Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming

Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle - Leah  Fleming

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told us, and here you are, love,’ Mo said, handing her a package and envelope.

      ‘And this is from me,’ Emma added as she did the same.

      Pearl felt overwhelmed, her heart lifting as she opened her cards. She blinked rapidly as she read the lovely words and, gulping, opened her packages. There was a smart wide black patent belt from Mo, and a make-up bag containing mascara, powder and lipstick from Emma. ‘They’re lovely. Thank you so much.’

      ‘Emma chose the belt,’ Mo said. ‘With winter on its way I wanted to get you a nice warm scarf.’

      ‘Leave it out, Mum. She’d rather have the belt. I’m right, ain’t I?’ Emma said, grinning widely at Pearl.

      ‘Oh, yes, it’s just what I wanted. And the make-up’s wonderful too.’

      ‘Right, let’s have some breakfast,’ Mo said, beginning to bustle around. ‘It’s my treat today so you’ll be having more than cereals, Pearl. In fact, I was thinking about our eating arrangements last night. I wondered if you’d rather pay me a bit extra each week and then I’ll do your breakfast every day. It seems daft cooking separately. What do you think?’

      ‘Yes, I’d like that.’

      ‘How about another five bob and for that I’ll do your laundry too?’

      ‘Oh, yes, please, that would be wonderful.’

      Mo chuckled. ‘I still can’t get over how well spoken and polite you are. I must admit I was a bit worried that you wouldn’t fit in at first, but in the short time you’ve been here you’ve become like part of the family.’

      ‘Yeah, it’s like having a kid sister.’ Emma reiterated. ‘It’s a shame you’re going round to Derek’s today. We could have had another trip to Petticoat Lane.’

      ‘Maybe next week,’ Pearl said, wishing that she didn’t have to see Derek. She would have preferred to spend the day with Emma, but couldn’t let Derek down again.

      ‘Well, Gran, what do you think?’ Derek asked as he placed the ring on the table. ‘I got it second-hand from the pawnshop.’

      Connie gazed at the diamond in its old-fashioned setting. ‘It’s very nice, but I still think you should wait a while. Pearl’s a nice girl, but you’ve only been courting since the end of August. She’s also very young and might not be ready to settle down.’

      ‘I think a lot of her and don’t want to lose her. If she says yes, we could wait until she’s eighteen, but at least she’ll have my ring on her finger.’

      ‘It’d be better to hold off for another year before proposing?’

      ‘No, I ain’t waiting. I’ve got the ring and I’ve made up my mind. Pearl’s the girl for me and I’m gonna propose today.’

      Connie sighed, wishing that Derek could see what was under his nose. Since moving in with Mo and her daughter, Pearl was changing. She was making friends of her own age and seeing less of Derek. She gazed worriedly at her grandson. He was going to be hurt, she could feel it in her bones, and despite liking the girl, she wished he had never met Pearl Button.

      Pearl was on her way to Derek’s when she saw Kevin Dolby walking towards her. She hurriedly crossed the road, but he crossed too, stopping in front of her and barring the path. His eyes, she saw, were full of contrition. ‘I owe you an apology, Pearl.’

      The memory of the humiliation he’d caused her on the dance floor was fresh, and her mouth tightened. ‘Leave me alone. Just go away and leave me alone.’

      ‘Look, I know I was out of order last night and I’m sorry.’

      ‘You told Emma that you’d slept with me, and you … you called me a tart.’

      ‘I know, but it’s your own fault. You shouldn’t have turned me down.’

      ‘What did you expect? You know I’m going out with Derek and shouldn’t have asked.’

      ‘Yes, but as I said before, it was me you slept with. Admit it, Pearl. You’d rather go out with me.’

      ‘I … I wouldn’t.’

      He smiled, his voice soft. ‘Why don’t you come with me for a little drive out into the country? We need to talk and can find somewhere nice and secluded.’

      ‘I’m on my way to Derek’s.’

      ‘Sod Derek.’

      ‘I can’t let him down, Kevin.’

      His whole demeanor suddenly changed, his eyes hardening. ‘I don’t see why not.’

      ‘I can’t because he’s expecting me, and not only that, his gran will have cooked dinner and—’

      ‘Sod his gran too,’ Kevin spat. ‘Now I ain’t asking you, I’m telling you. You’re coming out with me.’

      He reached out, viciously grasping her arm, and Pearl tensed. Last night she had admitted to herself that she still wanted him, still fancied him, but in this mood he was dangerous and all she felt was fear. With a quick jerk she pulled her arm out of Kevin’s grasp, her shoulders hunched as she dashed past him.

      Pearl didn’t look back and ran the rest of the way to Derek’s house. He opened the door to her knock and, seeing his huge bulk, she threw herself into his arms with relief, seeing them only as a refuge from her tangled emotions. She’d have to leave the café, it was the only way to avoid Kevin, but loving the job, her heart sank at the thought.

      ‘Are you all right, love?’ Derek asked.

      ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ she lied, forcing a smile as she stepped out of his arms.

      With Derek she was safe, his home a haven, and with him her feelings were under control.

      By three thirty they had enjoyed a delicious Sunday roast, but since she’d arrived Pearl could sense a strange atmosphere. Connie was unusually quiet, and Derek seemed on edge. She was been thrilled when Connie handed her a card and present, and though she thought it appalling, she thanked her profusely for the long, old-fashioned flannelette nightdress.

      ‘You’ll be needing that with winter coming along,’ Connie said.

      ‘Yes, I’m sure I will, and thanks again. It … it’s lovely.’

      ‘Here’s my card, Pearl. Come into the front room and I’ll give you your present.’

      There was a grunt of displeasure from Connie, and Pearl frowned, wondering what was wrong as she followed Derek out of the room.

      ‘Sit down, love,’ Derek said, his face flushed.

      Pearl sat, and at the same time Derek kneeled in front of her. With her heart beginning to thump she saw him pull a small box out of his pocket. Pearl guessed what was coming and gulped, her breath caught in her throat. He was going to propose, but now that the moment had arrived, she found herself wanting to jump up and run. Since moving in with Mo and Emma, she was enjoying life. She loved going dancing, loved being with girls close to her own age, loved the music, the excitement. If she accepted Derek’s proposal she would have to become a staid, married woman. Was she really ready for that?

      ‘Will … will you marry me?’

      Pearl’s eyes fixed on the ring. She thought about Kevin, how she was still attracted to him, but an attraction that was over-shadowed by fear. Derek, though, was offering her what, until now, she thought she wanted: a home where she would be part of a family, cherished and loved for the first time in her life. Still she hesitated, but then Derek spoke again.

      ‘I don’t expect you to marry me right away, love. I thought maybe in about a year, when you’re eighteen.’

      A year, they would wait a year, and she smiled with relief before saying, ‘Yes, all right, I’ll marry you.’


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