An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design. David Allan Low

An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design - David Allan Low

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58 1116 34 1316 78 1516 1 1116 Pitch of rivets 158 1¾ 178 2 218 2¼ 2516 238 2½ Width of lap 1¾ 2 2¼ 2½ 2¾ 278 3 318

      All the dimensions are in inches.

      Fig. 4. Fig. 4.

      Exercise 3.—Draw, half size, a plan and section of a single riveted lap joint for plates 34´´ thick to the dimensions given in the above table.

      Exercise 4: Double Riveted Lap Joint.—Draw, full size, the two views of the double riveted lap joint shown in fig. 3.


      Table showing the Proportions of Double Riveted Lap Joints for various Thicknesses of Plates. (Plates and Rivets Wrought Iron.)

Thickness of plates 38 716 12 916 58 1116 34 1316 78 1516 1
Diameter of rivets 1116 34 1316 78 1516 1 1116 1116 118 118 1316
Pitch of rivets 258 278 3 318 338 358
Distance between rows of rivets 118 138 1716 1916 178 178 11516 11516 2
Width of lap 4 5 5

      Fig. 5. Fig. 5.

      Exercise 5.—Draw, half size, a plan and section of a double riveted lap joint for plates 78 inch thick to the dimensions given in the above table.

      Exercise 6: Single Riveted Butt Joints.—In fig. 4 are shown single riveted butt joints. One of the sectional views shows a butt joint with one cover plate or butt strap; the other sectional view shows the same joint with two cover plates; the third view is a plan of both arrangements. Draw all these views full size.

      Fig. 6. Fig. 6.

      Exercise 7.—Fig. 5 shows a plan and sectional elevation of the connection of three plates together, which are in the same plane, by means of single riveted butt joints and single

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