Cosmic Ordering in 7 Easy Steps: How to make life work for you. Carolyn Boyes
Take a look at your life as it is right now.
Your life is as it is right now because you have created it.
‘That’s not fair,’ you might reply. ‘I haven’t created my life to be like this. Of course I would like to have more money, a better relationship, a happier social life, children, a new job, but I “have to” do what I do and this is why I want and need all these things.’
It may surprise you to discover that you have always had all the means inside you to create anything in your life you want to—to create a unique expression of who you are.
The reasons we have for all the things we ‘have to’ or ‘should’ or ‘must’ do are illusions. Your present is your present. Your past is your past. Your future can be entirely different. The power to make a new future is not dependent on your circumstances; it is dependent only on your mind.
You can have what you want in the future, nomatter what is happening in your life rightnow and what has happened in the past.
Anna’s story: The case of the right apartment
I was living in a big house on the outskirts of London. My children had left home and I thought that it was time to swap all the space I no longer needed for a bijou apartment in the centre of the city.
I knew exactly what I was looking for: I visualised a flat with French windows and a large sitting room, a balcony and a roof terrace. Everybody kept saying, ‘It’s not possible. There isn’t the availability. You can’t get all those things together.’ But I kept imagining myself in a flat just like that.
After looking for a while, I found a flat that wasn’t exactly like the one I imagined, but I went for it anyway. However, after I put in the offer, the seller took it off the market. I then went on holiday, a bit fed up with the process. Going on holiday gave me the chance to recollect my thoughts and think again about what I really wanted.
While I was away, my estate agent phoned me to tell me that he had three more apartments for me to see. I came back to London and he telephoned me again, but when I heard the details I wasn’t keen to see them as they were too expensive.
Eventually, when he realised that I wasn’t interested, he told me about another apartment. He hadn’t bothered to tell me about it originally because he wouldn’t have got the same commission on it.
I went to see it, and, of course, it was my dream flat. It needed lots of work doing to it—the bathroom would need changing around totally, the pipes replacing, the floor and the paintwork would all take money to fix—but it had the French windows and the large sitting room, the balcony and a roof terrace at the back, and it was right in the centre of London.
What’s more, even though it’s a busy part of town, now I have moved in, I always get a parking space. Even when it seems impossible, someone always clears out of a space just when I am looking for one!
Deciding what you want
This series of exercises will help you develop your thinking about what you want in your life in preparation for the next step, where you will learn how to change your dreams into more specific cosmic orders.
You don’t have to do all the exercises. Choose the ones that appeal to you most. They are designed to stimulate your imagination so that you can be absolutely clear about what you really want—something that is totally personal and right for you.
One way to think about what you want is to consider how satisfied you are currently in the various areas of your life. You can divide your life up in different ways, of course, but here is a starting point for your thinking: How much joy, happiness, satisfaction and fulfilment do you have currently in each area?
How many marks out of ten would you currently give each area? Write your current score on the chart below.
Area of life Level of current satisfaction
(Give this area a mark out of ten)
Social | ___________________/10 |
Romantic relationship | ___________________/10 |
Health and fitness | ___________________/10 |
Money | ____________________/10 |
Personal development | ___________________/10 |
Family | ___________________/10 |
Career | ___________________/10 |
Spiritual growth | ___________________/10 |
Use this chart as a starting point for your thinking about what you want in your life. Notice where you would most like to see change and a higher level of satisfaction.
Select an area from the chart opposite that you have given a low mark to.
Ask yourself: ‘For this area what would I have to create to bring my score up to ten out of ten for satisfaction, joy and fulfilment?’
In the section below, write some initial thoughts about this area.
Area of life | Initial thoughts: what wouldraise my satisfaction levels toten out of ten? |
Example | |
Social life: currently not active enough for me so rated 5/10. | Going out once or twice a week in the evening. Speaking on a daily basis to at least one friend. Going dancing twice a month. Learning a new skill over the next year. |
If you like, you can now repeat this process for any other areas of your life to which you gave a low score.
What you want to be in your future is not necessarily what you believe to be in your future now. So that you can see the gap between what you want and your current reality, take a look into the future: What do you believe your future will be like from the vantage point you have right now?
Ask yourself:
What do I want to change about my future?
What would make my life far more exciting?
What would make me happier?
What would make my life more adventurous?