The Secret Life of the Mind: How Our Brain Thinks, Feels and Decides. Mariano Sigman

The Secret Life of the Mind: How Our Brain Thinks, Feels and Decides - Mariano  Sigman

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permanence: in order to find the object there must be a reasoning that goes beyond what is on the surface of the senses. The object did not disappear. It is merely hidden. A baby that is to be able to comprehend this must have a view of the world in which things do not cease to exist when we no longer see them. That, of course, is abstract.fn3

      The second part of the experiment begins in exactly the same way. The same ten-month-old baby is shown an object, which is then covered up by napkin ‘A’. But then, and before the baby does anything, the person running the experiment moves the object to underneath the other napkin (called ‘B’), making sure that the baby sees the switch. And here is where it gets weird: the baby lifts the napkin where it was first hidden, as if not having observed the switch just made in plain sight.

      This error is ubiquitous. It happens in every culture, almost unfailingly, in babies about ten months of age. The experiment is striking and precise, and shows fundamental traits of our way of thinking. But Piaget’s conclusion, that babies of this age still do not fully understand the abstract idea of object permanence, is erroneous.

      When revisiting the experiment, decades later, the more plausible – and much more interesting – interpretation is that babies know the object has moved but cannot use that information. They have, as happens in a state of drunkenness, a very shaky control of their actions. More precisely, ten-month-old babies have not yet developed a system of inhibitory control, which is to say, the ability to prevent themselves doing something they had already planned to do. In fact, this example turns out to be the rule. We will see in the next section how certain aspects of thought that seem sophisticated and elaborated – morality or mathematics, for example – are already sketched from the day we are born. On the other hand, others that seem much more rudimentary, like halting a decision, mature gradually and steadily. To understand how we came to know this, we need to take a closer look at the executive system, or the brain’s ‘control tower’, which is formed by an extensive neural network distributed in the prefrontal cortex that matures slowly during childhood.

      The network in the frontal cortex that organizes the executive system defines us as social beings. Let’s give a small example. When we grab a hot plate, the natural reflex would be to drop it immediately. But an adult, generally, will inhibit that reflex while quickly evaluating if there is a nearby place to set it down and avoid breaking the plate.

      The executive system governs, controls and administers all these processes. It establishes plans, resolves conflicts, manages our attention focus, and inhibits some reflexes and habits. Therefore the ability to govern our actions depends on the reliability of the executive function system.fn4 If it does not work properly, we drop the hot plate, burp at the table, and gamble away all our money at the roulette wheel.

      The frontal cortex is very immature in the early months of life and it develops slowly, much more so than other brain regions. Because of this, babies can only express very rudimentary versions of the executive functions.

      A psychologist and neuroscientist, Adele Diamond, carried out an exhaustive and meticulous study on physiological, neurochemical and executive function development during the first year of life. She found that there is a precise relationship between some aspects of the development of the frontal cortex and babies’ ability to perform Piaget’s A-not-B task.

      What impedes a baby’s ability to solve this apparently simple problem? Is it that babies cannot remember the different positions the object could be hidden in? Is it that they do not understand that the object has changed place? Or is it, as Piaget suggested, that the babies do not even fully understand that the object hasn’t ceased to exist when it is hidden under a napkin? By manipulating all the variables in Piaget’s experiment – the number of times that babies repeat the same action, the length of time they remember the position of the object, and the way they expresses their knowledge – Diamond was able to demonstrate that the key factor impeding the solution of this task is babies’ inability to inhibit the response they have already prepared. And with this, she laid the foundations of a paradigm shift: children don’t always need to learn new concepts; sometimes they just need to learn how to express the ones they already know.

      So we know that ten-month-old babies cannot resist the temptation to extend their arms where they were planning to, even when they understand that the object they wish to reach has changed location. We also know that this has to do with a quite specific immaturity of the frontal cortex in the circuits and molecules that govern inhibitory control. But how do we know if babies indeed understand that the object is hidden in a new place?

      The key is in their gaze. While babies extend their arms towards the wrong place, they stare at the right place. Their gazes and their hands point to different locations. Their gaze shows that they know where it is; their hand movement shows that they cannot inhibit the mistaken reflex. They are – we are – two-headed monsters. In this case, as in so many others, the difference between children and adults is not what they know but rather how they are able to act on the basis of that knowledge.

      In fact, the most effective way of figuring out what children are thinking is usually by observing their gaze.fn5 Going with the premise that babies look more at something that surprises them, a series of games can be set up in order to discover what they can distinguish and what they cannot, and this can give answers as to their mental representations. For example, that was how it was discovered that babies, a day after being born, already have a notion of numerosity, something that previously seemed impossible to determine.

      The experiment works like this. A baby is shown a series of images. Three ducks, three red squares, three blue circles, three triangles, three sticks … The only regularity in this sequence is an abstract, sophisticated element: they are all sets of three. Later the baby is shown two images. One has three flowers and the other four. Which do the newborns look at more? The gaze is variable, of course, but they consistently look longer at the one with four flowers. And it is not that they are looking at the image because it has more things in it. If they were shown a sequence of groups of four objects, they would later look longer at one that had a group of three. It seems they grow bored of always seeing the same number of objects and are surprised to discover an image that breaks the rule.

      Liz Spelke and Véronique Izard proved that the notion of numerosity persists even when the quantities are expressed in different sensory modalities. Newborns that hear a series of three beeps expect there then to be three objects and are surprised when that is not the case. Which is to say, babies assume a correspondence of amounts between the auditory experience and the visual one, and if that abstract rule is not followed through, their gaze is more persistent. These newborns have only been out of the womb for a matter of hours yet already have the foundations of mathematics in their mental apparatus.

      Cognitive faculties do not develop homogeneously. Some, like the ability to form concepts, are innate. Others, like the executive functions, are barely sketched in the first months of life. The most clear and concise example of this is the development of the attentional network. Attention, in cognitive neuroscience, refers to a mechanism that allows us to selectively focus on one particular aspect of information and ignore other concurrent elements.

      We all sometimes – or often – struggle with attention. For example, when we are talking to someone and there is another interesting conversation going on nearby.fn6 Out of courtesy, we want to remain focused on our interlocutor, but our hearing, gaze and thoughts generally direct themselves the other way. Here we recognize two ingredients that lead and orient attention: one endogenous, which happens from inside, through our own desire to concentrate on something, and the other exogenous, which happens

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