Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659. Mustafa Naima
going to Kaniza.
The enemy return to lay siege to Kaniza.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief, Yemishjí Hasan Páshá, marches against the enemy.
Arrival of the Archduke Mathias.
State of matters in the East.—Concerning Scrivano.
Some other events of this year.—Karah Yázijí dies in the mountains of Jánbeg.
Hasan Páshá recovers Alba Julia.
The Commander-in-chief conducts an expedition into Transylvania.
Ghází Gheráí Khán arrives with a Tátár army.
Advantage gained by the rebel Delí Hasan.—Mahmúd Páshá is appointed in the room of Khosrú Páshá.
Concerning Ghaznafer Aghá and Osmán Aghá, ághá of the palace.
Yemishjí Hasan Páshá returns to Constantinople.
Poiráz Osmán and other rebels executed.
Concerning the operations of the new Commander-in-chief Mohammed Páshá.
The grand vezír Yemishjí Hasan Páshá is deposed.—Dies by a violent death.
Kásim Páshá is made Governor of Constantinople.
The commencement of a rupture with Persia.
The Sháh of Persia marches upon Tabríz.
Death of Sultán Mohammed Khán, son of Murád Khán.
Concerning Grand Vezírs, and other great men.
Concerning the ulemá, or higher order of ecclesiastics.
The arrival of the fleet.—Concerning the grand vezír, Yávuz Alí Páshá.
A variety of changes in the ecclesiastical and military establishments.
Some further account of Delí Hasan (brother of Scrivano) .
Continuation of the account of the war carried on against the heretics.—The Sháh reduces Reván.
Kars is besieged.—Other acts of hostility by the red-heads.
The grand vezír, Alí Páshá, sets put for Belgrade.
Lálá Mohammed Páshá succeeds Alí Páshá in all his offices.
The fortress of Wáj conquered.
A battle fought between the Germans and the Hungarians.