The Times Quiz Book: 4000 challenging general knowledge questions. Olav Bjortomt

The Times Quiz Book: 4000 challenging general knowledge questions - Olav  Bjortomt

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Which bone derives its name from the Latin for ‘little key’?

      7 Beatrice Portinari was the muse of which Italian poet?

      8 Which Dane published his theory of the orbital behaviour of electrons in 1912?

      9 The dentist Alfred P. Southwick was inspired to invent which chair in 1881?

      10 Located near St Petersburg, what is the largest lake in Europe?

      11 Which 2011 comedy film centres on the run-up to Lillian Donovan’s wedding day?

      12 The Scotsman, Thomas Sutherland, founded which banking corporation in 1865?

      13 Inspired by the Sanremo Festival, Marcel Bezençon conceived which event in 1955?

      14 Which protrusion is also known as the laryngeal prominence?

      15 Which substance, named from the Latin for ‘cheese’, makes up about 80 per cent of the proteins in cow milk?

      16 Butch McGuire’s bar in Chicago claims to have added which flavoured stirrer to the Bloody Mary cocktail?

      17 Winston Churchill observed that which sport is “the best passport in the world”?

      18 Which England cricketer was Muttiah Muralitharan’s record 709th Test wicket?

      19 In 1985, what became the first side in European football to have won all three major UEFA club competitions?

      20 Who is the pictured conductor?

      Helga Esteb /

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      1 Which Georges Seurat painting features 48 people, 8 boats, 3 dogs and 1 monkey?

      2 In Edwin Landseer’s 1839 painting, who are Dignity and Impudence?

      3 Gerhard Richter’s 15-painting October 18, 1977 cycle portrays which group?

      4 Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin designed which $120m Washington, DC memorial?

      5 War Horse and Walking Madonna are sculptures by which Dame, who died in 1993?

      6 Which US artist was born Emmanuel Radnitzky in 1890?

      7 Which artist married Saskia van Uylenburg in 1634?

      8 What is the name of Turner Prize-winning potter Grayson Perry’s female alter-ego?

      9 David Mach crafted his gorilla sculpture, Silver Streak, from which everyday objects?

      10 Daniel Day-Lewis played which Irish painter and writer in the film My Left Foot?

      11 Which Flemish painter’s Portinari Altarpiece is in the Uffizi?

      12 The English graphic artist Donald McGill (1875–1962) famously designed which items?

      13 Which two artists shared the Yellow House, Arles, for nine torrid weeks in 1888?

      14 Who “started painting in blue” when he learned of Carlos Casagemas’ suicide?

      15 Blam (1962) and As I Opened Fire (1964) are paintings by which Pop artist?

      16 Which art movement was called Jugendstil in German?

      17 In 1993, which sculptor became the first female winner of the Turner Prize?

      18 Who wrote the hoax biography Nat Tate: An American Artist 1928–1960?

      19 Which US painter married the photographer Alfred Stieglitz in 1924?

      20 Which American artist created the pictured piece?

      shalunts /

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      1 Which painter killed Ranuccio Tomassoni in a brawl following a tennis game?

      2 On hearing Handel’s ‘Hallelujah Chorus’, who reputedly said: “He is the master of us all”?

      3 Let Them Talk was which British actor’s debut blues album?

      4 A deipnosophist excels in conversations that take place where?

      5 The architect Frank Matcham (1854–1920) famously designed which buildings?

      6 Who wrote the 1963 report “The Reshaping of British Railways”?

      7 Which soap opera is Godfrey Baseley’s most famous creation?

      8 Brunei is entirely surrounded by which Malaysian state?

      9 Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th man to hold which title?

      10 Who did Hartley Booth succeed as MP for Finchley in 1992?

      11 Who was US President when the British set fire to the White House in the War of 1812?

      12 Which 1984 novel centres on Soviet submarine commander Marko Ramius?

      13 What was the nickname of the metal-eating French entertainer Michel Lotito?

      14 Dating back to 2000 BC, the Swastika Stone sits on the edge of which Yorkshire moor?

      15 Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier was the first person to be executed using which device?

      16 Mae Questel last voiced Betty Boop in which 1988 film?

      17 Newstead Abbey was the ancestral home of which poet, who died in 1824?

      18 What is the smallest metropolitan area in the US to host a major professional sports franchise?

      19 Which Irish jockey won the 1986 Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe on Dancing Brave?

      20 Name the pictured music group –


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