Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations. Charles Harvey
mind; endurance; realism and practical skills; ability to call a spade a spade, and to bring a sense of order, stability, certainty and security to your world.
Your Greatest Weaknesses
Lack of contact with your own anger which can erupt directly or indirectly as passionate hatred; possessiveness; lack of imagination; rigidity and stubbornness; intolerance of those with whom you disagree.
Images for Integration
A successful baker is surrounded by delighted children eating fresh bread rolls … A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute.
Famous Personalities
Irving Berlin (composer), Angela Carter (writer), Stewart Granger (actor), Jack Klugman (actor), Joanna Lumley (actress), Karl Marx (social scientist), Rollo May (psychologist), Florence Nightingale (pioneer nurse), Henri Poincaré (mathematician and philosopher), Tyrone Power (actor), Jane Roberts (author of Seth books), Tim Roth (actor), Toyah Wilcox (rock star).
MOON GEMINIWhere id is let ego be.
The trouble is that my heart would not willingly remain one hour without love.
EARTH/AIR Mind v. body; quick-slow, quick-slow; clear, practical intelligence; dogmatic yet flippant; good business sense; charming; witty; persuasive; opportunist.
Are you a quick, streetwise, light-hearted city slicker or a slow country soul tuned into the rhythms of nature and the serious business of survival? Are you a flippant, easy-come-easy-go flirt or an ardent, possessive lover, loyal to the last? Often torn between mind and body, half the time you can be a stanger to yourself. At one moment you are taking ultra-conservative decisions that restrain your light-hearted love of free-flowing freedom; and at another you are acting on spontaneous, flip, fun-loving impulses which challenge your hard-won security and desire for certainty and stability.
When you can contain these two aspects of yourself and get them talking to one another, you can realize your gift for understanding the natural world and for conveying an inner understanding of things. Yours is a combination of the earthy sensual and the breezy intellectual approaches to life. This can give you an enormous practical intelligence and a great gift for vivid, direct communication – the kind that is invaluable not only to teachers and scientists but also to writers, artists and businesspeople. Your creative genius flowers when these two sides – solid realism and light brightness – are kept in balance. Then you can become both prolific and practical in your projects, always willing to entertain a new idea and put it to work.
If you give precedence to your body and your desire for control and certainty in your life, you can end up denying the playful child in you who breathes life into your feet of clay and puts a spring in your otherwise ponderous gait. If you emphasize the mind at the expense of the body, you can end up attempting to rationalize the sensual life out of existence. Taken too far, this can divorce you from your own sensuality and appetites and cut you off from the direct experience of life as a living reality. When you work with both sides of yourself it can produce the delightful free-flowing movements of a Fred Astaire dance or the delightful zest and irreverant fun of the music of Sullivan’s operettas with Gilbert.
Your gift for practical communication makes you a natural teacher, but you will flourish equally in any kind of work or business connected with the media, publishing, negotiations and sales. You have an enviable gift for both understanding the real value of things and for being able to express it. This makes you a natural fund-manager or fundraiser, with a gift for promoting your own or your company’s best long-term interests.
Although you would like to be the strong, silent type and want to be able to brood on things, you are an impulsive talker, needing to communicate your experiences. In consequence, you can be an extremely witty yet penetrating conversationalist, though perhaps rather given to laying down the law and wanting the last word. You have a strong will but an ability to hide your natural determination behind a flexible exterior and your natural gift of the gab. Since your approach to life is strongly practical and you want to see results from your activities, you quickly learn that you can get your own way best through a light touch and a willingness to be flexible rather than from confronting others.
If you do not acknowledge your tendency to blow hot and cold, your relationships can be a constant souce of perplexity to yourself and all concerned. You are not an emotional type; indeed you can seem quite dry, unflappable and detached, whilst at heart you are a passionate sensualist. This can lead you to play the field – a butterfly flitting from flower to flower, seeking ever new sensual delights – unwilling to commit yourself, yet becoming ever more deeply dissatisfied as your need for permanence and possession of your loved ones asserts itself. You bring both playfulness and common sense into a relationship. Just remember that a ‘logical’ emotional relationship does not exist. A perfect match would bore you anyway.
Your Greatest Strengths
Practical intelligence; fine reasoning abilities; ability to translate sensual experience into words and far-reaching ideas; sheer capacity for being effectively busy and for talking others round to your point of view.
Your Greatest Weaknesses
Tendency to become dry as dust, reducing life’s pleasures to matter-of-fact ideas; inclination to argue your way through life with bullying bombast; lack of sympathy for the emotional needs of others (and yourself) and for the loftier aspirations of the human spirit.
Images for Integration
A sculptor carves the figure of a dancer … A wealthy publisher launches another new project … A restaurateur earns a reputation for delicious soufflés and meringues … A scientist brilliantly discourses on the mysteries of nature.
Famous Personalities
Fred Astaire (dancer), George Carlin (stand-up comedian), Catherine the Great (Empress of Russia), Teilhard de Chardin (philosopher and mystic), Sigmund Freud (psychologist), Edward Lear (author of nonsense verse), Lyle Lovett (country singer), Eric Morecambe (comedian), Robert Peary (explorer), David O. Selznik (film producer), Shirley Temple (actress).
MOON CANCERThe Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
You can’t tell people they must consume less when their children are hungry. We, the fortunate people, must consume less so they can consume more.
EARTH/WATER Sensitive and determined, or easily hurt and obstinate; caring; nourishing; resourceful; the world is my family; likes to be thought well of; fertile; creative; imaginative; sensual; romantic; enduring loyalty; tenacious.
Whether you are male or female, and whatever