The Influence of the Stars: A book of old world lore. Rosa Baughan
the second and third parts of a work treating of the influence of the stars. Many of the modern writers on Chiromancy seem disposed to deny its affinity to astrology, with which it is, however, inseparably connected. Dr. Saunders, in the preface to his exhaustive work on Chiromancy and Physiognomy, published in 1671, and dedicated to his friend Lilly, the great astrologer, says: "For our more orderly proceeding with the body of this work, it is in the first place necessary to be observed that there are seven planets, named Stellæ Errantes—wandering stars—which have each of them its separate character as they are used in astrologie; the which stars have great power over inferior bodies and do, each of them, govern some part or other of man's body and they especially have their material existence in the hand and without astrology Chiromancy could not subsist and be subservient to true wisdom."
Now, why, in the face of this and many other equally forcible words among the old-world authorities, do the modern writers try to force their own crude theories upon us? To drag the time-honoured study of Chiromancy into the turmoil of nineteenth-century existence and—by robbing it of its mysticism—to strain it into unison with the realism of modern thought, strikes the earnest student with the same sense of incongruity as would the hanging of a carnival mask over the mystically calm features of an antique statue.
Rosa Baughan.
November, 1904.
"To doubt the influence of the stars is to doubt the wisdom and providence of God."—Tycho Brahe.
That a certain power, derived from æthereal nature, pervades the whole earth, is clearly evident to all. Fire and air are altered by the motions of the æther, and these elements, in their turn, encompassing all inferior matter, vary it, as they themselves are varied, acting equally on earth and water, on plants and animals. The Sun, not only by the change of the seasons, brings to perfection the embryo of animals, the buds of plants and the springs of water, but also, by his daily movement, brings light, heat, moisture, dryness and cold.
The Moon, being of all the heavenly bodies the nearest to earth, has also much influence, and things animate and inanimate sympathise and vary with her. By her changes rivers swell or are reduced, the tides of the sea are ruled by her risings and settings, and animals and plants are influenced as she waxes or wanes. The stars also produce in the ambient[1] many impressions, causing heats, winds and storms, to the influence of which earthly things are subjected. The force of the Sun, however, predominates, because it is more generally distributed; the others either co-operate with his power or diminish its effects. The Moon more frequently does this at her first and last quarter; the stars act also in the same way, but at longer intervals and more obscurely than the Moon. From this it follows that not only all bodies which may be already in existence are subjected to the motion of the stars, but also that the impregnation and growth of the seeds from which all bodies proceed are moulded by the quality in the ambient at the time of such impregnation and growth. When, therefore, a person has acquired a thorough knowledge of the stars (not of what they are composed, but of the influences they possess), he will be able to predict the mental and physical qualities and the future events in the existence of any one whose actual moment of birth is accurately given to him. But the science of astrology demands great study, a good memory, constant attention to a multitude of different points and much power of deductive judgment; and those persons who undertake to cast horoscopes without possessing these qualities, must necessarily make frequent mistakes in their judgments, which, perhaps, accounts for much of the disbelief which exists as regards the power of astrology; but it is unfair to blame the science for inaccuracies which are only the result of the ignorance of its exponents. No one should attempt to pronounce judgments on the influence of the stars without having first given years of study to the subject; and even then, unless he should have been born under certain influences,[2] he will never become a proficient astrologer.
The practice of observing the stars began in Egypt in the reign of Ammon (about a thousand years before the Christian era), and was spread by conquest in the reign of his successor into the other parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe; but it appears to have been taught in the earliest ages by oral tradition only, for there is no good evidence of its having been reduced to written rules before some years after the first century of the Christian era, when Claudius Ptolemy (who was born and educated in Alexandria) produced a work called Tetra-biblos, or Quadripartite, being four books of the influences of the stars. In this treatise (translated into English by John Whalley—Professor of Astrology—in the year of 1786) Ptolemy seems to have collected all that which appeared to him of importance in the science. Another translation of the Tetra-biblos, rendered into English from the Greek paraphrase of that work by Proclus, was made in 1822 by J. M. Ashmand and this is, by most people, preferred to the translation made by Whalley. Somewhere between 1647 and 1657, Placidus di Titus, a Spanish monk, published a system of astrology, founded, to a great extent, upon Ptolemy's calculations. This work was printed in Latin and is called the Primum Mobile, or First Mover, and was translated by John Cooper in 1816; other translations have appeared, but his is the best among them.
The planetary orbs, which the ancients recognised as having the most powerful influence, were seven in number (now known under the Latin names of the principal deities of the heathen mythology), viz.: Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon.
It may be objected that science has long since revealed to us many more planets than the seven known to the ancients; but, in considering a study so mystical as that of astrology, it is better to adhere to the theories of the old-world writers. In the earliest ages almost all the inhabitants of the earth led pastoral lives—were, in fact, merely shepherds—but amongst these shepherds there naturally arose, from time to time, men of superior intelligence, whose imaginations (purified and strengthened by solitude and the constant communion with Nature which grew out of that solitude) led them to the study of those distant lights which they saw, night after night, appear and disappear in the wide expanse of the heavens above them. Of purer lives and more impressionable than we moderns, they were necessarily more open to the influences of nature; and all their thoughts being given to the study of the mysteries by which they felt themselves surrounded, their intuitive perception is likely to be a safer guide on mystical subjects than the scientific conjectures of our day. Besides, as the results produced by their methods were astoundingly correct, why should we imagine ourselves capable of bettering their theories? Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Mercury are still the most important planets, whilst the Moon (though so small) has a more subtle influence in consequence of her nearness to us; whilst of the Sun's power over us and the whole creation there can, of course, be no question. Each of these seven planets is in the ascendant once during the space of the twenty-four hours forming the day and night; and according to the junction of two or more planets under which a person is born, his outward appearance, character and fate, will be influenced. The sign of the zodiac, too, under which a child comes into the world, possesses a power to produce a particular form of body and mental inclination, always, however, subject to the influence of the seven planets.
It must also be borne in mind that the planets dominating the lives of both parents would, to a certain extent, have an influence not only during the pre-natal period of our existence, but also in arresting or hurrying forward the moment of our advent into life. The father's influence is strong at the moment of conception; the mother's during the whole period of pre-natal existence. In this way we can account for the resemblance between parents and children, and also for the physical and mental qualities which we see constantly reproduced through a long line of ancestry. It is rarely that one planet is the sole influence of a life, for the child at birth may, and more generally does, receive influences from several planets, and some not those of the father or mother; and thus we can account for the innumerable differences of mind and body to be found