Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming

Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle - Leah  Fleming

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for getting another job, go ahead. You’re both sacked.’

      ‘Well, that suits me,’ Madge bristled, ‘but the least you can do it pay our wages for the time we’ve been hanging around.’

      Bernie’s voice was quiet, but there was an undertone of anger. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll get your wages, and I’m only sorry that we didn’t think about it before. But we’ve been through a lot, and as Dolly said, you took your time coming to see us.’

      ‘I’m here now, ain’t I?’

      ‘And me,’ Gertie agreed.

      ‘Yes, but only because you’re worried about money. As for you, Gertie, well, you’ve been with us for years and should have known that you’d get paid. Now come on, I’ll show you both out.’

      It was only a short time before he returned, shaking his head as he walked into the room. ‘Well, Dolly, I can understand why you sacked them, but now we’re in a right old fix. We’ll have no staff when we open up again.’

      ‘I don’t give a damn about the café. You heard them, Bernie. If those two are anything to go by, everyone around here must think that Kevin is guilty.’

      ‘Yes, love, I’m afraid they do.’

      Dolly stared at him for a moment. Then, jumping up, she fled to her bedroom.

      As the door slammed behind her, Bernie shook his head, ‘Christ, Pearl, I’ve put my foot in it again, but when is she going to face the truth?’

      ‘I don’t know, but perhaps deep down, she already has.’

      ‘I doubt that.’ He sighed heavily. ‘Dolly ain’t liked around here, and that’s her own fault, but I didn’t expect Madge and Gertie to behave like that. I should have thought to pay them until we open up again, but there was no need for that attitude. Instead of sympathy, they rubbed salt in the wound.’

      Pearl nodded her head in agreement, but in truth she wasn’t surprised. Dolly had ruled the roost, enjoying her dominance over the women, and though she’d been shocked by Gertie’s behaviour, she knew that Madge was glad to see Dolly brought low. Family or not, Madge had no love for her cousin.

      It was visiting day and Pearl sat opposite Kevin, listening as her mother-in-law monopolised the conversation as usual. Was he all right? Was he getting enough to eat? On and she went whilst Kevin sat morosely, only answering in monosyllables.

      ‘I knew that girl was lying, Kevin, and now I’ve been proved right.’

      Pearl watched the range of emotions that chased across her husband’s face, but she was seeing him clearly now, the veil lifted. Guilt was the one expression that stood out. He had nearly killed a man, raped a woman, and she was sickened. Had she ever really loved him? In truth she had never really known him. She’d fallen for his handsome face, and had chosen to ignore the side of his personality that she feared. He really was like Jekyll and Hyde. On one side, charming, but the other side, a monster.

      Kevin spoke to her now, his voice hoarse. ‘How’s my boy, Pearl?’

      ‘He’s fine.’

      With shock, Pearl saw tears forming in Kevin’s eyes. ‘Johnny will be an adult before I get out of here.’

      ‘Don’t say that,’ Dolly cried. ‘You may get off the other charges too.’

      ‘No, Mum. I’ll be going down for years.’

      ‘Oh, Kevin …’

      He ignored her, his eyes still on Pearl. ‘I’ve had a lot of time to think while I’ve been on remand, and I don’t want Johnny to see me while I’m in prison. In fact, you can stay away too.’

      Pearl couldn’t help it: she felt only a sense of relief. She had felt it her duty to visit Kevin, but now he had freed her. ‘Why don’t you want me to visit you?’

      ‘It’s obvious. As I said, I’ll be going down for a long time, and you ain’t likely to wait for me.’

      ‘Of course she will, Kevin.’

      ‘Leave it out, Mum. Ours wasn’t exactly a love match and I only married her because she was having my kid. Yes, and that was your idea too. Christ, it’s all your fault.’

      ‘My fault! How can it be my fault?’

      His look darkened. ‘I only robbed that jeweller because I wanted enough money to get away from you.’

      ‘Get away from me! But why?’

      Kevin’s voice was as hard as his expression. ‘You need to take a good look at yourself and then you’d know.’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

      ‘All right, Mum, you’ve asked for it. You’re a sick, narrow-minded bully.’


      ‘You heard me. You’ve ruled the roost, made Dad’s life a misery, and because I’ve had to watch it, mine too.’ His eyes flicked to Pearl before continuing, ‘When Pearl was unfortunate enough to marry into the family, look how you treated her, and I’m sorry to say I wasn’t much better.’

      ‘You were fine before you married her.’

      Kevin’s laugh was derisive. ‘No, Mum, you can’t blame Pearl for the way I turned out. It’s all down to you, and I’ll tell you something else, I don’t want you ruining my son.’

      ‘Kevin, how dare you talk to me like this? Of course I won’t ruin Johnny.’

      ‘Oh, I dare.’ And then his eyes turned to Pearl, his voice hissing and urgent as visiting time drew to an end. ‘My mother made sex a dirty word, and I want you to get Johnny away from her. Find somewhere else to live, and don’t come here again.’

      Pearl stared at him in confusion, but then a guard came to lead him away. Dolly reared to her feet, calling, ‘I know you don’t mean it, son. You’re under a lot of strain, that’s all. I’ll be back to see you as soon as I can.’

      ‘Don’t bother,’ he shouted, ‘and, Pearl, do as I say. Get Johnny away from her.’

      Dolly’s face was white as she turned to Pearl. ‘He’s upset, and you mustn’t take any notice of what he said.’

      ‘Please, I just want to get out of here.’

      Dolly nodded, becoming quiet, and she hardly spoke on the way home. Pearl too was deep in thought. Kevin has said some strange things. He said that Dolly was sick, that she had made sex into a dirty word. What did he mean? Had Dolly interfered with him in some way? Oh God, it was awful. He had told her to get Johnny away from his mother and, somehow, she intended to do just that.

      The following day Dolly was morose, hardly speaking and, wanting to get out of the flat, Pearl got Johnny ready, wheeling him across to Bessie’s shop. She wanted to talk to the old lady, to tell her what Kevin had said.

      ‘Hello, love,’ Bessie said as Pearl pushed the pram inside, her head cocking to one side. ‘What’s up?’

      Pearl took a seat by the counter. ‘It’s Kevin. I had a bit of a shock when we went to see him.’ She went on to tell Bessie what had happened, finally saying, ‘He told me to move out, to get Johnny away from Dolly.’

      ‘Well, love, I must admit I don’t like the sound of it. Are you going to take his advice?’

      ‘Yes, of course I am, and I want to move out as soon as possible.’

      ‘Can’t say I blame you, but before we work out what you’re going to do, I must tell you about another vision.’

      ‘Was it about Kevin again?’

      ‘No, this time it was about you.’

      ‘Me! What did you see?’

      Bessie’s forehead

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