KING ARTHUR Premium Collection: 10 Books of Legends, Tales & The History Behind The King of Camelot and His Knights. Howard Pyle

KING ARTHUR Premium Collection: 10 Books of Legends, Tales & The History Behind The King of Camelot and His Knights - Howard  Pyle

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31. How at a great feast that King Mark made an harper came and sang the lay that Dinadan had made.

       32. How King Mark slew by treason his brother Boudwin, for good service that he had done to him.

       33. How Anglides, Boudwin’s wife, escaped with her young son, Alisander le Orphelin, and came to the Castle of Arundel.

       34. How Anglides gave the bloody doublet to Alisander, her son, the same day that he was made knight, and the charge withal.

       35. How it was told to King Mark of Sir Alisander, and how he would have slain Sir Sadok for saving his life.

       36. How Sir Alisander won the prize at a tournament, and of Morgan le Fay: and how he fought with Sir Malgrin, and slew him.

       37. How Queen Morgan le Fay had Alisander in her castle, and how she healed his wounds.

       38. How Alisander was delivered from Queen Morgan le Fay by the means of a damosel.

       39. How Alisander met with Alice la Beale Pilgrim, and how he jousted with two knights; and after of him and of Sir Mordred.

       40. How Sir Galahalt did do cry a jousts in Surluse, and Queen Guenever’s knights should joust against all that would come.

       41. How Sir Launcelot fought in the tournament, and how Sir Palomides did arms there for a damosel.

       42. How Sir Galahalt and Palomides fought together, and of Sir Dinadan and Sir Galahalt.

       43. How Sir Archade appealed Sir Palomides of treason, and how Sir Palomides slew him.

       44. Of the third day, and how Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Lamorak, and other things.

       45. Of the fourth day, and of many great feats of arms.

       46. Of the Fifth day, and how Sir Lamorak behaved him.

       47. How Sir Palomides fought with Corsabrin for a lady, and how Palomides slew Corsabrin.

       48. Of the sixth day, and what then was done.

       49. Of the seventh battle, and how Sir Launcelot, being disguised like a maid, smote down Sir Dinadan.

       50. How by treason Sir Tristram was brought to a tournament for to have been slain, and how he was put in prison.

       51. How King Mark let do counterfeit letters from the Pope, and how Sir Percivale delivered Sir Tristram out of prison.

       52. How Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud came unto England, and how Sir Launcelot brought them to Joyous Gard.

       53. How by the counsel of La Beale Isoud Sir Tristram rode armed, and how he met with Sir Palomides.

       54. Of Sir Palomides, and how he met with Sir Bleoberis and with Sir Ector, and of Sir Pervivale.

       55. How Sir Tristram met with Sir Dinadan, and of their devices, and what he said to Sir Gawaine’s brethren.

       56. How Sir Tristram smote down Sir Agravaine and Sir Gaheris, and how Sir Dinadan was sent for by La Beale Isoud.

       57. How Sir Dinadan met with Sir Tristram, and with jousting with Sir Palomides, Sir Dinadan knew him.

       58. How they approached the Castle Lonazep, and of other devices of the death of Sir Lamorak.

       59. How they came to Humber bank, and how they found a ship there, wherein lay the body of King Hermance.

       60. How Sir Tristram with his fellowship came and were with an host which after fought with Sir Tristram; and other matters.

       61. How Palomides went for to fight with two brethren for the death of King Hermance.

       62. The copy of the letter written for to revenge the king’s death, and how Sir Palomides fought for to have the battle.

       63. Of the preparation of Sir Palomides and the two brethren that should fight with him.

       64. Of the battle between Sir Palomides and the two brethren, and how the two brethren were slain.

       65. How Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides met Breuse Saunce Pite, and how Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud went unto Lonazep.

       66. How Sir Palomides jousted with Sir Galihodin, and after with Sir Gawaine, and smote them down.

       67. How Sir Tristram and his fellowship came into the tournament of Lonazep; and of divers jousts and matters.

       68. How Sir Tristram and his fellowship jousted, and of the noble feats that they did in that tourneying.

       69. How Sir Tristram was unhorsed and smitten down by Sir Launcelot, and after that Sir Tristram smote down King Arthur.

       70. How Sir Tristram changed his harness and it was all red, and how he demeaned him, and how Sir Palomides slew Launcelot’s horse.

       71. How Sir Launcelot said to Sir Palomides,

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