The Narrative of the Cherokee Nation. Charles C. Royce
Charles C. Royce
The Narrative of the Cherokee Nation
A Narrative of Their Official Relations With the Colonial and Federal Governments
Published by
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2018 OK Publishing
ISBN 978-80-272-4585-7
Table of Contents
Treaty Concluded November 28, 17852
Early Contact with Virginia Colonists
Early Relations with Carolina Colonists
Mention by Various Early Authors
Territory of Cherokees at Period of English Settlement
Expulsion of Shawnees by Cherokees and Chickasaws
Treaty Relations with the Colonies
Treaty Relations with the United States
Proceedings at Treaty of Hopewell
Causes of Dissatisfaction with the Boundary of 1785
Difficulties in Negotiating New Treaty
Treaty Concluded February 17, 1792
Treaty Concluded June 26, 1794
Complaints Concerning Boundaries.
Treaty Concluded October 2, 1798106
Treaty Concluded October 24, 1804
New Treaty Authorized by Congress
Further Negotiations Authorized
Treaty Concluded October 25, 1805
Treaty Concluded October 27, 1805
Historical Data Respecting Both Treaties
Continued Negotiations Authorized