Женщины Девятой улицы. Том 1. Мэри Габриэль
Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, Tape 1A, Aesthetics Research Archive; Landau et al., Mercedes Matter, 26; Matossian, Black Angel, 246.
Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, Tape 1A, Aesthetics Research Archive; Monroe, “Artists as Militant Trade Union Workers”, 7; Landau et al., Mercedes Matter, 67n48–49. Слова Мерседес о путешествии по Пятой авеню взяты из “Mercedes Matter in Conversation” и, скорее всего, были процитированы Хейден Эррерой.
Levin, Lee Krasner, 120; Landau et al., Mercedes Matter, 27; Lee Krasner, interview by Barbara Rose, 1975, GRI; Lee Krasner, interview by Barbaralee Diamonstein, provided by Dr. Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, interviewer and author, from Inside New York’s Art World, 206; Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, Tape 1A, Aesthetics Research Archive.
Monroe, “Artists as Militant Trade Union Workers”, 8; Monroe, “The Artists Union of New York”, 71–72; Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, Tape 1A, Aesthetics Research Archive.
Lee Krasner, interview by Barbara Novak, courtesy PKHSC.
Oral history interview with Max Spivak, AAA-SI; oral history interview with Irwing Block, AAA-SI; Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, Tape 1A, Aesthetics Research Archive; Monroe, “Artists as Militant Trade Union Workers”, 7–8; McKinzie, The New Deal for Artists, 96.
Oral history interview with Гарольдом Розенбергом, AAA-SI; O’Brien, “The Art Criticism of Harold Rosenberg”, 241, 254; Potter, To a Violent Grave, 64.
Levin, Lee Krasner, 95; Monroe, “Artists as Militant Trade Union Workers”, 7; Landau, Lee Krasner: A Catalogue Raisonné, 303.
Oral history interview with Harold Rosenberg, AAA-SI.
Rose, Lee Krasner, 37–38; Landau, Lee Krasner: A Catalogue Raisonné, 304–5; Levin, Lee Krasner, 107–8, 112–113.
Levin, Lee Krasner, 95–96, 102; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 380–381.
Landau et al., Mercedes Matter, 22.
Cynthia Goodman, “Hans Hofmann as a Teacher”, 122; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson Pollock, 382; Landau, Lee Krasner: A Catalogue Raisonné, 304. Школе Гофмана постоянно не хватало денег, потому что почти половина учеников получали стипендии из ее фондов.
Lillian Kiesler, interview by Ellen G. Landau, AAA-SI, 5–6.
Daniel Cotton Rich, “Freedom of the Brush”, 48.
Ashton, The New York School, 87; William C. Seitz, Abstract Expressionist Painting in America, 158; Chipp, Theories of Modern Art, 157.