Mental diseases: a public health problem. James Vance May
receiving ward for a great district hospital."
There is, of course, no reason why the reception service of an ordinary state hospital should be spoken of as constituting a psychopathic ward. This accomplishes nothing more, perhaps, than to raise some question as to what the functions of the rest of the institution may be. The designation psychopathic hospital has been rather loosely used and is, as Southard has definitely shown, of American origin. It has been applied somewhat indiscriminately from time to time to practically every form of activity related to the care and treatment of mental diseases outside of the generally recognized state hospital field. These may be summarized as follows:—
1. Detention wards, pavilions, etc. Intended for no purpose other than the custody of the "insane" pending commitment.
2. Psychiatric wards of general hospitals—such as Pavilion F in Albany. There would appear to be no reason for the use of the word psychopathic in such cases, the term psychiatric being much more clearly applicable.
3. Institutes designed primarily for research only or for research and instruction, with or without clinical facilities.
4. Psychopathic hospitals. Independent units or integral parts of a general hospital—with or without facilities for research and instruction. Designed exclusively for mental cases, without regard to legal status, whether committed or voluntary, their detailed examination and careful observation with intensive treatment in the wards for limited periods when indicated, or their supervision and direction in out-patient departments, serving also in some instances as receiving and distributing centers supplying other institutions.
Owing to their limited size, the necessity of treating large numbers in a short space of time, and the fact that institutional care is already amply provided for in the existing state hospitals, the obvious field of the psychopathic hospital is primarily the acute and recoverable psychoses and the milder forms of mental disorder which may or may not require a residence in the wards. Only a thorough examination and a brief period of observation can determine whether or not that is needed. The question at issue is largely that of determining the necessity of a more or less indefinite committed status. These problems arise particularly in dealing with the so-called psychogenic disorders and the psychopathic states—hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, the psychoneuroses in general and the episodes which characterize the psychopathic personalities. Traumatic psychoses often come into consideration, as well as cases of cerebrospinal syphilis, toxic conditions, drug addictions, the psychoses of infection and exhaustion, and above all, of course, manic-depressive insanity and incipient forms of dementia praecox. Many of these cases require only a brief hospital treatment and are able in a short time to return to home surroundings and resume their former occupations. Often a contact with the chronic and custodial classes is not only without advantage but actually detrimental. The psychopathic hospitals thus exercise a sort of clearing house function and return to the community many patients who otherwise would be subjected to the stigma, if there is one, of a legal commitment. While questions relating to the public health cannot be analyzed in terms of dollars and cents, the saving to the state which is made by substituting a short period of supervision and treatment, for a protracted residence in an institution of the custodial class amounts to millions. In view of the difficulties encountered in obtaining adequate appropriations for the proper maintenance of the enormous population now housed in our state hospitals, this is a factor which cannot be disregarded.
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