Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019. Sue Fortin

Schoolgirl Missing: Discover the dark side of family life in the most gripping page-turner of 2019 - Sue  Fortin

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worry about it,’ muttered Neve, fiddling with the dog lead.

      ‘Maybe we could go for a drink sometime. You know, for old-time’s sake.’ He looked at her left hand. ‘Ah, married. Will he mind? It’s only like catching up with an old friend. Nothing in it.’

      ‘Yes, I am married and no, he wouldn’t mind. Not that it’s up to him, anyway,’ Neve found herself adding onto the end, although blatantly aware that Kit would mind, it suddenly seemed important that she assert herself to him. In truth, she just wanted Ash to disappear back to wherever he’d come from. Her past form with Ash scared her. She didn’t want to find herself revisiting those times again.

      ‘So, that’s a yes to a drink.’

      ‘No! It’s not.’ Neve gave a sigh. ‘Look, Ash … I mean, Lee, this isn’t an old pals reunion, as well you know.’

      ‘Do I?’

      ‘Yes, you do. When I messaged you, you said you had been expecting me. How? Why? How did you know I lived here?’

      ‘Ahh, well, that will be my powers of telepathy,’ said Lee, accompanying his words with a ghost-like noise.

      ‘Stop! Can’t you just be serious for one minute? I thought you said you were all grown up now and mature?’

      ‘Spoilsport,’ said Lee. ‘I see you’ve really taken growing up to the next level. What happened to Neve Tansley or Neve Howells?’

      ‘Neve Howells grew up and Neve Tansley got divorced. It’s Neve Masters now.’

      ‘And a new persona by the sounds of it. Or is it? I’m not sure you can really change.’

      ‘Can we quit with all this beating around the bush? It’s boring,’ said Neve, her patience finally wearing out. ‘How did you know I lived here?’

      ‘It was pure luck,’ said Lee. ‘I got this job at The Forum and I was on my way over to the art studio with a couple of the residents the other day and I caught a glimpse of you through the windows. You were just leaving and by the time I got there, you were driving out of the car park. This OAP was still packing up and I asked her if she knew you.’

      ‘That was fortunate,’ said Neve. She thought back to who it might have been. Probably Edith. She always took ages to set up and pack her stuff away and wasn’t averse to a good old chat about anything and anyone. ‘Did she say anything else?’

      ‘Oh, I learnt quite a lot about you,’ said Lee, grinding his cigarette out with the heel of his boot. ‘Married to a local businessman. Stepdaughter.’

      ‘Daughter, actually,’ corrected Neve.

      ‘As you wish, daughter,’ said Lee, before carrying on. ‘You live in the big house down, now where did she say, oh yes, that’s right … Long Acre Lane. She’s right. It is a big house.’

      ‘What?! You’ve seen where I live?’

      ‘I just happened to be passing. I saw your car in the drive. No law against that.’

      And he was right. There was no law against it, but Neve was now on high alert. She had no idea what Lee was playing at, but she was sure he was messing with her. He’d always liked to tease her, but she knew from past experience, the teasing was just a breath away from danger. Ash liked living on the edge of life and pushing people past their comfort zone. In the past, she had quite liked that element, it had been exciting and frightening all at the same time. Now, though, having experienced the consequences, it just frightened her. ‘How long are you here for?’ she asked, folding her arms, aware she was glaring but didn’t care.

      ‘I’ve got a month-long contract,’ said Lee. ‘Which can be extended if I want. Such a shame you don’t seem happy to see me. I thought we could relive some of our youth.’

      ‘Get lost,’ said Neve. ‘I’m not into all that anymore.’

      ‘Does your husband know about it?’

      Neve’s heart thumped against her chest. ‘What does it matter to you?’

      ‘Just curious. You know, I have actually met him. And your daughter. I thought that’s probably why you wanted to see me.’

      Neve closed the space between them, only just managing to hold onto her rage. She jabbed her index finger hard into Lee’s shoulder. ‘You stay away from my family. Do you hear?’

      The amused look on Lee’s face dropped immediately, replaced by a glare equal to Neve’s. He snatched at her hand, grabbing hold of her finger and bent her arm over. Neve cried out, twisting her body to relieve the pain.

      Lee bent his head down, so his face was once again level with hers. ‘It’s rude to point.’ He pushed Neve away, letting go of her hand and she stumbled backwards. ‘That wasn’t very nice,’ he said. ‘Now, you listen to me, Miss-High-and-Mighty. You may think you’ve come a long way but it’s all bullshit. You can’t escape who you really are.’

      ‘What exactly do you want from me?’ said Neve.

      ‘Nothing. Well, not yet anyway,’ said Lee, the casual innocent tone back in his voice. ‘I’m just here doing my job. Helping young people. A bit like I helped Poppy the other day.’

      ‘Stay away from her!’ Neve found herself practically growling.

      ‘You know what I’ve found since I’ve been working with kids? It’s often the parents who cause the most problems. Kids like to talk to me. They can relate to me. It’s not my job to be friends with the parents. I’m there for the kids. I told Poppy that. I told her I was her friend now. Nice kid. Pretty.’

      Neve flew at Lee, her fists clenched as she tried to pummel him. The first two connected with her target, but he was strong and grabbed her wrists. Spinning her around and pinning her up against the boathouse, his body pressed against hers.

      ‘You stay away from her,’ repeated Neve. She hoped she sounded convincing because, in truth, he scared her and what he could do to her family scared her even more. ‘If you don’t, I’ll tell them what you’re really like. I’ll report you for attempting to groom a minor. That won’t go down well in your line of work.’

      Lee laughed and threw his head back before bringing it down and bumping his forehead against Neve’s and then leaning into her. She tried to move, but the pressure of him was too great.

      Lee gave a snort and moved his head back, but still kept her arms pinned against the boathouse. ‘No, you won’t,’ he said. ‘Because if you do, then I’ll have to tell your husband a few home truths about you.’

      Neve gulped. ‘There’s nothing to tell.’

      ‘No smoke without fire. Just planting the doubt would be enough.’

      ‘Likewise. I could plant a few doubts about you with the police. And I’m not just talking about Poppy. I haven’t forgotten anything. You’ve got more to lose than me.’

      ‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’

      In one swift movement, Lee yanked both Neve’s arms above her head and held them with one hand against the planks of wood. He traced his free hand down the side of Neve’s face, along the edge of her breast, down her side and gripped the waistband of her jeans between his fingers and thumb.

      Neve considered her next move. A swift knee in the balls should do the trick. As if reading her mind, Lee moved his body to one side and then without warning, let go of her.

      He laughed out loud. ‘Oh, Neve, you should have seen your face. It was a picture. Honestly, I got you there, didn’t I?’

      ‘And you reckon you’ve grown up,’ spluttered Neve. ‘Hardly.’

      ‘Sorry. I was just messing with you,’ said Lee. He held his arms out towards her.

      ‘Piss off,’ she snapped, tucking her shirt

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