Edward Gibbon: History Books, Essays & Autobiographical Writings. Эдвард Гиббон

Edward Gibbon: History Books, Essays & Autobiographical Writings - Эдвард Гиббон

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href="#ulink_511b3121-7ade-56c6-887d-bb1af229ac0d">100 It was reduced by the arms of Agrippa. Orosius, vi. 21. Eu tropius, vii. 9. The Romans once advanced within three days’ march of the Tanais. Tacit. Annal. xii. 17.]

      Note: Pityus is Pitchinda, according to D’Anville, ii. 115. — G. Rather Boukoun. — M. Dioscurias is Iskuriah. — G.]

      Note: Fallmerayer (Geschichte des Kaiserthums von Trapezunt, p. 6, &c) assigns a very ancient date to the first (Pelasgic) foundation of Trapezun (Trebizond) — M.]

      Note: According to a new fragment of Dexippus, published by Mai, he 2000 men. He took up a strong position in a mountainous and woods district, and kept up a harassing warfare. He expresses a hope of being speedily joined by the Imperial fleet. Dexippus in rov. Byzantinorum Collect a Niebuhr, p. 26, 8 — M.]

      Note: St. Paul’s Cathedral is 500 feet. Dallaway on Architecture — M.]

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