THOMAS HARDY Premium Collection: 15 Novels, 53 Short Stories & 650+ Poems (Illustrated). Томас Харди

THOMAS HARDY Premium Collection: 15 Novels, 53 Short Stories & 650+ Poems (Illustrated) - Томас Харди

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for wiping his face. “To be sure!”

      “Things so heavy, I suppose,” said Geoffrey, as if reading through the chimney-window from the far end of the vista.

      “Ay,” said Nat, looking round the room at points from which furniture had been removed. “And so awkward to carry, too. ’Twas ath’art and across Dick’s garden; in and out Dick’s door; up and down Dick’s stairs; round and round Dick’s chammers till legs were worn to stumps: and Dick is so particular, too. And the stores of victuals and drink that lad has laid in: why, ’tis enough for Noah’s ark! I’m sure I never wish to see a choicer half-dozen of hams than he’s got there in his chimley; and the cider I tasted was a very pretty drop, indeed; — none could desire a prettier cider.”

      “They be for the love and the stalled ox both. Ah, the greedy martels!” said grandfather James.

      “Well, may-be they be. Surely,” says I, “that couple between ’em have heaped up so much furniture and victuals, that anybody would think they were going to take hold the big end of married life first, and begin wi’ a grown-up family. Ah, what a bath of heat we two chaps were in, to be sure, a-getting that furniture in order!”

      “I do so wish the room below was ceiled,” said Fancy, as the dressing went on; “we can hear all they say and do down there.”

      “Hark! Who’s that?” exclaimed a small pupil-teacher, who also assisted this morning, to her great delight. She ran half-way down the stairs, and peeped round the banister. “O, you should, you should, you should!” she exclaimed, scrambling up to the room again.

      “What?” said Fancy.

      “See the bridesmaids! They’ve just a come! ’Tis wonderful, really! ’tis wonderful how muslin can be brought to it. There, they don’t look a bit like themselves, but like some very rich sisters o’ theirs that nobody knew they had!”

      “Make ’em come up to me, make ’em come up!” cried Fancy ecstatically; and the four damsels appointed, namely, Miss Susan Dewy, Miss Bessie Dewy, Miss Vashti Sniff, and Miss Mercy Onmey, surged upstairs, and floated along the passage.

      “I wish Dick would come!” was again the burden of Fancy.

      The same instant a small twig and flower from the creeper outside the door flew in at the open window, and a masculine voice said, “Ready, Fancy dearest?”

      “There he is, he is!” cried Fancy, tittering spasmodically, and breathing as it were for the first time that morning.

      The bridesmaids crowded to the window and turned their heads in the direction pointed out, at which motion eight earrings all swung as one:— not looking at Dick because they particularly wanted to see him, but with an important sense of their duty as obedient ministers of the will of that apotheosised being — the Bride.

      “He looks very taking!” said Miss Vashti Sniff, a young lady who blushed cream-colour and wore yellow bonnet ribbons.

      Dick was advancing to the door in a painfully new coat of shining cloth, primrose-coloured waistcoat, hat of the same painful style of newness, and with an extra quantity of whiskers shaved off his face, and hair cut to an unwonted shortness in honour of the occasion.

      “Now, I’ll run down,” said Fancy, looking at herself over her shoulder in the glass, and flitting off.

      “O Dick!” she exclaimed, “I am so glad you are come! I knew you would, of course, but I thought, Oh if you shouldn’t!”

      “Not come, Fancy! Het or wet, blow or snow, here come I today! Why, what’s possessing your little soul? You never used to mind such things a bit.”

      “Ah, Mr. Dick, I hadn’t hoisted my colours and committed myself then!” said Fancy.

      “’Tis a pity I can’t marry the whole five of ye!” said Dick, surveying them all round.

      “Heh-heh-heh!” laughed the four bridesmaids, and Fancy privately touched Dick and smoothed him down behind his shoulder, as if to assure herself that he was there in flesh and blood as her own property.

      “Well, whoever would have thought such a thing?” said Dick, taking off his hat, sinking into a chair, and turning to the elder members of the company.

      The latter arranged their eyes and lips to signify that in their opinion nobody could have thought such a thing, whatever it was.

      “That my bees should ha’ swarmed just then, of all times and seasons!” continued Dick, throwing a comprehensive glance like a net over the whole auditory. “And ’tis a fine swarm, too: I haven’t seen such a fine swarm for these ten years.”

      “A’ excellent sign,” said Mrs. Penny, from the depths of experience. “A’ excellent sign.”

      “I am glad everything seems so right,” said Fancy with a breath of relief.

      “And so am I,” said the four bridesmaids with much sympathy.

      “Well, bees can’t be put off,” observed the inharmonious grandfather James. “Marrying a woman is a thing you can do at any moment; but a swarm o’ bees won’t come for the asking.”

      Dick fanned himself with his hat. “I can’t think,” he said thoughtfully, “whatever ’twas I did to offend Mr. Maybold, a man I like so much too. He rather took to me when he came first, and used to say he should like to see me married, and that he’d marry me, whether the young woman I chose lived in his parish or no. I just hinted to him of it when I put in the banns, but he didn’t seem to take kindly to the notion now, and so I said no more. I wonder how it was.”

      “I wonder!” said Fancy, looking into vacancy with those beautiful eyes of hers — too refined and beautiful for a tranter’s wife; but, perhaps, not too good.

      “Altered his mind, as folks will, I suppose,” said the tranter. “Well, my sonnies, there’ll be a good strong party looking at us today as we go along.”

      “And the body of the church,” said Geoffrey, “will be lined with females, and a row of young fellers’ heads, as far down as the eyes, will be noticed just above the sills of the chancel-winders.”

      “Ay, you’ve been through it twice,” said Reuben, “and well mid know.”

      “I can put up with it for once,” said Dick, “or twice either, or a dozen times.”

      “O Dick!” said Fancy reproachfully.

      “Why, dear, that’s nothing — only just a bit of a flourish. You be as nervous as a cat today.”

      “And then, of course, when ’tis all over,” continued the tranter, “we shall march two and two round the parish.”

      “Yes, sure,” said Mr. Penny: “two and two: every man hitched up to his woman, ‘a b’lieve.”

      “I never can make a show of myself in that way!” said Fancy, looking at Dick to ascertain if he could.

      “I’m agreed to anything you and the company like, my dear!” said Mr. Richard Dewy heartily.

      “Why, we did when we were married, didn’t we, Ann?” said the tranter; “and so do everybody, my sonnies.”

      “And so did we,” said Fancy’s father.

      “And so did Penny and I,” said Mrs. Penny: “I wore my best Bath clogs, I remember, and Penny was cross because it made me look so tall.”

      “And so did father and mother,” said Miss Mercy Onmey.

      “And I mean to, come next Christmas!” said Nat the groomsman vigorously, and looking towards the person of Miss Vashti Sniff.

      “Respectable people don’t nowadays,” said Fancy. “Still, since poor mother did, I will.”

      “Ay,” resumed the tranter, “’twas on a White Tuesday when I committed it. Mellstock Club walked the

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