From the Dust Returned. Рэй Брэдбери

From the Dust Returned - Рэй Брэдбери

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downstairs amidst heartbeats and bombardments of sounds as if he fell through an immense birdcage where were locked an aviary of midnight creatures all wing hastening to arrive but ready to leave until at last with a great roar and a concussion of thunder where there had been no lightning the last storm cloud shut like a lid upon the moonlit roof, the windows, one by one, crashed shut, the doors slammed, the sky was cleared, the roads empty.

      And Timothy amidst it all, stunned, gave a great shout of delight.

      At which a thousand shadows turned. Two thousand Beast eyes burned yellow, green, and sulfurous gold.

      And in the roundabout centrifuge, Timothy with mindless joy was hurled by the whirl and spin to be flung against a wall and held fast by the concussion, where, motionless, forlorn, he could only watch the carousel of shapes and sizes of mist and fog and smoke faces and legs with hooves that, jounced, struck sparks as someone peeled him off the wall in jolts! “Well, you must be Timothy! Yes, yes! Hands too warm. Face and cheeks too hot. Brow perspiring. Haven’t perspired in years. What’s this?” A snarled and hairy fist pummeled Timothy’s chest. “Is that a small heart? Hammering like an anvil? Yes?”

      A bearded face scowled down at him.

      “Yes,” said Timothy.

      “Poor lad, none of that now, we’ll soon stop it!”

      And to roars of laughter the chilly hand and the cold moon face lurched away in the roundabout dance.

      “That,” said Mother, suddenly near, “was your Uncle Jason.”

      “I don’t like him,” whispered Timothy.

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