Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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a meeting an inquisitive look. For any audience, since

      the international astronomical congresses and finishing aristocratic

      salons, at it prepared different styles and methods of a statement

      material. “It is necessary to be at loss for words on ears, – laughing, he said in a circle

      friends. – Not any word will get into the ear aggravated by diamond


      – Lady and gentlemen! – there began Kinbruk and made a pause, once again

      checking mood of audience. – Responsibility of the task assigned on

      us, forces to be especially careful. I frankly have to tell,

      that our scientific knowledge about whether there can be a person on others

      planets, are very incomplete, limited. My scientific colleagues assume,

      that in solar system there are two planets available for

      human existence, is Mars and Venus. Alas, I cannot

      to divide with them this confidence. In comparison with our Earth the planet

      Mars receives twice less light and heat. If you landed on

      Mars, that Sun would seem to you rather small disk.

      The Martian day would seem you twilight of Earth. You would suffer from

      cold weather. Perhaps, you would pine from thirst because on Mars it is not enough

      waters. In eternal cold you would wander about fruitless sandy deserts

      continents and to hollows of the dried-up seas. However, I doubt that wandered

      .You just would choke with a lack of oxygen. It there very much

      it is not enough.

      If you want to present even more clearly living conditions on Mars, I will bring

      to you such example. The highest of the mountain tops, known on Earth, Everest

      rises by eight thousand eight hundred eighty two meters. Ours

      the English climbers, the best in the world, could reach only height

      eight thousand six hundred four meters. Any expedition did not reach to

      tops. Ice-covered steep slopes of mountains, furious mountain wind, a frost – everything was

      it is overcome. But people receded before a lack of oxygen. They

      choked. With the lowered atmosphere pressure blood went from ears. Everyone

      the movement was torture.

      As the person at height of two Everestov – has to feel on

      to height of sixteen kilometers above sea level? Such mountains do not exist

      on Earth. But tried to rise by similar height in open gondolas

      stratosphere balloons. Brave aero navigators perished from suffocation already at height

      to ten – twelve kilometers. On Mars air is as rarefied, as over

      The earth at the height of sixteen kilometers. And there it is also cold. Even still

      more cold. At disembarkation to Mars you would be expected by really terrible destiny.

      – I do not fly to Mars! – resolutely lady Hinton told.

      – There is Venus, – the astronomer continued. – Venus is located closer to

      To the sun, than Earth. But on Venus, milords and the lady, absolutely not


      – It still needs to be proved! – the second astronomer noticed, without lifting


      – To my respectable colleague professor Dzhilber it will be provided

      an opportunity to state the theories, – Kinbruk continued, having flashed points in

      party of the opponent. – I claim: on the basis of the last scientific

      data, are not found in the atmosphere of Venus also an oxygen trace. Anything, who

      would dare to land on Venus, the destiny of a mouse under glass waits

      cap from which air is extorted.

      – Incorrect comparison. Even if on Venus there is also no oxygen, air

      there nevertheless is, – Dzhilber did not restrain again.

      – Ives that and in other case an outcome one – death from suffocation, – objected


      Lady Hinton removed a cup.

      – I do not fly also to Venus.

      – So. And other planets? – Stormer asked.

      – About them out of the question. On Mercury you alive would burn down from

      heats, other planets, on the contrary, are too cold; they are too far from

      Sun, heat source.

      – In a word, we have no place to land? – Stormer asked.

      – Yes. In all solar system, in the whole Universe one Earth

      it is adapted for human life.

      – What will quite be coordinated with the Scripture! – the bishop exclaimed.

      – In the Bible it is told that the Lord created Earth for dwelling

      the person, and the Sun, the Moon and stars for lighting of Earth. I cannot

      to assume that life could exist on other planets that on

      them reasonable beings lived. It would bring chaos in all our

      religious representations. Really god created not one Adam, but tens

      and hundreds of thousands on different planets? And whether there was a fall on one

      To the earth or and on other planets? And whether it was necessary to a God’s window

      to reincarnate, descend repeatedly in an image of the person on different

      planets to die and revive to expiate an original sin? Absurdity!

      Heresy! If even on other planet we could also exist that

      it is impossible whether we have the right to leave Earth? It is told in the Writing:

      “The earth of an esa and to the earth of an otydesha”. To the earth, but not to some Mars! Ours

      ashes have to be based in our earth!

      – I will not treat anywhere! – lady Hinton declared.

      Stormer impatiently fidgeted on a chair. This speech of the bishop could harmfully

      to affect affairs of the company. Still professor Kinbruk spoiled business by the

      performance. Who could expect such dirty trick? Once he paid! And

      here still the bishop with the inappropriate sermon…

      – You terminated, professor Kinbruk? It is given the floor to professor

      To Dzhilber!

      Dzhilber raised the face inclined over a table.

      Gray-haired, old, with a big nose, the drooped moustaches and young people,

      derisive eyes, the astronomer Dzhilber started talking unexpectedly thin


      “Chirps as a canary!” – Amelie thought.

      – “Platon to me the friend, but the truth is dearer!” –

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