Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality. Вадим Зеланд
make as many people as possible think about what is really happening.
It is not a question of freeing ourselves from pendulums altogether. That would hardly be possible. The main thing is not to let yourself be a puppet, to be aware in your actions and to use these structures to your own advantage. So how can we free ourselves from their influence?
Waking up and being aware of how a pendulum is trying to manipulate you and understanding what is really happening is already half the battle. The power of the pendulum’s influence is inversely proportional to awareness. The pendulum only has power over you whilst you are falling asleep in waking life.
Most importantly, do not get involved in destructive pendulum battles unless it serves you personally in some way. If you are in a crowd, you need to come down from the stage of action into the audience hall, look around you and wake up. Ask yourself, “What am I doing here? Am I fully aware of what’s happening?”
“Why am I here?”
The moment of waking up from sleeping in waking life should be absolutely clear, like the phrase used above, “In this moment I am awake and fully conscious of what I am doing, and why and how I am doing it.” If you maintain this level of awareness, everything will be alright. If you do not, then in any conflict, even the most minor, you will be the puppet.
Things get much more difficult when something is annoying you. In this case, the clown will keep jumping about until your nerves are strained. This usually means that the pendulum has caught your attention in a snare. In order to free yourself from the pendulum, you need to become indifferent although this can be difficult to do.
For example, the neighbours’ music is driving you mad. Your task is to ‘unhook’ yourself from the pendulum at all cost. It is almost impossible to force yourself out of reacting. There is no point in trying to suppress your emotions. Instead, turn your attention to something else.
Try listening to your own music, not too loudly but just loud enough to drown out the neighbours’ music. Think of other ways to distract yourself. If you manage to occupy your thoughts with something else, the neighbours will gradually mellow out.
The same principle applies in other situations too. If the ‘clown is dancing’, your attention has been caught in some kind of snare. You have been caught up in the pendulum’s game whose goal is to increase the energy of conflict. In order to free yourself from the snare, you have to shift your attention.
Generally speaking, things are not that bad. Nothing will happen ‘to spite you’ as long as you aren’t sleeping in waking life. You might think that all the above sounds quite ridiculous. It’s not easy getting used to the idea that certain entities can control you. Whether you accept this knowledge or not is a matter of personal choice. You don’t have to believe it. Simply observe and then draw your own conclusions.
That is a brief summary of the concept of Transurfing. If in the process of working with the Transurfing principles, you come across something you don’t understand, you can always refer to the source material, the book in five volumes, Transurfing Reality.
Transurfing Principles
1. Awakening
Wake up, right here, right now! Be aware and remember that everyone is a dreamer and everything that is happening around you is nothing more than a dream, only the dream no longer has any control over you. Now that you have woken up in the dream, you can influence how events will unfold. Your advantage lies in awareness. Feel your strength. Strength is always yours when you remember it. From now on, everything will be as you want it to be.
Your birth into this life represents a new awakening after a series of past incarnations, dreams about reality. From the moment you appeared in the world, you have had amazing abilities. You could hear the rustling of the morning stars, see auras and communicate with birds and animals. The entire world was an astonishing extravaganza of luminous energy and you were the magician, capable of controlling it. However, you soon fell once again under the influence of others and were plunged into a dream. The dreamers constantly and intentionally focused your attention on the physical aspect of reality. As a result, your magical abilities were lost. Have you ever felt as if life were a dream in which reality is controlling you, rather than you controlling it? The time has come to reclaim your former power.
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