Len Deighton’s French Cooking for Men: 50 Classic Cookstrips for Today’s Action Men. Len Deighton

Len Deighton’s French Cooking for Men: 50 Classic Cookstrips for Today’s Action Men - Len  Deighton

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13 Sauce Hollandaise Sauce Béarnaise

       14 Mayonnaise

       15 Vinaigrette

       16 Omelette

       17 Pâte Brisée

       18 Crème Pâtissière

       19 Gratins

       20 The Soufflé

       21 Choux Pastry

       22 Quenelles

       23 Savoury Mousse

       24 Eggs

       25 Crêpes

       26 Croquettes

       27 Chou Farci aux Tomates

       28 Fromage de Porc

       29 Meunière

       30 Mackerel in Papillotes

       31 Farce

       32 Poach

       33 Chicken

       34 Rôti de Porc aux Navets

       35 Sauté

       36 Fricassée

       37 Braiser

       38 A Daube

       39 Steak

       40 Bifteck Haché

       41 Stuffed Meat

       42 Blanching & Refreshing

       43 Braising Veg.

       44 Tomates & Oignons Farcis

       45 Mushrooms

       46 Potato

       47 Sweet Sauces

       48 Bavaroise & Charlotte Russe

       49 Bombes

       50 Syrup

      My brief for the cover design of French Cooking for Men was to include one of Len Deighton’s landmark cookstrips, an essential ingredient of the book and something that would give a flavour of the delights to be sampled within. We also felt that the addition of the red, white and blue of the French tricolour gave the cover a certain je ne sais quoi.

      We chose the ‘Potato’ cookstrip for the cover as it seemed to capture the very essence of this book’s friendly and approachable method of instruction. What better example could there be of transforming the mundane into a culinary marvel by way of some simple French magic?

      Taking a lead from the author I sought after an illustration of a group of chefs that would reflect the book’s slightly playful title. After considerable research I came across this vintage photograph of a large group of Continental chefs that seemed to fit the bill perfectly. They looked impressive, conveying a sense of professionalism, yet at the same time charmingly ridiculous. However, I was troubled by the inclusion of the central figure of a civilian in the picture, until I came up with the cheeky idea of transforming his features for that of this book’s author!

       Arnold Schwartzman OBE RDI

      My mother – who was once a professional cook – encouraged me to help her in the kitchen from the time when I was very small. To her I owe everything. We encouraged our own sons in the same way.

      During six years studying art I spent most of my vacation time working in the kitchens of good restaurants. I’ve never ceased to be interested in cooking, and in the skill that contributes to the success of a great French restaurant, which does not always mean a restaurant in France.

      The importance of French cookery is not only due to the taste, texture and appearance of the resulting dishes, but also to the systematic way in which generations of cooks have ordered and classified their knowledge.

      This book is not a recipe book, it’s a carefully planned course that has taught many men and women to cook in the French style. If you work your way through this book, you will be qualified to cook for a good traditional country restaurant in France. Or to start one! The first half of the book consists of lessons in theory, from choosing a saucepan and a cheese to pronouncing and translating a French menu. The second half of the book contains fifty practical cooking lessons in easy to follow cookstrip form. Each lesson illustrates a technique, a process or a category of dish. Most recipes have been chosen because they also provide the cook with dozens – in some cases hundreds – of variations, for instance soufflé, crêpes and mousse.

      This is not a ‘creative cookery’ course; there are no concoctions of mine here. This book is the result of years of watching, and talking with, fine chefs and trying out their recipes. Here I have explained them as simply as possible. In order to fit a complete course of cookery into one slim volume I have assumed that you are intelligent and interested in cooking. No more

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