70 Daily Reflections For Your Spiritual Awakening. Adrian Tanase

70 Daily Reflections For Your Spiritual Awakening - Adrian Tanase

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own unique role and place here. Everything is beautiful this way. Everything is just as it should be. You enter into a magical world that's offering you simplicity and the opportunity to discover it. You discover Now that happiness actually springs from your own heart space and it is not fueled anymore by owning or having external things.

      You know you can have anything that you ever wanted, of course, by exerting that required will power and keeping in sight, visually, that which you want to manifest, until the work you diligently do towards your goal allows the manifestation to occur in the material world. So making something happen is a combination of envisioning it every day and working on it. The practice of visualization of that which you wish to obtain will enhance the power of the manifestation, because envisioning falls in the same category as reciting mantras, as in praying. Visualize the desired outcome every day and see that it has already happened, that you already have it and are already enjoying that thing that you wish to manifest. The spiritual power of the process of envisioning in your mind is helping speeding up the manifestation of that which you desire, even if it is a goal or even if it is a material thing that you need in your life. Observing the gradual process of creation, while you work on your project, will motivate you more to work everyday on it until its manifestation in the real world occurs. Working towards something always puts you in the space of getting it, even if sometimes it takes more perseverance and also getting out of your own way, as in improving and changing yourself or discarding unneeded parts of your Ego, in the process. Also, another way to manifest a thing that you desire can be done by immersing in and surrendering to that goal, as opposed to applying will power or pushing towards manifesting your goal. Both ways presented in this paragraph work well, but usually the more you force things and push towards the end result, so it can manifest faster, makes way for resistance to manifesting that. Letting go, immersing and surrendering to that which you wish to accomplish, while working relaxed but focused towards your goal will make the process way much smoother and will even improve the desired outcome.

      Nonetheless, by dropping attachment to desire, at the mental and emotional levels, you can encompass anything that exists. The need to own things is gone. You find simple and pure happiness in the simplicity of life. The need to depend on external events is gone. And you feel you can dwell in this state of joyfulness, forever.

      17. Letting go

      Letting go is one of the best ways to quickly jump from a difficult situation back to your normal life. Whenever things get complicated or when life situations get difficult, remember that your life is actually good and you're now just focusing on aspects of a situation that is just temporary existing in your life. The mantra to always snap back to your beautiful and serene life is “let go”. To reach a sacred dimension in your life and to slowly and steady become the higher version of yourself, use the mantra “Let go and let God” in any instance you feel powerless or challenged by external things; to increase your spiritual development, use it all the time. Be Now, do as much as you can and leave the little things and details you don't seem to get right in the hands of Spirit. The Infinite Wisdom of Spirit will help you in the best way possible for everybody involved in this situation and turn the outcome soon into something favorable, or even into something better than you've imagined. You resonate with the Spirit World at the level of your intuition, so make sure you listen to all those little nudges that push you to do particular things you believe they would be beneficial for you.

      The main message here is that you shouldn't feel that you have to work alone through the difficulties of your life. Know all the time that God, the Creator, the Supreme power in this Universe, is always taking care of all the situations, helping you along the way with an unseen hand, basically allowing you to just be, do as much as you can and at the same time not forgetting to enjoy life. Your main goal in this life is to share love and be kind to everyone and do as much as you can. To keep doing that, you sometimes need to discard things that are making you stall in life, or on your spiritual path. Be present and do not have any resistance to anything that comes your way, because everything can hold a lesson in itself, but be wise and let go of the things that you don't really need in your life. Letting go of any situation where we feel disempowered and forgiving everyone involved will clear the way so we can walk again steady and strong on our paths.

      18. Enlightenment

      Enlightenment is the natural state of our being, where one is happy with what he is, with what he has. Because of the innumerable wrong choices we did in the past, attaining Enlightenment is now necessary to restore the true quality of our beings and of our lives. To untangle from Samsara, the world of suffering, one has to work his way on his spiritual path, to cleanse oneself of non-virtues, to be more aligned with the divine Will, to be more aligned with our Creator, to love more and to be more dedicated in helping and alleviating others' suffering. We all love our spiritual paths and all these paths lead to the same thing: Enlightenment or Salvation, as the followers of Christ say. This is just a term that means witnessing the world as Being Awake or the realization of our true nature, seeing everything as it really is, with clear vision, with no preconceptions, labels or any kinds of mental filters. When we manage to get there, we experience life fully through direct experience and we feel great happiness. But to reach that place, we need to work on understanding and uncovering our real selves and we also need to actively work on transforming this world, as much as we can, into a better place. Being active in our lives brings a lot of useful experience and wisdom, that we can use to progress on our spiritual paths. And that means we need to establish a spiritual practice of our own choice that will lead us there.

      There are many things that one can say about Enlightenment, but basically it is the state where you love everything from the depths of your heart and you understand and accept every little thing with great ease. You will not only understand everything, but also love everything for what it is. Your head is now empty of illusory things and attachment to worldly values, your being is filled with the love of the world, you feel the world is full of wonders and you are in awe for your existence. You do not suffer anymore, your life has become a gift, from the Creator. You are dwelling in peace and bliss for you can now see the Beauty of the Creation around you in full bloom. You are witnessing the wonder of this world as you peacefully exist Now outside duality, in Oneness. It means that you've stepped out of duality and now reside with your soul and your whole being in the beautiful realm of Oneness, where duality is absolutely transcended, as a reward for your steady efforts and virtuous acts that you've done on your spiritual path. Only the Awakened Ones have this privilege. And as the Awakened Ones are also Bodhisattvas, which are regular people like you and me that have dedicated their whole lives to their spiritual practice and to bringing to Awakening every soul, until there is no one left to suffer on this planet, everyone can choose to dedicate their life to doing so. It is only a matter of assuming this responsibility, on your spiritual path, of becoming a person that works for the benefit of others and Enlightenment will just be a goal that you set on your spiritual path. You are hoping in this way to reach Enlightenment, for the sole purpose of benefiting every other sentient being reach theirs, while walking every day on your path to Awakening.

      19. Stepping into your power

      To be strong but also humble is a good way in which you can practice in your life. Being strong is like being courageous, acting with a fearless heart. It has no connection to being proud. Discarding unnecessary parts of your Ego, which means also throwing away being proud is a mandatory thing if you want to be genuinely happy in your life, to live your life seeking happiness in the innumerable simple things that life has to offer. Pride can be all right, in a small dosage, so you can acknowledge and rejoice in your successes when they happen. But being humble, joyful and courageous will clear the way for you to see and understand life as it is, so you can enter the beautiful realm of the people that have managed to find their inner light, through the practice of virtuous acts.

      20. Spiritual practice

      Your suffering will not stop just because you've started your spiritual practice, be it meditation, practicing presence (being Here and Now), prayer, yoga (body mindfulness) or any other that you might choose for your path. This is an illusion of the mind. I have found that, for the most new practitioners of Buddhism, the idea of reaching states of bliss and tranquility,

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