Military Instructors Manual. Oliver Schoonmaker
First Captain: Company.
Major: Halt.
First Captain: Right Dress, Front.
Rear Captains: (As they come on line.) Company Halt, Right Dress, Front.
Major: Right (left) front into line.
First Captain: Company.
Second Capt: Right by Squads.
Third and fourth Captains: Squads Right.
Major: March.
First Captain: Halt, Left Dress, Front.
Rear Captains: Column half left, March, Column half right March. Taking 5 paces from the flank of the company last on line and allowing the company to pass by him until the rear guide reaches him, Captain commands: Squads left, March, Company Halt, Left Dress, Front.
Major: Close on first company (Never any other).
First Captain: Company.
Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward).
Major: March.
First Captain: Halt.
Rear Captains: As each successive company closes to 8 paces from the company immediately in front, the Captain commands: Company Halt.
Major: Extend on fourth company. (Never any other.)
First Captain: Continue to march (if halted, forward).
Rear Captains: Company.
Major: March.
Rear Captains: Halt. Then as each company in rear of the leading company gets the proper distance (company front plus 5 paces) the Captain commands: Forward March.
Close column not extended in double time.
Major: Column of squads, first company squads right (left).
First Captain: Squads right.
Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward). As each company reaches the point where the first company formed column of squads, the Captain commands: Squads right, March.
Major: Column right (left).
First Captain: Right turn.
Rear Captains: Continue to March (if halted, forward).
Major: March.
First Captain: When the marching flank of the company is one pace from the new line the Captain commands: Forward March.
Rear Captains: Other companies march squarely up to the turning point and each changes direction at the Captain's command: Right turn, March, Forward, March.
Line Of Companies Or Close Line Of Companies.
Major: Battalion right (left).
First Captain: Column right.
Flank Captains: Column half right.
Major: March.
Flank Captains: When each company has moved 7 paces to the flank of the base company the command is: Column half right, March. The companies are then marched echeloned with an interval of 7 paces.
Major: Battalion.
First Captain: Company.
Major: Halt.
Flank Captains: Continue to march. As each company comes into line with the base company the Captain commands: Company, Halt.
Major: Close on first (fourth) company.
Extend on first (fourth) company. Both movements executed in the same manner.
First Captain: (If marching.) Halt. (If halted, cautions "Stand Fast.")
Flank Captains: Squads right.
Major: March.
Flank Captains: Right Oblique, March. (When the company has closed sufficiently): Forward March, Squads left, March. (Then as the company comes on the line with first company): Company, Halt.
Major: Column of Squads, first (fourth) company, forward.
First Captain: Forward.
Flank Captains: Column half right (left).
Major: March.
Flank Captains: As their companies come onto the line behind the leading company (at 4.4 paces) the Captain commands: Column half right, March.
In Battalion Line.
Major: Close on first (fourth) company.
First Captain: Stand fast (Caution).
Second Captain: Squads right, column right.
Third and fourth Captains: Squads right, column half right.
Major: March.
Second, third and fourth Captains: As each company reaches a point 8 paces behind the company just preceding it into close column, the command is given: Column half right, March. (Cautioning "Guide left" when closing on first company—"Guide right" when closing on fourth company): Squads left, March, Company, Halt.
Major: Halt.
First Captain: Right Dress, Front.
Rear Captains: (As they come on the line): Company Halt, Right Dress, Front.
Plate No. 2A.
CO. I—N.E. Proper Arrangement Of Shelter Tents.
Plate No. 2B.
Layout Of Equipment For Inspection.
Tent Pins Should Be Laid In Echelon Three Inches Apart.
(Kitchen and mess inspections have been covered under Feeding Men.)
Daily inspection of the barracks should be made and rigid discipline enforced as to the floors being kept clean, scrubbed once a week, bedding and bed clothes aired out of doors every Tuesday, shoes cleaned and kept in order under bunks, lockers under bunks, toilet articles and books all kept in order. Sheets, comforters and blankets should be shaken out, folded as for pack and laid on top of pillow until afternoon, each day.
In inspecting men every week see that hair is kept short and feet clean and in good condition, toe nails trimmed. Insist on woolen socks.
Equipment must be inspected carefully, each week, to see that it is in good condition.
Special Points Of Company Inspection.
After Open Ranks, March, given from usual position in front of Company, the Captain takes his post 3 paces in front of Right Guide, facing to the left and commands:
1. Front. 2. Prepare for Inspection.
The Lieutenants are 3 paces in front of the center of their respectives Platoons, facing to front.
If equipment is also to be inspected, commands are as follows:
1. Close Ranks. 2. March. Stack Arms. Backward, March. Take Interval to the Right, March. Company, Halt.
1. Unsling Equipment. 2. Open Packs. Close Packs. Sling Equipment.
Battalion Inspection.
At command, Prepare for Inspection, given by the Major, each Captain commands, Open Ranks. They do not salute when the Major and Inspector approach.
The Lieutenants