SOVIET MUTANTS. Funny fantasy. СтаВл Зосимов Премудрословски
Maza Faka Yes Wow!.. Maza Faka Yes Wow!..
Stasyan, under the magical shouting of the flesh surrounding him, slowly came to himself and woke up. His condition was not full, half sucked, half energetic. He opened his eyes and saw a veil that was slowly dissipating and in front of him there were already the outlines of black galloping balls. After the contrast was adjusted, and he already distinguished the silhouette of strange creatures.
– — Who are they, these meatless living bones? he thought.
– — These are Galupas. – answered the inner voice named Language.
– — What else is the Galupa? – asked Stasyan from Tongue.
– — Which gave you the day before yesterday and yesterday on the head… At night, remember?
– — So it was not a dream?! – and he remembered what happened the day before and in fear tried to crawl on his back, his head forward, but tripped over something. He looked at himself through his forehead and saw a big eye, staring at him.
– — Ahhhh!!! he yelled and jumped up. Around him galloped in the morning prayer, shards, repeating the same phrase: “Maza Faka Yes Wow!..”. He examined and fainted. The general came up and kicked a little sparrow at the already jumping fingal, which awakened Stasyan.
– -Who are you? – Asked the skull Zasratovich and stopped, by raising his legs, the procedure of hymn-singing.
– — Stasyan did not understand anything, but his inner voice translated from Galupsky to Sparrow. His inner voice The language was spoken by more than five billion different dialects and dialects, including the languages of microbes and programming, viruses, and even nano particles. Plus – the languages of planets, stars, galaxies and so on and so forth.
– — I am the sparrow Stasyan from Ayaguz. he answered.
Cherepok Socratic not understand said captive and blurted a surprised face, but his inner voice the voices of other members of the tops suggested his owners that someone said. That’s how they learned to understand each other without learning from others. They speak and understand synonyms, words identical in meaning and different in sound. For example: “Maza faka ies wow!..”, and Sparrow sounds like “chirp, chirp chirp chick!”, And for a human it would sound like: “what a wonderful world!”, And this is me, my inner voice translated, because the voices are not different languages. We all have inner voices – one language. Don’t know of God or of the Devil, but he is.. the language of the thoughts. Here is not just in my head plays music and it sounds familiar. and hum can’t. Sounds verse or prose, and can’t say that and risk scratching their heads. Know that the head is spinning the idea, and to quote I can’t understand but can’t explain. They say that the head turning idea. And only when distracted, then later the subconscious mind translates and ready to inform the French – French; Chinese – Mandarin; the dog – for a dog, why she understands the idea, not a syllable. Because the idea is all the same language. Tell the dog gently: “beast”, and the tail will wiggle, and the Frenchman, and the Chinese smiled. And say: “Good”, Baring his teeth, the dog will growl and the Frenchman with the Chinese to look over, and in response to the tender meaning of the word will answer each of his swearing. And mimicry is not being. A surge of energy.
But I, o my great musenyi reader, absorbed in this true garbage, not written under any other influence, except as a clean sober consciousness that our time is almost you will not meet and it is bad. So to speak, my this story – there is an environmentally friendly product called “Burp toothy frogs.” I undertake to facilitate, and to translate You Galapago on pygmy and Vice versa, of course, through a human language. And subsequent to this verbal diarrhea, which is, again, written purely in a sober, clear consciousness, will speak and answer in human terms, because in another language You and I, Your humble servant, do not possess. Yes, and less time will be spent on reading. And now suspend is the seventh sense and see what the outcome of this paragraph and of this story.
Oh!!.. And they sent and Sparrow, not in this place where I was distracted and explained about the languages?! Where are they? And there and there. Until You wrote, they piled up. Aah! There they are, my crazy, sit and talk. Sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot that the Earth rotates on its axis not only real under our feet, but also virtually at their feet. And they have quickly, so they rolled over the horizon of fantasies, and standing on tiptoe and craning her neck I found…
– — Here, Stasyan, in general, that’s all … – with sadness with a tear in her eye Zeka finished the story about the problem of Galupiya and the purpose of their business trip. – We need to find something that replaces food, like your radiation is radioactive.
– — Mdaaaa. – Stasyan scratched his bald head with a bald wing.
– — But if you suck out all the radiation from you, then where else can we find food along the way?! We will not reach the goal and will not save Galupia. And our people will die a hungry brutal death. – continued General Zasratich.
– — Yes, and let us bend ourselves out of hunger. – added Cherevich Chmor Iko.
– -Skin. the skull barked and drew a square on the sand with its foot. – you think about your belly. – I did not like the square, and he drew a circle in the middle. – cabinet creature.
Cherevich could not stand it and ran to the general. He stopped and shoved him with force. The general rolled away. Chmore Iko ate his whole life more and one on one was clearly stronger than any shard. He sat down in Zasratich’s place and drew a triangle, parallelepiped and to his daughter in the middle of the circle. Cherepuk regained consciousness, stood up and only wanted to attack Cherevich, as Kazulia intervened.
– — Quiet, quiet… Calm down! – and she came up and erased the drawings in a squeak.
– -I know what to do. – Stasyan said stupidly.
– -What? – all were asked in chorus.
– — And the fact that everyone needs to unite and understand that we will all die on earth the same. Destroying each other, we inhibit development, and when we multiply, we stupid it. And only the people will not understand who to listen to and who to hear. But it would not be easier to get together and think about everything, and make the world two in one. Indeed, in principle, those and those have both honest and thieves. The question is the number of these or those?! Here you are honest Galups, you are killing thieves, and you are stealing, and he the one who created everything will not understand who to destroy and who to leave. After all, from the left again the same thing will happen. Break this circle, forgive each other and unite. Become a pioneer not envy, but supporting each other. Since he was tired of waiting to appear to you…
– -So what to do? – after a pause, the tenth asked and again went deaf and numb.
– — Need to run!! Forward and only forward and do not return, do not repeat the mistakes of ancestors!!
– — I didn’t understand you at all, I combed some nonsense to us.. – Zasratich expressed. – Explain directly what to do?
– — Run away!! – Sparrow jumped on his paws. – Run and only run without returning.
– -Really?! – Cheered Casulia Zacka.
– -Well, thank the Lord, to understand!! – rejoiced in Cerevic Cmor IKO and turned to the General. – and some did not stop and apologize.
– -Shish wait.. – barked Socratic.
– -Uraaaa!! In Nora daraaaa!! – shouted the title and sang the song: “Hai, Hai hylek, Birr of golemas of berlek”. Unfortunately, words on a human it is not translated, but sensually like… Uh… “ate ripe oranges”, that’s the feeling from the song.
– -Wait!!! Wait!! – cried strictly Kasule Prisoner. All was still: who on earth and who is in the air in a jump. They