Prophecies by Nostradamus. Светлана Денисова
de Londres mettront a mort leur Roy
Le sel & vin luy seront a l'enuers,
Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.
Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp,
The Senate of London will put to death their King:
Salt and wine will overthrow him,
To have them the realm turned upside down.
Charles I (1600-1649) was the king of England, Scotland and Ireland since 1625.
The 4 line: His church reforms were not popular among the people. This led to an uprising, and then to a revolution.
The 2 line: The rebels led by Cromwell won. The monarch was dethroned. He was convicted and executed on 30 January1649 in London.
The 3 line: During his reign most of the production was monopolized, including salt and wine. This generated the impoverishment and antipathy of private entrepreneurs and their workers.
This prophecy has long been deciphered, since Charles I was the only 1 king executed in England. My contribution is to get a year from the quatrain number.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 10.36.
The decoding of the number 9.49. If we put 1 in front, 9 to invert in 6, will be 1649 – the year of Charles I execution.
Quatrain 8.56* Battle of Dunbar
La bande foible le tertre occupera
Ceux du haut lieu feront horribles cris,
Le gros troupeau d'estre coin troublera,
Tombe pres D. nebro descouuers les escris.
The weak band will occupy the land,
those of high places will make dreadful cries.
The large herd of the outer corner troubled,
Grave near D. nebro, discovered the writings.
The Battle of Dunbar 3 September 1650 was the most important during the English Revolution.
2 line. The Scottish army, led by Leslie, was 2 times more of Cromwell's army. Moreover, the Scots took high positions in the hills. Despite these advantages, the Scots suffered a crushing defeat.
3 line. The main forces of the English infantry were concentrated in the center. Leslie made a tactical mistake: his troops descended from the heights. Cromwell took advantage of this: attacked unexpectedly at night and won with minor losses.
4th line about the burial of the dead near Dunbar. Important documents of the enemy fell into the hands of Cromwell.
Decoding of the number 8.56. If 56 to turn over to 29, 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-98=1902. Turning back 9 and 2 into 6 and 5 (1605), rearranging the numbers, we get 1650 – the year of the battle.
Quatrain 1.65 Battle of Worcester
Enfant sans mains, iamais veu si grand foudre
L'enfant Royal au ieu d'esteuf blesse:
Au puy brisez, fulgures allant moudre,
Trois sur les chaines par le milieu trousse.
A prince without hands, never so great a thunderbolt seen,
the royal heir wounded at a game.
At the well lightning strikes, joining together
three trussed up in the middle the oaks.
The decisive battle 1651 near Worcester, between the troops of Charles II and Cromwell, is predicted. Perhaps thunderbolt should be understood as a bombing of the city. Cromwell’s army, 2 times more then royal, won.
Without hands must be understood in a figurative sense – without an army. Karl hoped to gather an army in England, but the people took Cromwell's side. As a result Karl lost the battle and was left without an army. Karl fled with the adjutant and servant. They three hid for a day in the branches of an oak tree, which later was called the "royal". Karl managed to escape to France after 1.5 months.
Decoding of the number 1.65. The year is explicit. Adding 1 to the end, we get 1651 – the year of the battle.
Quatrain 8.76 Oliver Cromwell
Plus Macelin que Roy en Angleterre,
Lieu obscur nay par force aura l'empire:
Lasche sans foy sans loy seignera terre.
Son temps s'aproche si pres que ie souspire.
More of a butcher than a king in England,
born of obscure rank will gain empire through force.
Coward without faith, without law he will bleed the land;
His time approaches so close that I sigh.
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was a leader of English revolution and Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1653.
The 1 line – as a result of the revolution that Cromwell led, King of England was executed.
The 2 line – Cromwell was a descendant of a poor Puritan landowner. Thanks to the revolution, he managed to rise very high. After executing the king, he took his place as a Lord Protector.
The 3 line – Having surrounded himself with his people, Oliver concentrated all power in his hands. He imposed taxes on the country, especially on the defeated monarchists. The revolts in Ireland and Scotland were suppressed by the most severe methods, there was a war against Spain. Coward without faith: Cromwell lived in the constant fear for his life. He organized round-the-clock security for himself. The fearing a night attack, he often spent the night in different places.
The 4 line. Cromwell was born 33 years after the death of Nostradamus. If we consider that the prophecies extend up to the 7th millennium, then in comparison with this, Cromwell's time was close.
Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.
Probable decoding of number 8.76. If we 7 consider as 700, then 700-68=632. If we flip 2 in 5, swap it with 3 and add 1 in front it will be 1653 – the year of power takeover.
Quatrain 10.40* Charles II
Le ieune nay au regne Britannique,
Qu'aura le pere mourant recommande,
Iceluy mort Lonole donra topique,
Et a son fils le regne demande.
The young heir to the British realm,
Whom his dying father will have recommended:
The latter dead 'Lonole' will dispute with him,
And from the son the realm demanded.
Charles II Stuart (1630-1685) – the king of England, Scotland, Ireland from 1660, the son of Charles I.
Lonole – Oliver Cromwell was leader of the English revolution. After Cromwell's death, his son could not to hold power. The Stuart dynasty was restored. The new king issued an Amnesty to all except for the judges of Charles I. Many of them were convicted and executed. As they say: do not judge, and you will not be judged.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76.
The decoding of number 10.40. 1000-40=960. By turning 9 in 6 and placing 1 in front we will get 1660 – the year of beginning of reign.
Quatrain 2.53 The Great Plague in England
La grande peste de cite maritime
Ne cessera que mort ne soit vengee:
Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,
De la grand' dame par fainte n'outragee.
The great plague of the maritime city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death:
Of the just blood, condemned for a price