The Greatest Works of Marie Belloc Lowndes. Marie Belloc Lowndes

The Greatest Works of Marie Belloc Lowndes - Marie Belloc  Lowndes

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for Bunting to get even an occasional job—for the matter of that he could now take up a fairly regular thing in the way of waiting. Mrs. Bunting knew that it isn’t easy to get a man out of idle ways once he has acquired those ways.

      When, at last, she went upstairs again she felt a little ashamed of what she had been thinking, for Bunting had laid the cloth, and laid it very nicely, too, and brought up the two chairs to the table.

      “Ellen?” he cried eagerly, “here’s news! Daisy’s coming tomorrow! There’s scarlet fever in their house. Old Aunt thinks she’d better come away for a few days. So, you see, she’ll be here for her birthday. Eighteen, that’s what she be on the nineteenth! It do make me feel old—that it do!”

      Mrs. Bunting put down the tray. “I can’t have the girl here just now,” she said shortly. “I’ve just as much to do as I can manage. The lodger gives me more trouble than you seem to think for.”

      “Rubbish!” he said sharply. “I’ll help you with the lodger. It’s your own fault you haven’t had help with him before. Of course, Daisy must come here. Whatever other place could the girl go to?”

      Bunting felt pugnacious—so cheerful as to be almost light-hearted. But as he looked across at his wife his feeling of satisfaction vanished. Ellen’s face was pinched and drawn today; she looked ill —ill and horribly tired. It was very aggravating of her to go and behave like this—just when they were beginning to get on nicely again.

      “For the matter of that,” he said suddenly, “Daisy’ll be able to help you with the work, Ellen, and she’ll brisk us both up a bit.”

      Mrs. Bunting made no answer. She sat down heavily at the table. And then she said languidly, “You might as well show me the girl’s letter.”

      He handed it across to her, and she read it slowly to herself.

      “DEAR FATHER (it ran)—I hope this finds you as well at it leaves me. Mrs. Puddle’s youngest has got scarlet fever, and Aunt thinks I had better come away at once, just to stay with you for a few days. Please tell Ellen I won’t give her no trouble. I’ll start at ten if I don’t hear nothing.—Your loving daughter,

      “Yes, I suppose Daisy will have to come here,” Mrs. Bunting slowly. “It’ll do her good to have a bit of work to do for once in her life.”

      And with that ungraciously worded permission Bunting had to content himself.

      Quietly the rest of that eventful day sped by. When dusk fell Mr. Sleuth’s landlady heard him go upstairs to the top floor. She remembered that this was the signal for her to go and do his room.

      He was a tidy man, was the lodger; he did not throw his things about as so many gentlemen do, leaving them all over the place. No, he kept everything scrupulously tidy. His clothes, and the various articles Mrs. Bunting had bought for him during the first two days he had been there, were carefully arranged in the chest of drawers. He had lately purchased a pair of boots. Those he had arrived in were peculiar-looking footgear, buff leather shoes with rubber soles, and he had told his landlady on that very first day that he never wished them to go down to be cleaned.

      A funny idea—a funny habit that, of going out for a walk after midnight in weather so cold and foggy that all other folk were glad to be at home, snug in bed. But then Mr. Sleuth himself admitted that he was a funny sort of gentleman.

      After she had done his bedroom the landlady went into the sitting-room and gave it a good dusting. This room was not kept quite as nice as she would have liked it to be. Mrs. Bunting longed to give the drawing-room something of a good turn out; but Mr. Sleuth disliked her to be moving about in it when he himself was in his bedroom; and when up he sat there almost all the time. Delighted as he had seemed to be with the top room, he only used it when making his mysterious experiments, and never during the day-time.

      And now, this afternoon, she looked at the rosewood chiffonnier with longing eyes—she even gave that pretty little piece of furniture a slight shake. If only the doors would fly open, as the locked doors of old cupboards sometimes do, even after they have been securely fastened, how pleased she would be, how much more comfortable somehow she would feel!

      But the chiffonnier refused to give up its secret.

      About eight o’clock on that same evening Joe Chandler came in, just for a few minutes’ chat. He had recovered from his agitation of the morning, but he was full of eager excitement, and Mrs. Bunting listened in silence, intensely interested in spite of herself, while he and Bunting talked.

      “Yes,” he said, “I’m as right as a trivet now! I’ve had a good rest —laid down all this afternoon. You see, the Yard thinks there’s going to be something on to-night. He’s always done them in pairs.”

      “So he has,” exclaimed Bunting wonderingly. “So he has! Now, I never thought o’ that. Then you think, Joe, that the monster’ll be on the job again to-night?”

      Chandler nodded. “Yes. And I think there’s a very good chance of his being caught too—”

      “I suppose there’ll be a lot on the watch to-night, eh?”

      “I should think there will be! How many of our men d’you think there’ll be on night duty to-night, Mr. Bunting?”

      Bunting shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said helplessly.

      “I mean extra,” suggested Chandler, in an encouraging voice.

      “A thousand?” ventured Bunting.

      “Five thousand, Mr. Bunting.”

      “Never!” exclaimed Bunting, amazed.

      And even Mrs. Bunting echoed “Never!” incredulously.

      “Yes, that there will. You see, the Boss has got his monkey up!” Chandler drew a folded-up newspaper out of his coat pocket. “Just listen to this:

      “‘The police have reluctantly to admit that they have no clue to the perpetrators of these horrible crimes, and we cannot feel any surprise at the information that a popular attack has been organised on the Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. There is even talk of an indignation mass meeting.’

      “What d’you think of that? That’s not a pleasant thing for a gentleman as is doing his best to read, eh?”

      “Well, it does seem queer that the police can’t catch him, now doesn’t it?” said Bunting argumentatively.

      “I don’t think it’s queer at all,” said young Chandler crossly. “Now you just listen again! Here’s a bit of the truth for once— in a newspaper.” And slowly he read out:

      “‘The detection of crime in London now resembles a game of blind man’s buff, in which the detective has his hands tied and his eyes bandaged. Thus is he turned loose to hunt the murderer through the slums of a great city.’”

      “Whatever does that mean?” said Bunting. “Your hands aren’t tied, and your eyes aren’t bandaged, Joe?”

      “It’s metaphorical-like that it’s intended, Mr. Bunting. We haven’t got the same facilities—no, not a quarter of them—that the French ‘tecs have.”

      And then, for the first time, Mrs. Bunting spoke: “What was that word, Joe—‘perpetrators’? I mean that first bit you read out.”

      “Yes,” he said, turning to her eagerly.

      “Then do they think there’s more than one of them?” she said, and a look of relief came over her thin face.

      “There’s some of our chaps thinks it’s a gang,” said Chandler. “They say it can’t be the work of one man.”

      “What do you think, Joe?”

      “Well, Mrs. Bunting, I don’t know what to think. I’m fair puzzled.”

      He got up. “Don’t you come to the door. I’ll shut it all right. So long! See you

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