Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Collection: The Schemer, The Trap, Payback. Kimberley Chambers

Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Collection: The Schemer, The Trap, Payback - Kimberley  Chambers

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but Stephanie knew that that would cause problems with her sister. Stephanie sighed as she flicked through the pages of the magazine and came face to face with the famous actor, Matt Dillon. His cheeky smile, dark brown eyes and thick dark hair had always reminded her so much of Barry. Steph threw the magazine onto the table and fingered the jagged piece of gold heart around her neck. ‘Why did you have to go away, Barry? Why?’ she whispered.

      Angela Crouch felt sore and woozy as she put her feet to the floor. ‘I don’t think I can stand up yet,’ she mumbled, as she clung to the nurse for support.

      ‘Perhaps you should rest for another hour or so. Your sister is waiting outside. Shall I bring her in?’

      Feeling dreadfully sorry for herself, Angela nodded. Because they had broken up from school for their Christmas holidays, she and Stephanie weren’t expected home until ten o’clock – there was plenty of time until their curfew reared its ugly head.

      ‘Are you OK? You look ever so pale,’ Stephanie remarked, as she sat beside her sister’s bed and squeezed her clammy hand.

      ‘I just feel really sore and wobbly. I feel a bit sick an’ all. Say Mum notices I’m ill? What we gonna say to her?’

      ‘I was gonna suggest you say you’d fallen over or something, especially if you’re walking a bit funny, but I’m afraid Mum might drag you straight up the hospital, and then all hell will break loose. I think you’re best to say you’ve got really bad period pains and you need to lie down. At least you can play on that for a few days. The nurse told me that you might be bleeding down below for a week or two, so we must stock up on sanitary towels.’

      With tears in her eyes, Angela forced a smile. ‘Thanks for everything, Steph.’

      Leaning forward, Stephanie kissed Angela on the forehead. ‘That’s what sisters are for.’

      Pam and Cathy were watching their regular Wednesday night fix of Coronation Street when the girls arrived home.

      ‘There’s pies and pasties in the fridge if you want to warm them up. I didn’t do you a dinner ’cause you said you were having saveloy and chips,’ Pam shouted out, unable to take her eyes off the screen. Mike Baldwin was her and Cathy’s favourite character and they were always chatting about his latest antics.

      ‘Look, he’s gonna kiss her now,’ Cathy exclaimed, excitedly.

      ‘He’s such a bastard, but a good-looking one, eh, mate?’ Pam chuckled.

      Stephanie helped her sister up the stairs, then ran back down and poked her head around the living-room door. ‘Angie’s got bad period pains, so I’m gonna heat a couple of pasties up and we’ll eat ’em upstairs.’

      Tearing her eyes away from Mike Baldwin, Pam eyed her eldest daughter suspiciously. It was totally unheard-of for her two daughters to go out together for the day, especially for ten bloody hours. ‘Where you two been all day?’

      ‘Christmas shopping in Romford.’

      ‘Show us what you bought then?

      ‘I can’t. We got your presents and you can’t see ’em till Christmas day,’ Stephanie lied.

      Pam gave her daughter an evil glare. Unlike Angela, who had the art of lying off to a tee, Stephanie had never been very good at it. ‘Go on then, warm your pasties up and get your arse upstairs. I know you’re lying, by the way, and if I find out that you and Miss Period Pains have been up to any mischief, I shall ground the pair of you, for good.’


      Christmas came and went in its usual dreary Crouch fashion. Steph found being stuck indoors with nothing to do other than eat incredibly boring, and even though her mum had let her and Angela have a small glass of Liebfraumilch with their Christmas dinner this year, the only real highlight for Steph had been watching the hour-long edition of Top of the Pops. Her festive spirit had also been dampened more than usual because she was still at loggerheads with Barry. They’d had another massive argument on the phone on Christmas morning which had ended with Barry cutting her off in temper.

      Angela had now recovered from the trauma of having an abortion. She had been very weak for the first few days afterwards, but Stephanie had helped her pull the wool over their mother’s eyes and Angela now had a spring in her step once again.

      ‘I’m so excited. I’ve never been to a New Year’s Eve party before,’ Angela said, while carefully applying her mascara.

      ‘Will Jason’s parents be there?’ Steph asked, aware that it was Jason’s aunt’s party that her sister was attending.

      ‘Yeah. I ain’t met ’em yet, but Jason has told me to pretend I’m a Catholic if they ask. He said they might not like me otherwise. Jase reckons the party might be shit and he says if it is, me and him can sneak off somewhere else. Where you going tonight? You seeing Tam?’

      ‘Yeah, dunno what we’re doing yet though. We’ll probably just get some drink and sit over the park,’ Stephanie lied. She was actually going to a disco in the Church Elm pub and was really excited about it. She didn’t want to tell Angela, though, because Jacko was going with them and Steph knew that if she told her sister, it would only cause problems. They’d been getting along quite well lately and Stephanie didn’t want to do or say anything that might rock the boat.

      Angela stood up. ‘I’m gonna shoot now. Happy New Year for later, sis.’

      Stephanie grinned. ‘Yep. You too.’

      Wayne Jackman felt a million dollars as he stood outside the Church Elm pub with a cigarette in his hand. His nan and grandad had given him a hundred and fifty pounds for Christmas and he’d blown virtually the whole lot on clothes. Being a casual meant keeping up appearances and Wayne always took pride in himself.

      ‘Wow, you look well cool,’ Stephanie said, as she and Tammy approached Wayne arm in arm.

      ‘Don’t tell me, let me guess. Your trousers are Farahs, the jacket’s Lyle and Scott and that’s a Burberry scarf. Am I right?’ Tammy asked, trying to remember what motif was what.

      Wayne laughed. ‘Nearly. The scarf is Aquascutum, but you’re getting there. So, we ready to party or what? Me mate’s coming as well, but he can’t get here till half eight.’

      ‘What mate? You ain’t invited Potter or Cooksie, have ya?’ Stephanie asked, abruptly.

      ‘No! I hardly see them mugs any more. Danno’s coming. You know, Danny MacKenzie.’

      ‘Ain’t he the one whose party you was at when you found out my sister’s real age?’ Steph asked.

      ‘Yeah, but that don’t matter, does it? Danno’s cousin, Tanya, is the same year as your sister.’

      ‘Yeah, I know. My sister can’t fucking stand her, Jacko.’

      Wayne giggled and put an arm around Stephanie’s tense shoulders. ‘Calm down, girl.’

      By the time Danny MacKenzie arrived, Stephanie and Tammy were both well on their way to being sozzled. Danny was of medium height, had very broad shoulders, dark auburn hair, a few freckles on his nose and an extremely cheeky grin.

      ‘What can I get you to drink, ladies?’ he asked, fixing his gaze on Tammy.

      ‘They’ll have two ciders, but get ’em pints, ’cause it’s rammed up that bar and you can’t get served. Actually, let’s get two rounds in. I’ll come up there with you,’ Wayne replied.

      Stephanie waited until the lads were out of earshot, then turned to Tammy. ‘He fancies you, that Danno.’

      ‘No he don’t! He doesn’t even know me.’

      ‘Well, he wants to know you. I could tell by the way he was staring at you,’ Steph replied, giggling.

      Tammy punched her friend

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