Adrift in Pacific and Other Great Adventures – 17 Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition). Jules Verne

Adrift in Pacific and Other Great Adventures – 17 Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition) - Jules Verne

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" that is a steamer's smoke."

      In that direction the land was too far off for the smoke from the camp to be seen.

      Immediately Briant climbed to the mast-head.

      " A ship ! A ship! " he shouted.

      The ship was soon in sight from the deck. It was a steamer of about eight hundred tons, approaching at the rate of eleven knots an hour.

      There were cheers from the sloop, and some of the guns were fired. She was sighted, and ten minutes afterwards she was alongside the Grafton, bound to Australia.

      Captain Long, of the Grafton, was immediately told of the wreck of the schooner, the news of which had been very widely spread in England and America, and at once took the sloop's passengers on board. He even offered to take them on direct to Auckland, which would not be very far out of his road, for the Grafton's destination was Melbourne, in the south of Australia.

      The voyage was a quick one, and on the 25th of February the steamer cast anchor in Auckland Harbour.

      Within a few days two years had elapsed since the fifteen pupils from Charman's School had been cast adrift in the Pacific.

      We need not dwell on the joy of the families to whom the boys came back. Of all who had been carried away that long eighteen hundred leagues from New Zealand, not one was missing. When the news spread that the Grafton was in the harbour with the boys on board, the whole town turned out to welcome them.

      And how every one longed to hear in detail all that had passed on Charman Island! And curiosity was soon gratified. Donagan gave a few lectures on the subject, and the lectures were a great success; and Donagan was very proud indeed of their success. Then the log which had been kept by Baxter—almost hour by hour, we might say—had been printed, and hundreds of copies were sold. And the newspapers " reviewed " the journal so as to give all that was interesting in it with the least trouble to themselves; and, in short, the whole of Australasia became interested in the story of the strange adventure. And Gordon's prudence, Briant's unselfishness, Donagan's courage, and the true manliness of all became the themes of general admiration,

      Kate and Evans had, of course, a grand reception. A public subscription was started, and a ship was bought and named the Char man, of which Evans was to be owner and captain, on condition that Auckland remained her head-quarters. And when she returned from her voyages, Evans always met with the warmest of welcomes from his friends the boys.

      What was to be done with Kate ? The Briants, the Garnetts, the Wilcoxes, and many of the others wanted to secure her services for life. Finally she decided on entering the service of Donagan's family, for it was his life that had been saved by her care.

      And now to conclude. Never before had schoolboys passed their holidays in such a way. But—as all boys ought to know—with method and zeal and courage there is no position, however dangerous, from which there may not be an escape. Our heroes had passed through a severe apprenticeship; their characters had been strengthened by bitter experience; the little ones Had become big, and the big ones had become almost men during the two years they were Adrift in the Pacific.

       Table of Contents


       BOOK ONE

       Chapter I: A Fete at the New Palace

       Chapter II: Russians and Tartars

       Chapter III: Michael Strogoff Meets the Czar

       Chapter IV: From Moscow to Nijni-Novgorod

       Chapter V: The Two Announcements

       Chapter VI: Brother and Sister

       Chapter VII: Going Down the Volga

       Chapter VIII: Going Up the Kama

       Chapter IX: Day and Night in a Tarantass

       Chapter X: A Storm in the Ural Mountains

       Chapter XI: Travelers in Distress

       Chapter XII: Provocation

       Chapter XIII: Duty Before Everything

       Chapter XIV: Mother and Son

       Chapter XV: The Marshes of the Baraba

       Chapter XVI: A Final Effort

       Chapter XVII: The Rivals

       BOOK TWO

       Chapter I: A Tartar Camp

       Chapter II: Correspondents in Trouble

       Chapter III: Blow for Blow

       Chapter IV: The Triumphal Entry

       Chapter V: “Look While You May!”

       Chapter VI: A Friend on the Highway

       Chapter VII: The Passage of the Yenisei

       Chapter VIII: A Hare Crosses the Road

       Chapter IX: In the Steppe

       Chapter X: Baikal and Angara

       Chapter XI: Between Two Banks

       Chapter XII: Irkutsk

       Chapter XIII: The Czar’s Courier


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