conversation. And failed.

      ‘She was as white as a sheet tonight. You’d think the last thing she’d want to do is wait tables in his mum and dad’s restaurant.’

      Nick’s jaw clenched and his fists balled up tightly. This was Joe’s parents’ restaurant?

      ‘She’d do anything for anyone. But it must be horrible for them all.’

      ‘I heard that instead of an engagement ring he gave her one those gummy sweets. You know? The ones that come in a mix with fried eggs and little hearts! He never did get her a real one.’

      ‘One gummy ring does not a fiancé make.’ The group of girls sighed in unison.

      ‘Apparently he promised to get down on one knee and propose for real in Paris.’

      ‘He proposed alright. To someone else.’

      ‘The two-faced toad!’

      ‘I heard he was never going to take her to Paris. Even before her mum had the accident and their travel plans went wrong.’

      To avoid overhearing details that made him uncomfortable Nick stood up, tense, anxious to put some extra distance between himself and the gossip.

      The taxi with its neon light swung into view, and the girls on the wall got to their feet. At the same moment Layla exited the restaurant. Far from appearing frazzled she looked phenomenally attractive.

      He strode out of the shadows, heading straight for his target – Layla. Before he could reach her, she was surrounded. One by one, teetering in heels, the girls wrapped her in hugs.

      ‘You’ll bounce back.’

      ‘Onwards and upwards.’

      ‘We’re going to a club in town if you’d like to come too.’

      Layla shook her head and whispered an excuse.

      ‘Gotta get back out there.’

      ‘Absolutely,’ Layla agreed with a fixed smile. ‘It’s time to start looking for the man of my dreams. Just not tonight.’

      Desire to see genuine happiness on her face filled some deep void in Nick. He knew his limitations, but a sensational one-off performance he could do.

      ‘Hey!’ Sudden surprise turned all the girls’ heads. He stepped into the middle of the group.

      ‘Nick?’ Layla looked puzzled, but pleased. Result.

      ‘Go with this,’ he mouthed in a barely-there whisper. Seizing the moment, he pushed away the growing list of things he’d like to do better if only he could. Playing a part, he slung a casual arm across her shoulders. ‘I’m the first in line to audition for dream man,’ he announced.

      The girls’ eyes lit up.

      ‘What the …?’ Layla uttered a faint muffled sound as she attempted to speak and Nick’s lips collided with hers.

      The taxi window slid open and the voice of the driver cut through the stunned silence. ‘Do you people want to go into town tonight? Or will sometime in the next decade do?’

      Eyes on stalks the group of girls piled into the taxi. As it moved off Nick broke the kiss. In the electrified stillness he held her gaze, his arms still tightly wrapped around her. ‘I came to meet you,’ he volunteered.

      An irresistible smile spread to her lips. ‘I’m so glad you did.’

       Chapter Seven

      Layla fizzed from his kiss. He’d taken her breath away. Half the village had been wrapping around her like a security blanket. Now she had Nick Wells wrapped around her and … he felt great.

      Suddenly he was kissing her again, this time for real, and she was kissing him back. Buttoned down emotions bubbled inside her. Eclipsed by Nick, for a few fabulous moments Porthkara vanished. The delicious oblivion of physical heat blotted everything out. Her curves molded against his chest as he held her tight in his arms, strong and gorgeous. Beautiful sensations danced in her veins. His kiss had sent her into free fall. It felt unbelievably good – and kind of unsafe. Nothing like Nick had happened to her before. He pulled her closer. Heat and desire crashed together like two waves approaching the shore from opposing angles, a world of temptation condensed in his kiss.

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