The Power of Oneself. Charles Fillmore

The Power of Oneself - Charles  Fillmore

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the old and the new religious ideas contributed to the solution of our spiritual problems?

      17. How shall we get back into the Garden of Eden?

      18. Explain the grouping of ideas.

      19. How are centers of consciousness brought to respond to the "I will"?

      20. What is regeneration?

      Lesson IV--Formative Power Of Thought

      1. What is the directive power in man?

      2. Explain the relation of thought to the functions of the body.

      3. Why have we failed to demonstrate perfect health?

      4. Upon what must man base his study of God?

      5. What is God's work in the creation of man?

      6. What part has man in the creation of himself and his world?

      7. How does man build his body and his world?

      8. Upon what must we base our thinking?

      9. Why has the physical scientist failed to demonstrate wholeness and perfection?

      10. Explain the difference between life as expressed by man and life in Divine Mind.

      11. Upon what do the thoughts act to produce form?

      12. Illustrate in your own words how thought works in the organism.

      13. Where do ideas pertaining to life have their center of action?

      14. How may we connect the life center with its spiritual source, and what is the result of making such connection?

      15. What is the cause of imperfect bodies?

      16. How may man regain his spiritual dominion?

      17. What attitude of mind is conducive to a higher state of consciousness?

      Lesson V--How To Control Thought

      1. What is the difference between the original thinker and the secondary thought?

      2. What is the essential fact in all manifestation?

      3. How may man exercise his highest dominion?

      4. What are the two fundamental attitudes of mind?

      5. What use can man make of these movements of the mind in building his world?

      6. What is the result of letting one's thoughts dwell on the acquiring of wealth?

      7. Is excessive affirmation advisable? Explain.

      8. What is the remedy for the ill effects in the organism that have come as a result of too much exercise of the affirmative mental attitude?

      9. What is the result of excessive denial? What is the remedy for this result?

      10. What is the object of man's existence?

      11. What is meant by the "Adam" in man?

      12. What benefit do we derive from experience?

      13. What is "Satan" in man's consciousness?

      14. How may man become free from his dual condition?

      15. Is experience necessary in man's evolution?

      16. What is repentance?

      17. What is the meaning of "Deny himself . . . and follow me"?

      18. Explain the "Judas" in consciousness.

      19. Explain the meaning of Paul's words, "I die daily."

      20. What is the result of this process of dying daily?

      Lesson VI--The Word

      1. What is the word?

      2. How may man comprehend the creative process?

      3. What is the result when the Word is expressed by Divine Mind?

      4. Explain how the Word becomes flesh.

      5. How may man make his creation perfect?

      6. Explain the original plan of creation in Divine Mind.

      7. How may man comprehend the word of God?

      8. How are divine ideas brought to the outer plane of consciousness?

      9. Explain the creative law, from the formless to the formed.

      10. What is the result when man's word conforms to the divine law?

      11. Explain how we give an account for "every idle word."

      12. What determines the character of the word?

      13. What ideas make constructive words?

      14. Explain the word as the "seed."

      15. What is the result of putting oneself into the consciousness of the supreme Mind?

      16. What quality must be included in the word, to accomplish results?

      17. Wherein does physical science fall short in explaining the plan of creation?

      18. Explain the effect of the spoken word.

      19. How must we use the word for sure results?

      20. Give an illustration of the power of the word.

      Lesson VII--Spirituality,

      Or Prayer And Praise

      1. What is a symbol?

      2. Explain how symbols are used to describe man.

      3. What do the twelve sons of Jacob symbolize in man?

      4. Explain how a higher expression of the twelve faculties is attained.

      5. What is a parable? What is an allegory?

      6. How are we able to understand parables and allegories?

      7. Is it possible to understand the twelve centers through the intellect?

      8. Where is the center of spirituality?

      9. What is the work of the Judah faculty?

      10. Why should praise be a component part of prayer?

      11. Define prayer in your own words.

      12. Why do we not receive immediate answer to our prayers?

      13. Name some of the benefits to be derived from prayer.

      14. What is the effect of praise in prayer?

      15. Explain the increasing power of praise.

      16. What does it mean to ask "in my name"?

      17. Where do we make connection with God, the Father?

      18. What is God's will for us?

      19. What attitude of mind is most conducive to the effectiveness of prayers?

      20. Name five points that you consider essential in prayer.

      Lesson VIII--Faith

      1. Define faith in your own words.

      2. Where does faith find its most perfect expression?

      3. Explain the difference between faith and belief.

      4. What disciple represents faith? Why?

      5. What and where is the center through which faith acts?

      6. What is the result of placing faith in outer things?

      7. Where must faith be exercised in order to bring the results spoken of by Jesus?


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