Finding Stevie: Part 3 of 3: A teenager in crisis. Cathy Glass

Finding Stevie: Part 3 of 3: A teenager in crisis - Cathy  Glass

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went there but it was busy and the computers were being used, so I came out again.’ This, of course, was the problem with using the computers in the library, you sometimes had to wait for a turn.

      ‘It might be worth giving it another go,’ I suggested. ‘There is a lot of information online that could help. Sometimes just knowing that other families are going through similar difficulties can make you feel better.’

      ‘Yes,’ she said unenthusiastically. ‘I’ll take Fred with me, then I won’t feel such an ass not knowing what to do. He doesn’t mind asking daft questions. Anyway, the main reason I’m phoning is that I think it would be best if just I saw Stevie for now. Fred has offered to look after Liam and Kiri for an hour or so after school. I could come to your place or Stevie and I could go to a café as he can’t come here. What do you think?’

      ‘I think that’s a very good idea, Peggy. Do you want me to tell Stevie or will you?’

      ‘I’ll phone him,’ she said. As Stevie was in care voluntarily under a Section 20, Peggy was free to make these arrangements, although Verity would be informed.

      Peggy must have telephoned Stevie straight away, for a short while later, when I went upstairs to shower and start getting ready for bed, Stevie came out of his room to find me.

      ‘I’m going to meet Gran tomorrow after school,’ he said. ‘Just to let you know I’ll be back late.’

      ‘Thanks for telling me. Have a nice time.’ He seemed a bit brighter.

      ‘It should be OK without him there,’ he said, referring to Fred. Which was a pity but true. It might be that Fred never accepted Stevie for who he was and it would always be the case that he had to see his gran without Fred there. It crossed my mind that if Stevie was sent to a young offenders’ institution, would Peggy be able to make the journey alone to see him on a regular basis or would that be completely impractical? There aren’t many of these institutions and our nearest was about seventy miles away, and even then it would depend if they had a vacancy. I wasn’t sure how often I’d be able to visit him if I was fostering other children, and I forced myself to think of something else. I believed what Stevie had told me about the reasons he’d taken the indecent images of Kiri and Liam, but would the police?

      The following day Adrian asked me if I’d go shopping with him to help him choose two new suits for when he started work the next day. He often went shopping with Kirsty now and would have asked her, but she was working. I was a bit concerned that he’d left it rather late to decide he needed new work clothes, but thankfully, although Adrian is tall, he is of average build, so we didn’t have a problem. He quickly found two suits, then bought half a dozen shirts and ties and some grey socks. It occurred to me how easy it is for a guy to buy clothes for work compared to what the average woman needs: a selection of skirts, trousers, coordinating tops, dresses, jackets and so on. Perhaps gender-neutral clothes were the answer. I guessed we were heading that way compared to a generation ago, with girls now routinely wearing trousers at school and in the workplace.

      Stevie didn’t arrive home from seeing his gran until nearly seven o’clock – later than I’d expected. As I let him in the front door I asked him if he’d had a nice time.

      ‘We went to the police station to get my phone and laptop,’ he said.

      ‘Oh, I see.’

      He took his laptop from his school bag to show me. ‘I gave Gran my old phone, as I’ve got a new one.’

      ‘That was nice of you. Dinner’s ready. Does she know how to use it?’

      ‘No!’ He laughed. ‘We went to a coffee shop and I’ve been trying to teach her. I think she can phone now, but I’m not sure about texting or using the camera. She’s going to practise this evening and try to phone and text me.’

      I smiled. ‘That sounds good, but you know you mustn’t speak to Kiri or Liam even on her mobile?’ I’d said it before, but it was important.

      ‘Yes, I know,’ Stevie said amicably. ‘I’ll teach her a bit each time we meet and in between she can practise.’ I was pleased that seeing his gran had been such a positive experience.

      Dinner the next day was livelier than it had been recently. Adrian told us about his first day in his new job and Stevie entertained us with snippets from the mobile-phone lesson he’d given his grandmother. ‘She still doesn’t understand why it’s possible to use the phone outside the house,’ he said, and the others laughed loudly.

      ‘It’s all right for you lot,’ I said. ‘You’ve grown up with all this technology, but for some of us it has been a sharp learning curve.’

      ‘And you’re doing very well, Mum,’ Lucy said patronisingly.

      ‘Good, so this evening I’ll give you all a lesson on how to work the washing machine.’

      A light-hearted groan went up. I’d recently had to replace the washer-dryer and the new one had so many function programmes only I had mastered it. But I was pleased that we were all able to joke and laugh again; a feeling of normality had returned.

      Stevie met his grandmother after school for a second time that week and then again at the start of the following week. These meetings seemed to be having a positive effect on him. He was brighter when he returned, and once he’d eaten he set about doing his homework with little prompting from me. I didn’t ask what he and his gran talked about, it was really none of my business. I assumed they were continuing with their mobile-phone lessons, and they chatted generally, probably with Stevie telling her about school and life with us, and Peggy telling him about Kiri and Liam, which was fine as long as they didn’t have any contact. If I had asked more questions, would I have become suspicious? I wondered later. I doubted it. All I saw was the positive effect their meetings were having on Stevie. I wrote as much in my log notes. Stevie saw his gran again today after school. He arrived home at 7 p.m. and had clearly enjoyed his one-to-one time with her. How naïve those words seemed a few days later when I was asked to check my log notes for the details of the days and times they’d met.

      On Tuesday evening of the second week in May, when Stevie had seen his grandmother three times and had a fourth meeting arranged for after school the following day, the house phone rang. I answered it in the living room where I was alone. It was eight o’clock, and having eaten dinner together the rest of my family were doing their own thing in other parts of the house.

      ‘Hello?’ I said, but no one spoke, although the line was open. I thought it might be a nuisance call. Our landline number was ex-directory, but we still received nuisance calls from time to time.

      ‘Hello?’ I said again, and was about to hang up when I heard a small noise on the other end of the phone, like a stifled sob. ‘Is someone there?’

      Another sob, then, ‘It’s Peggy. Oh Cathy, I’ve been so stupid. I don’t know what to do.’ She could barely get her words out, she was so distraught.

      ‘Peggy, whatever is it? What’s the matter? Is Fred with you?’

      ‘Yes,’ she faltered. ‘He’s seeing to Kiri and Liam. I can’t deal with them right now.’

      ‘Why? Is someone hurt?’ I asked, my anxiety growing.

      ‘No,’ she sobbed. I waited until she was able to speak. ‘Cathy, you know I’ve been seeing Stevie after school?’ Her voice trembled.

      ‘Yes. You saw him last night. He really enjoys his time with you.’

      ‘I’ve been so stupid. I took Kiri and Liam with me to see Stevie.’

      I went cold and my heart began thumping loudly. ‘Oh Peggy, you didn’t.’

      ‘I know it was wrong, but they missed Stevie so much. They couldn’t understand why they weren’t allowed to see him. I didn’t think it would hurt. I was with them the whole time.’


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