Emotional Healing in Minutes: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions. Paul Lynch
speak out and say how I feel I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I have this deep sadness I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I am nervous about this interview I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I am terrified that I will make a fool of myself I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I have this hot stabbing pain in my back I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I have a knot in my stomach I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I feel totally confused I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I feel depressed I deeply and completely accept myself.’
‘Even though I feel lonely I deeply and completely accept myself.’
There are a number of reasons why this form of affirmation is used. Firstly, it promotes acceptance of the problem and of yourself. Secondly, it overrides any part of you that does not want to change or that has a hidden agenda to keep you as you are. This is known as ‘Psychological Reversal’ and we will look at this in more depth later in Chapter 7.
At first you may find it difficult or uncomfortable to say ‘I deeply and completely accept myself’, but it is not necessary to believe the affirmation. Its function is to neutralize any reversal of energy flow throughout the meridians. All you need to do is to say it with conviction to achieve the desired result.
The statement is best said aloud if possible, the more emphatically the better, but in social gatherings you can say it silently to yourself.
Step 3 – Score Chart
Now give your issue a score from one to ten relating to its intensity, ten being the highest intensity. This will enable you to check if your problem is resolving after the first round. This is a good way to record your progress and map the results you are achieving. A deeply ingrained phobia may be described as an intense ‘ten out of ten’ reaction. A mild irritation may only score a three or four. As you work with EFT, the level of emotional discomfort declines, ultimately falling to a very low number or total zero. There is a chart you can use to record your scores on page 65.
Step 4 – Affirmation Link-up
To give more energy to the affirmation one of two procedures need to be performed. Experiment with both and choose which you prefer.
1 – Locating the Tender Point/s
Place both hands on your upper chest just below your collarbone. Focusing on your problem, find a tender or sore area in this location. Lymphatic congestion often occurs in this part of our body and by stimulating the lymph nodes you help clear the energy system. Gently rub the sore spots in a circular motion while repeating your affirmation aloud three times. If for any reason you cannot use this area, apply the karate chop procedure.
Figure 2 - The Tender Points
2 – Karate Chop Point
The karate chop points are located on the side of each hand, roughly an inch below the little finger. Gently tap either point with the fingertips for as long as it takes you to repeat your affirmation aloud three times.
Figure 3 - The Karate Chop Point
That concludes ‘The Set-up’. Once memorized it should take a little under a minute to perform. Next, we go on to perform the tapping sequence.
This part of the EFT procedure is where the energetic disruption from the body is cleared. It begins with a ‘Reminder Phrase’ and then proceeds to clearing the energy circuit. Essentially, you will be tapping major meridian points chosen for their accessibility and ease of application.
Step 5 – Reminder Phrase
A short reminder phase is used to keep your attention focused on the problem and to avoid distraction. It is said every time you tap a meridian point.
‘This stabbing pain’
‘This nervous feeling’
‘This sadness’
‘This fear of failure’
‘This anger’
‘This lonely feeling’
Step 6 – Tapping Points
Using two fingers, gently tap each point in sequence approximately seven times, while repeating your reminder phase. Each point is below the next and this should make the sequence easier to remember. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the tapping positions. Each site is located on an acupressure point and may feel slightly more sensitive than the surrounding area. Trace your fingers through the routine until you feel totally confident with the order in which they appear.
Figure 4 - The EFT Tapping Positions Th = Thumb, IF = Index Finger, MF = Middle Finger, LF = Little Finger, KC = karate Chop, The Gamut = Back of Hand, UA = Underarm
You can tap with either hand on either side of the body and you can even switch halfway through if you like. Using two fingertips ensures that you locate the right vicinity. Tap firmly enough to propel energy through the meridian point, but not too hard to cause bruising. Each point is tapped approximately seven times, this can be as long as it takes you to breathe in and out, or say the reminder phrase three times.
Meridian | EFT Tapping Point |
Bladder | Beginning of Eyebrow (EB) |
Gallbladder | Side of Eye (SE) |
Stomach | Under Eye (UE) |
Governing Vessel | Under the Nose (UN) |
Conception Vessel | Chin (Ch) |
Kidney | Collarbone (Cb) |
Spleen | Underarm (Ua) |
Lung | Thumb (Th) |
Large Intestine | Index Finger (IF) |
Circulation/Sex | Middle Finger (MF) |
Heart | Little Finger (LF) |
Small Intestine | Side of Hand (KC) |
Triple Warmer | Back of Hand (Gamut) |