Your Chinese Horoscope 2014: What the year of the horse holds in store for you. Neil Somerville
to attend. This can be another way to achieve that all-important lifestyle balance. Metal Rats who are alone will find new interests can also be an excellent way to come into contact with others. Late March, April, June, September and December will see the most social activity. However, with the aspects as they are, any Metal Rat who is tempted to stray or take risks with a relationship could find problems occurring. Horse years tend not to be forgiving of personal lapses. Metal Rats, take note.
At work this can be a year of important developments. Although progress may be difficult, there will be the chance for many Metal Rats to develop their role, including taking on other responsibilities or adapting to new procedures and technology. With a willingness to embrace what occurs, they can find some aspects of their work particularly satisfying. Those who start the year feeling staid or disenchanted will particularly welcome the chance to take on more fulfilling duties. Securing promotion may not be easy this year, but the developments that do occur will often give the Metal Rat the chance to widen his role.
Metal Rats who are seeking work or looking to change employer will need to remain determined and persistent. With the number of vacancies often limited, these Metal Rats will need to emphasize their skills, experience and willingness to learn. Their communication skills can be very much to their advantage, however, and many will eventually secure a new and satisfying position. March, June, late August, September and November could see encouraging developments, but this is a year requiring effort and the willingness to adapt.
The Metal Rat will also need to handle his finances with care, including keeping a watch on outgoings and making early and ample allowance for obligations and more expensive plans. Financially, this is a time for discipline and the avoidance of risk. Throughout the year, if the Metal Rat has concerns over a financial matter, he should check the details and, if appropriate, obtain professional advice.
Overall, the Metal Rat will need to be thorough and careful this year and avoid acting too independently. With support, advice and good liaison with others, he will find problems can be considerably eased. He should also allow time to consider his approach rather than act in haste. But while the year will bring its pressures, the Metal Rat can still accomplish a great deal. Developing his skills and interests can be satisfying and often lead to other opportunities, especially in the following and more auspicious Goat year. The Horse year may be challenging for the Metal Rat, but its lessons can be considerable.
Tip for the Year
Be thorough and disciplined. With effort, awareness and support, you will have more chance of benefiting from the developments that will take place. Care and commitment are required this year.
The Water Rat
The Water Rat has a highly intuitive nature and is particularly adept at gauging situations and the feelings of others. This skill will stand him in good stead this year. It will be a demanding one for him, but by adapting as required, he can help both his present and future prospects.
Throughout the year it is important that the Water Rat consults others and listens to their advice. If he is considering any ideas or has any concerns, he will find that by talking these over with those around him, he can benefit from their assistance.
At work this will be a challenging year. New targets or objectives could be set and some Water Rats may have to adjust to new working procedures or new management. The demands and expectations can be high, but while this can be an exacting time and there may be some uncomfortable moments to endure along the way, the Water Rat can gain valuable skills and display his strengths. The importance of what is accomplished now should not be underestimated.
For Water Rats who are seeking work or who decide to move on from their present employer, the Horse year can be challenging. Obtaining a position will require considerable effort and it is important that the Water Rat makes the most of the support and information available, including from employment agencies, advisers and contacts. This way he may not only be alerted to more possibilities but also be advised of schemes (including training) that may help. While the competition will be considerable, by being prepared to adapt and learn, quite a few Water Rats will secure an interesting new position that they can subsequently build on. March, June, September and November could be important months for employment matters.
Financially, this is a year for discipline and control. The Water Rat should not only keep a close watch on his spending but also budget in advance for plans he has in mind. He also needs to be thorough when dealing with financial correspondence and seek advice should he have any problems or concerns. To make assumptions or take risks could be to his disadvantage. Money-wise, this is a year for care.
In view of the pressures the Water Rat is likely to face this year, it is also important that he gives some consideration to his lifestyle. This includes taking regular exercise and giving some thought to the quality of his diet as well as spending time on pursuits he enjoys. If a new activity or subject appeals to him, he should follow it up. Not only will this be of benefit now, but it can also open up possibilities for later.
The Water Rat will also value his social contacts during the year. Whether he is meeting friends or going to events that appeal to him, his social life can do him good as well as extend his circle of acquaintances. However, while a lot is set to go well, the Horse year does contain its awkward aspects and the Water Rat should be careful of saying things he may later regret or placing himself in a situation which could rebound on him. These words only apply to a minority of Water Rats, but the Horse year can bring problems for the unwary and lax. April, June, late August, September and December could see the most social activity.
The Water Rat’s domestic life will be especially busy this year and in view of the various commitments of family members, there will need to be good organization and some flexibility. Here the Water Rat’s attentiveness and ability to gauge the feelings of others will be especially appreciated. However, it is also important that household tasks and decisions are shared and that there is good co-operation between all. In addition, while family members will often be occupied with their own activities, the Water Rat should ensure that time is allowed for joint activities as well as to appreciate individual and family successes. Home life can be rewarding this year, but it does require input and mindfulness.
The Horse year is also capable of springing surprises, with travel being one. It could be that the Water Rat sees a late holiday offer that appeals to him or is invited to visit family and friends at short notice. By embracing such chances, he will find the spontaneity can make them all the more special.
Generally, the Year of the Horse will demand a lot of the Water Rat, but by rising to its challenges and being prepared to adapt and learn, he can benefit from what occurs. Throughout the year, he should liaise closely with those around him. With support and a carefully considered approach, he will get far more from the year and be able to sow seeds for later growth. In many ways this is a year of preparation for the better times that await, especially in 2015.
Tip for the Year
Seize any chances to add to your skills. By building on your experience, you will help new possibilities to open up. Your efforts can make this both a constructive and instructive time.
The Wood Rat
This year is significant for the Wood Rat. Not only does it mark the start of a new decade in his life, but a lot that he does during it can have important implications for his future. The year may not always be easy, but its lessons can prepare the Wood Rat for subsequent success.
One area of concern to many Wood Rats will be their work situation. Some may already be established in a particular career but feel they are not making the progress they would like. However, these Wood Rats should not underestimate their position and the experience they have built up. Their reputation, commitment and judgement are all valued, and as the year progresses many will find they are offered wider responsibilities and the chance of greater involvement. Although this can bring added pressure, it not only shows the faith more senior colleagues have in the Wood Rat’s abilities but will also