The Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan. Arthur Sullivan
is everything
Either at sixes or at sevens?
BUT. How sweetly he carols forth his melody to the
moon! Of whom is he thinking? Of some high-born beauty? It may
be! Who is
poor Little Buttercup that she should expect his glance to fall
on one so
lowly! And yet if he knew—if he only knew!
CAPT. (coming down). Ah! Little Buttercup, still on board?
That is
not quite right, little one. It would have been more respectable
to have
gone on shore at dusk.
BUT, True, dear Captain—but the recollection of your sad
face seemed to chain me to the ship. I would fain see you smile
before I
CAPT. Ah! Little Buttercup, I fear it will be long before I
recover my accustomed cheerfulness, for misfortunes crowd upon
me, and
all my old friends seem to have turned against me!
BUT, Oh no—do not say "all", dear Captain. That were
unjust to
one, at least.
CAPT. True, for you are staunch to me. (Aside.) If ever I
gave my
heart again, methinks it would be to such a one as this! (Aloud.)
I am
touched to the heart by your innocent regard for me, and were we
differently situated, I think I could have returned it. But as it
is, I
fear I can never be more to you than a friend.
BUT, I understand! You hold aloof from me because you are
rich and
lofty—and I poor and lowly. But take care! The poor bumboat
woman has
gipsy blood in her veins, and she can read destinies.
CAPT. Destinies?
BUT. There is a change in store for you!
CAPT. A change?
BUT. Aye—be prepared!
BUT, Things are seldom what they seem,
Skim milk masquerades as cream;
Highlows pass as patent leathers;
Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.
CAPT. (puzzled). Very true,
So they do.
BUT. Black sheep dwell in every fold;
All that glitters is not gold;
Storks turn out to be but logs;
Bulls are but inflated frogs.
CAPT. (puzzled). So they be,
BUT. Drops the wind and stops the mill;
Turbot is ambitious brill;
Gild the farthing if you will,
Yet it is a farthing still.
CAPT. (puzzled). Yes, I know.
That is so.
Though to catch your drift I'm striving,
It is shady—it is shady;
I don't see at what you're driving,
Mystic lady—mystic lady.
(Aside.) Stern conviction's o'er me stealing,
That the mystic lady's dealing
In oracular revealing.
BUT. (aside).Stern conviction's o'er him stealing,
That the mystic lady's dealing
In oracular revealing.
Yes, I know—
That is so!
CAPT. Though I'm anything but clever,
I could talk like that for ever:
Once a cat was killed by care;
Only brave deserve the fair.
Very true,
So they do.
CAPT. Wink is often good as nod;
Spoils the child who spares the rod;
Thirsty lambs run foxy dangers;
Dogs are found in many mangers.
BUT. Frequentlee,
I agree.
Paw of cat the chestnut snatches;
Worn-out garments show new patches;
Only count the chick that hatches;
Men are grown-up catchy-catchies.
BUT. Yes, I know,
That is so.
(Aside.) Though to catch my drift he's striving,
I'll dissemble—I'll dissemble;
When he sees at what I'm driving,
Let him tremble—let him tremble!
Though a mystic tone { I } borrow,
You will } learn the truth with sorrow,
I shall
Here to-day and gone to-morrow;
Yes, I know—
That is so!
[At the end exit LITTLE BUTTERCUP
CAPT. Incomprehensible as her utterances are, I nevertheless
feel that
they are dictated by a sincere regard for me. But to what new
misery is
she referring? Time alone can tell!
SIR JOSEPH. Captain Corcoran, I am much disappointed with your
daughter. In fact, I don't think she will do.
CAPT. She won't do, Sir Joseph!
SIR JOSEPH. I'm afraid not. The fact is, that although I have
urged my
suit with as much eloquence as is consistent with an official
I have done so hitherto without success. How do you account for
CAPT. Really, Sir Joseph, I hardly know. Josephine is of course
sensible of your condescension.
SIR JOSEPH. She naturally would be.
CAPT. But perhaps your exalted rank dazzles her.
SIR JOSEPH. You think it does?
CAPT. I can hardly say; but she is a modest girl, and her
position is far below your own. It may be that she feels she is
worthy of you.
SIR JOSEPH. That is really a very sensible suggestion, and