Collins Rhyming Dictionary. Rosalind Fergusson
reign, rein, sane, Seine, Shane, skein, slain, Spain, sprain, stain, strain, swain, ta’en, thane, thegn, train, twain, Twain, vain, vane, vein, wain, wane, Wayne, Zane, * cocaine, McCain, again, mundane, attain, pertain, obtain, contain, sustain, profane, Dunblane, Maclean, complain, arraign, Lorraine, terrain, constrain, domain, Pomagne®, McShane, unchain, campaign, champagne, abstain, arcane, Bahrain, Mark Twain, Charmaine, Great Dane, maintain, urbane, Germaine, germane, deplane, detrain, retrain, chicane, disdain, regain, detain, retain, Sinn Fein, Elaine, Spillane, emplane, explain, Igraine, ingrain, entrain, distrain, restrain, refrain, demesne, remain, inane, insane, vicereine, Cockaigne, Fonteyn, moraine, Coltrane, John Wayne, ordain, chow mein, Coleraine, romaine, Hussein, Ukraine, humane, * ratsbane, plantain, crackbrain, Gawain, airplane, pearmain, sailplane, tailplane, lamebrain, haywain, henbane, Beltane, membrane, vervain, birdbrain, fleabane, ethane, methane, seaplane, migraine, chilblain, midbrain, biplane, triplane, hindbrain, eyestrain, dogbane, octane, warplane, forebrain, propane, grosgrain, wholegrain, ptomaine, bloodstain, wolfsbane, butane, * appertain, ascertain, halothane, chatelain, chatelaine, Tamerlane, aquaplane, scatterbrain, Alamein, Aquitaine, Charlemagne, aeroplane, entertain, Cellophane®, weather vane, featherbrain, preordain, Cleo Laine, windowpane, inhumane, Michael Caine, gyroplane, hydroplane, right as rain, monoplane, foreordain, urethane, counterpane, counterstain, down the drain, Novocaine®, overlain, underlain, hurricane, Dunsinane, sugar cane, Tubal-cain, suzerain, * Citizen Kane, legerdemain, varicose vein, * polyurethane
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
7.22 caned, chained, deigned, drained, feigned, gained, pained, rained, reigned, sprained, stained, strained, trained, veined, * obtained, contained, sustained, unstained, complained, untrained, constrained, unstrained, unchained, detained, retained, ingrained, restrained, remained, ordained, close-grained, * crackbrained, harebrained, bird-brained, tear-stained, bloodstained, * ascertained, scatterbrained, entertained, self-contained, preordained, foreordained, unconstrained, unexplained, unrestrained, etc.
7.23 change, grange, mange, range, strange, * arrange, free-range, derange, estrange, exchange, long-range, short-range, short-change, * part exchange, prearrange, rearrange, disarrange, interchange, chop and change, stock exchange
do you think that i would change
my present freedom to range
for a castle or moated grange
7.24 changed, ranged, * arranged, unchanged, deranged, estranged, exchanged, * prearranged, rearranged, etc.
7.25 ain’t, faint, feint, mayn’t, paint, plaint, quaint, saint, taint, * attaint, complaint, constraint, acquaint, repaint, distraint, restraint, * greasepaint, warpaint, * self-restraint, reacquaint, overpaint, unconstraint, unrestraint
7.26 Baines, brains, chains, Danes, drains, gains, Haynes, Jane’s, Keynes, mains, pains, plains, rains, reins, Staines, stains, trains, veins, Wayne’s, * pertains, obtains, Elaine’s, remains, * chilblains, bloodstains, * afterpains, windowpanes, etc.
7.27 ape, cape, Cape, crepe, drape, gape, grape, jape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape, * agape, reshape, escape, * landscape, nametape, seascape, shipshape, misshape, moonscape, cloudscape, * masking tape, Sellotape®, ticker tape, out of shape
7.28 apes, drapes, gapes, grapes, scrapes, shapes, traipse, * reshapes, escapes, sour grapes, * jackanapes, etc.
7.29 aped, draped, gaped, raped, scraped, shaped, taped, * pear-shaped, wedge-shaped, V-shaped, U-shaped, etc.
7.30 ace, base, bass, brace, case, chase, dace, face, grace, Grace, lace, mace, Mace®, pace, place, plaice, race, space, Thrace, trace, Wace, * abase, apace, unlace, debase, encase, deface, efface, replace, displace, misplace, enlace, embrace, disgrace, retrace, grimace, outpace, outface, * fanbase, backspace, crankcase, blackface, landrace, airspace, staircase, wheyface, paleface, mainbrace, scapegrace, tailrace, workplace, birthplace, headcase, headrace, wheelbase, seedcase, briefcase, slipcase, millrace, fireplace, typecase, typeface, braaivleis, watchcase, chalkface, showcase, notecase, boldface, coalface, showplace, nutcase, Lovelace, someplace, bookcase, suitcase, shoelace, bootlace, * carapace, Samothrace, marketplace, aerospace, database, waste of space, paper chase, face-to-face, steeplechase, breathing space, interspace, interface, interlace, in-your-face, pillowcase, cyberspace, hyperspace, hiding place, wild-goose chase, contrabass, commonplace, Boniface, lower-case, poker face, outer space, upper-case, pull a face
The rabbit has a charming face
Its private life is a disgrace.
7.31 based, baste, chased, chaste, haste, laced, mayst, paced, paste, placed, raced, spaced, taste, traced, waist, waste, * unlaced, unplaced, lambaste, straight-faced, strait-laced, debased, encased, distaste, defaced, replaced, displaced, misplaced, enlaced, embraced, disgraced, posthaste, * barefaced, shamefaced, shore-based, foretaste, po-faced, toothpaste, * pantywaist, aftertaste, baby-faced, interlaced, poker-faced, cut and paste, etc.
7.32 ate, bait, bate, crate, date, eight, fate, fête, freight, gait, gate, grate, great, hate, Kate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state, straight, strait, Tate, Thwaite, trait, wait, Waite, weight
I get too hungry for dinner at eight.
I like the theatre, but never come late.
I never bother with people I hate.
That’s why the lady is a tramp.
7.33 abate, placate, truncate, update, upstate, collate, conflate, narrate, uprate, frustrate, await, pulsate, palpate, backdate, translate, castrate, stagnate, aerate, vacate, spectate, estate, gestate, fellate, third-rate, first-rate, create, predate, restate, reflate, debate, negate, sedate, dictate, misstate, elate, relate, deflate, inflate, berate, filtrate, equate, cremate, innate, fixate, blind date, dilate, gyrate, irate, vibrate, migrate, hydrate, prostrate, orate, ornate, outdate, locate, postdate, notate, rotate, prorate, donate, pupate, mutate, Kuwait, * alienate, seventy-eight, peregrinate, interrelate, oxygenate, orientate, * deteriorate, ameliorate, deoxygenate, disorientate
7.34 Ramsgate, mandate, flatmate, palmate, magnate, Margate, classmate, tartrate, jailbait, tailgate, nameplate, chainplate, faceplate, makeweight, Braithwaite, playmate, stalemate, dentate, testate, stellate, endplate, breastplate, template, checkmate, helpmate, messmate, sensate, workmate, birth rate, rebate, cheapskate, team-mate, Lydgate, Wingate, lych gate, dictate, ingrate, citrate, filtrate, shipmate, inmate, whitebait, ice-skate, Highgate, Reigate, hydrate, nitrate, titrate, flyweight, lightweight, primate, lock gate, prostate, phosphate, hotplate, prostrate, cognate, chlorate, quorate, portrait, groundbait, housemate, probate, Colgate®, tollgate, ovate, soul mate, floodgate, Vulgate, update, sulphate, substrate, bookplate, footplate, Newgate, sluicegate, schoolmate, roommate, * incarnate, intestate, insensate, apostate, inquorate, self-portrait, inchoate, * carbohydrate
7.35 masturbate, advocate, allocate, arrogate, Harrogate, abrogate, annotate, aggravate, flagellate, lacerate, macerate, saturate, adumbrate, Bassenthwaite, bantamweight, palliate, abdicate, masticate, fabricate, castigate, navigate, aggregate, abnegate, candidate, antedate, validate, palpitate, gravitate, acetate, agitate, captivate, activate, salivate, vacillate, aspirate, calibrate, magistrate, animate, Latinate, marinate, laminate, fascinate, vaccinate, machinate, paginate, transmigrate, graduate, actuate, amputate, tabulate, adulate, calculate, strangulate, granulate, * exacerbate, extrapolate, collaborate, elaborate, evaporate, exasperate, exaggerate, amalgamate, diaconate, permanganate, Italianate, retaliate, repatriate, expatriate, substantiate, emancipate, eradicate, elasticate, prevaricate, prefabricate, invalidate, decapitate, capacitate, deactivate, reactivate, inactivate,