The Narrative of the Cherokee Nation. Charles C. Royce
Zealous Measures for Removal of Eastern Cherokees
General Carroll's Report on the Condition of the Cherokees
Failure of Colonel Lowry's Mission
Decision of the Supreme Court in Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia
Failure of Mr. Chester's Mission
Decision of Supreme Court in Worcester vs. Georgia
Disputed Boundaries Between Cherokees and Creeks
Cherokees Plead with Congress and the President for Justice
Cherokees Propose an Adjustment
Cherokees Memorialize Congress
Speech of General R. G. Dunlap
Report of General John E. Wool
Henry Clay's Sympathy with the Cherokees
Policy of the President Criticised—Speech of Col. David Crockett
General Scott Ordered to Command Troops in the Cherokee Country
John Ross Proposes a New Treaty
Cherokees Permitted to Remove Themselves.
Dissensions Among Cherokees in Their New Home
Cherokees Charge the United States with Bad Faith
Per Capita Payments Under the Treaty
Political Murders in Cherokee Nation
Adjudication Commissioners Appointed
Treaty Concluded August 6, 1846
Feuds Between the Ross, Treaty, and Old Settler Parties
Death of Sequoyah or George Guess
Old Settler and Treaty Parties Propose to Remove to Mexico
Affairs of the North Carolina Cherokees
Proposed Removal of the Catawba Indians to the Cherokee Country
Financial Difficulties of the Cherokees
Murder of the Adairs and Others
Financial Distresses—New Treaty Proposed
Slavery in the Cherokee Nation
Removal of White Settlers on Cherokee Land
Fort Gibson Abandoned by the United States
Removal of Trespassers on "Neutral Land"
John Ross Opposes Survey and Allotment of Cherokee Domain
Cherokees and the Southern Confederacy
Cherokee Troops for the Confederate Army
A Cherokee Confederate Regiment Deserts to the United States
Ravages of War in the Cherokee Nation
Treaty Concluded July 19, 1866