An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side. Joan Charles

An Angel Walked Beside Me: Amazing stories of children who touch the other side - Joan  Charles

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and ‘what will be will be’. I believe that we choose our parents for a reason. I know that I chose my parents, siblings and even friends to allow me to develop my gifts. Sometimes those choices will bring bad things to us, but we need to come through a learning curve. Once we are on the Earth plane we have free will and can adapt those choices as we learn.

      Joanne’s blue-eyed girl

      When Joanne came to me for a reading, she had been having a lot of emotional issues with her family. Her mother had died and her brother was very unwell with stress, and on top of this she desperately wanted a child. It was the first thing which struck me about her, and the first thing I brought up, as it was clearly so important to her.

      ‘You really want a baby, don’t you?’

      She nodded and the tears welled up in her eyes immediately.

      ‘I can see that you’ve been trying for a while now, but had no luck.’ Actually, I could see that it was becoming an obsession with her. I also knew that it was nothing to do with luck; babies come when they are needed and when the soul you require in your life is ready to be with you, but I had to be sensitive about what I said.

      ‘It’s all I think about,’ she confided. ‘I can’t help it. I spend all my time wondering why I’m not pregnant, or dreaming of holding my own child. I look at baby clothes, plan the nursery, think of names. I chart my menstrual cycle, work out the best times to try, eat healthy things, do all I can – but nothing. I fear it’s never going to happen,’ she wept. ‘I fear I’m never going to be a mum.’

      I could see that Joanne was perfectly healthy. She hadn’t lost babies, she hadn’t miscarried. I knew exactly what was happening, but I also knew that what I was about to say would frighten some people.

      I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. ‘Everything will be fine,’ I told her. ‘I need you to listen to me and I need you to believe this: your baby is there. Your baby is waiting for you and, when the time is right, your baby will come.’

      ‘Can you see it?’ she asked. ‘Can you see my baby?’

      ‘Yes, I can. There’s a little girl waiting to arrive, but she won’t come until the time is right – and the time is not right at the moment. She has the most striking blue eyes; they’re piercing and will take your breath away when you see them. This is important: when she arrives, she will be a very particular sort of child. She will know when things are going to happen. People will say she’s an “old soul” or that she has an “old head on young shoulders”, and they’ll be right. Your daughter will be born wise. You’ll see.’

      ‘Really?’ she asked. ‘You can see all of that?’

      ‘As clear as day. But there’s something else. There’s a reason your girl isn’t here yet. The timing has to be perfect. This baby who is waiting for you to become her mother is actually your spirit guide so she has another purpose at the moment.’

      Joanne looked puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’

      I explained that a spirit guide is someone who guides us in life. It is often someone we know who has passed over, but not necessarily, and your guide can change at different points in your life depending on your needs. I continued: ‘You are going through so much emotional trauma that you need your baby’s energy as support. The loss of your mother and the worry about your brother are such a heavy load to carry that she knows you wouldn’t be up to a pregnancy as well. She needs you to be in a much better place before she arrives. As soon as you stop worrying, you will conceive. Your baby is with you already, helping you. Let nature take its course and she will be here with you on this plane before you know it.’

      It was as if a cloud had lifted from over Joanne. Her face changed. She looked bright and alive, a million miles away from the way she had been when she arrived.

      Almost two years later I was walking in my local high street one Saturday when who should I bump into but Joanne and her brother – and Joanne was pushing a pram. Inside, fast asleep, was a gorgeous little girl of just under a year. She opened her eyes as I peeked at her and I saw they were a startling azure blue. I felt as if she was looking into my soul. I also felt as if I knew her.

      Joanne said that she felt the same way. ‘I don’t feel as though she’s only been with me for ten months,’ she said. ‘I feel as if she knows everything about me and that we’ve met before.’

      I laughed. ‘That’s exactly the case! She has been here before and she has known you forever.’

      She was glowing as she walked away – and I was excited too because I know I am going to hear a lot more about that child over the years.

      Babies in waiting

      There have been many instances over the years when I’ve predicted a pregnancy or twin babies – too many to mention, as that is such an important part of many women’s lives. Women in their fertile years often come for readings simply because they feel more in tune with their spirituality. It is the child that I sense; there is a feeling of waiting energy or an energy that is already present. Sometimes I’ve known that a woman is pregnant before she knew it herself, because the energy of the baby is already there.

      Once I was getting ready to do a reading at a young woman’s house when I noticed a little ornament in the corner. It was a man and woman embracing, but the centre was open and I immediately knew, by glancing at it, that she was going to have a baby. As usual, I had to be careful about broaching the subject so I asked a general question: ‘Are you broody?’ When she said that she was, I told her that she wouldn’t have long to wait!

      Sometimes when a person is in a new relationship there’s a different energy about them; their aura changes colour. Auras also change colour when a woman is pregnant because there is an energy that shines through them. Sometimes this can be confusing for mediums, and we need to take our time to work out whether it is one thing or the other. When a baby is actually there, no matter how soon after conception, there is an excitement about the woman’s aura, a real feeling that this is happening.

      Children who are in tune with their psychic talents are likely to pick up on babies-in-waiting. One woman I read for told me that her five-year-old son had come in from school with a beautiful card, which he had made for her. On the card was an angel. She told him it was lovely and asked what it was for.

      ‘It’s to welcome the new baby,’ he told her.

      ‘I’m not having a baby!’ she answered.

      ‘Yes, you are,’ he said. ‘There’s a baby in your tummy.’

      The mum just put it down to wishful thinking, but he continued: ‘It’s my birthday present – you’ll have the baby for my birthday.’

      She tried to put it out of her mind, but it niggled at her for a few days until she gave in and bought a pregnancy testing kit. The test was positive – and at her first antenatal appointment the obstetrician confirmed that the baby was indeed due on her first son’s birthday. That little boy had been showing quite a few signs of psychic awareness, but this was something so concrete that everyone was amazed.

      My own family

      As a mum and a granny myself, I’ve had plenty of experience of pregnancies and babies. When my own four children were born, I was still young and didn’t have the confidence in my abilities that I have now so I was never able to see anything very clearly, but with the pregnancies of one of my daughters I really had to hold my tongue so that I didn’t let the cat out of the bag. When my daughter Dannielle was expecting her first wee one, I knew from the outset that she was having a little girl – I could see her waiting. Dannielle, on the other hand, was certain that she was going to have a boy. I told her that a scan was a waste of time as she had a mother who could see just as well as any machine. Nevertheless she went ahead and there was no surprise for me when she called to say that my first granddaughter was on her way. It happened in her next pregnancy as well, when I told her she was having a boy; she still thought she was having a girl until she found out that once again I knew best.

      I try

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