Notes of a Russian homeless. Humorous stories. StaWle Zosimov Wisewordski
eat it, bitch, yellow snow!! – and beat him, beat in advance, especially on the head.
In General, Serge-Yellow Snow looked young, twenty seven, all the rest, like the Chukchi. He walked to the Central library, and on the way bottles were collected. Once he began to disappear for days. All was no different, but curious. When he appeared, he was questioned. He was silent. But once his drink, and Serge Yellow Snow admitted that soon married.
– -And to whom? – followed by a question.
– -Yes, one half of my heart lives in the area, though she was already sixty-one years, for and children to do, already eight there. Here they are fed and brought up how my father was raised, and his father’s father and father – his father’s mother because the fathers were. – Sergei poked his nostril, rolled the Koszul saw it and ate. – Love Lollipop, however, clever ideas gives. Here, not long ago the house or whose. Climbed up there, looked all go: to my wife and me and the kids. However, older sorry, was imprisoned for twelve years. And after all still young, dumb, only forty hit. I taught him, and he didn’t believe my experience. Well, summer is here and decided Euro renovation in the house to do the putty already bought, the color, the brush. However, some aunts came: “What are you doing?”. – I ask. “Repair”. – I say and I immediately realized that they were too late, the house has me busy. – Serge Yellow Snow pulled out from under the bed and biscuit, clicked on the cockroach, who didn’t know how to jump with rations, smeared yellow liquid and, frowning, took a bite. Cracker cracked but not broken. Chukchi slowly opened his eyes, looking at the broken Fang sticking out of the cracks of the biscuit.
– -Oooo!! – he groaned and his palm began to warm up toothache…
The summer passed. Chuckcha has arrived with black eyes, no front teeth. The head peg was a skull-cap of dried blood.
– -Serezha, house warming celebrated, it was dark, the lights went out? – make fun of the homeless.
– -No, the aunt with the owner of this house came and I repairs were finished, wanted the family to go. So they beat me with clubs. Dog. The end…
6 note
Die, bitch, for a wreath!!
The sun was shining. The sky was clear and patriots homeless janitors sat in the janitorial rooms and knitted cardboard, put other bottles, and still others crumpled aluminum cans for cocktails and beer. And all would be fine, but at one of the janitorial dwellings, there were two UAZs with blue lighthouses and the “dads” led out of the door and “handcuffed” a woman and two guys dressed in janitorial vests, called “yolks” in common people. Local residents still did not understand the reason for the arrest, because this trio scrupulously rummaged in garbage dumps, and cleaned the yards every day. Each one had his own inventory, to which his hands were already accustomed, and these were each marked with a broom, scoop and bag. These tools appeared to them as a talisman or amulet, as a house or cottage for the home. And, God forbid, that someone will take a stranger. Everything, death. Kranty. But appeared at this trinity earlier before the incident and the fourth Madame Tumor. And away we go.
Day before. On the eve of the morning, Madame Tumor first got up and decided to show an alternative, do a useful job and clean up the area while everyone was sleeping with a storm of booze, that is, registration in the family. All members of this “gang” were not once convicted. For not having her own, she took someone else’s inventory, hoping that, they say, all her own?! It’s going, it’s sweeping, it collects cigarette butts, removes all kinds of candy wrappers and does not disdain, looks at something in the bins and collects scattered garbage around the bays and tanks along the way. He has already cleaned the floor of the territory and suddenly sees how on the other side of the road a man and a woman are firmly sorting out.
– — Scandal. – thought Madame Tumor and proceeded further to the cleaning of the territory. The quarrel was heated and voices were already heard, when suddenly the lady sobbed, so loudly that an echo thundered in the yards. Madame Tumor raised her eyes and saw that this man in a boorish way slaps a lady on the cheeks. Passers-by do not pay attention, but the burnt-in-theft thief of chicken eggs and chickens in the past, in especially large sizes, was added by the poultry farm management to the two eggs taken by her at the request of the loader-cohabitant, which was recorded by the security camera of this enterprise. I could not stand it and set off with a broom across the road. Cars in bewilderment gave way to her, as if crazy. She, not paying attention to the honking foreign cars, ran into the sidewalk and, like a kite from heaven, ran into a peasant, whipping him in the face with a shit with a broom, from which dog shit flew off to the sides. The lady bulged her eyes in disbelief and, covering her mouth with her hands, laughed furiously. Suddenly from where to take it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, three policemen appeared and immediately began to Madame Tumor to drag. That yelled:
– — This boor, beat the lady!!
– -Calm down, calm down! – politely begged the police Sergeant. No one – no one was beaten. Look, look there. – in the distance they could see a movie camera and equipped crew.
– Is a movie Comedy detective-blockbuster! – added the second COP.
– -Heh heh heh!!! – snickered the third. – And the scandal is fake! Hye Hye Hye!!! And fight!
The tumor settled down and something, muttering, looked at the artists, after glanced at the cops, took a broom and stupid went across the street Furshtatskaya.
And at this time in Candace where previously Napping, the GOP company, and now waking up with a hangover the wipers, I saw that one of the inventories of missing or disappeared, grew legs and ran away, began to prepare the plot of revealing the thief or her feet. Passing rest since last weekend the bottle, they got the cleaner called “snowflake” and, diluting it with water from the toilet, due to the lack of crane, in connection with the repair of the pipeline and slowly began sipping, eating scraps of salad, yesterday raised out of the dumpster called puhta and strongly sour.
It was almost noon. Madame Tumor whistling his katorzhanskaya girl’s song, returned to Candace, carrying in one hand the inventory, and another bag with aluminum dialled banks from-under beer and bottles. Without thinking and without knowing it, she opened the door and stepped inside Candace, to meet his destiny…
In the beginning it was greeted oblique views.
– -Well, what? – the beginning of a horror show, the black widow, which in the past killed his three men from the sat in the area for the murderers of 15 years and named Kampuchea, and nationality the Kalmyk and no front teeth.
– -What? – slightly frightened and perplexed, asked Madame Tumor and placed the inventory in place.
– -What’s that? – added more firmly, her boyfriend named – trouble-maker with an open form of tuberculosis. – In the ass fuck, is it hot??
– -I – knowing the cause of the accident, said Madame Tumor. – I cleaned the area.
– -And how? ‘said the third character in this comic drama, a simpleton named Lys.
– -All clear?! she said.
– -And we don’t give a shit!! – yelled Kampuchea. – Do not you expected, do not you will be taken you on the toilet in the area that is not learned, bitch??
And rushed: in the beginning it was terribly beaten and Espinal in Trou his feet and fist. After the entrance went items three a thermometer is broken in her mouth, two blows with an axe butt to benevolent, cruel cuts a rose from the broken bottle eyes and cheeks, seven stab wounds on the body with a knife, breaking beer, she brought bottles with a hammer, who pushed in early in the adult places sex. While managing to sing “snowflake” and to make toast. In the end, after she was strangled, lifeless body is dragged into puhtu, but met the neighbor and secretly called the police and ambulance.
These until the morning interrogated