THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CHEER: 180+ Novels, Tales & Poems in One Volume (Illustrated Edition). Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CHEER: 180+ Novels, Tales & Poems in One Volume (Illustrated Edition) - Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

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hear the sweet refrain,

       That came and went on the roof aloft,

       In the falling summer rain.

       "'Meg' on the first lid, smooth and fair.

       I look in with loving eyes,

       For folded here, with well-known care,

       A goodly gathering lies,

       The record of a peaceful life,—

       Gifts to gentle child and girl,

       A bridal gown, lines to a wife,

       A tiny shoe, a baby curl.

       No toys in this first chest remain,

       For all are carried away,

       In their old age, to join again

       In another small Meg's play.

       Ah, happy mother! well I know

       You hear, like a sweet refrain,

       Lullabies ever soft and low

       In the falling summer rain.

       "'Jo' on the next lid, scratched and worn,

       And within a motley store

       Of headless dolls, of school-books torn,

       Birds and beasts that speak no more;

       Spoils brought home from the fairy ground

       Only trod by youthful feet,

       Dreams of a future never found,

       Memories of a past still sweet;

       Half-writ poems, stories wild,

       April letters, warm and cold,

       Diaries of a wilful child,

       Hints of a woman early old;

       A woman in a lonely home,

       Hearing, like a sad refrain,—

       'Be worthy love, and love will come,'

       In the falling summer rain.

       "My Beth! the dust is always swept

       From the lid that bears your name,

       As if by loving eyes that wept,

       By careful hands that often came.

       Death canonized for us one saint,

       Ever less human than divine,

       And still we lay, with tender plaint,

       Relics in this household shrine.—

       The silver bell, so seldom rung,

       The little cap which last she wore,

       The fair, dead Catherine that hung

       By angels borne above her door;

       The songs she sang, without lament,

       In her prison-house of pain,

       Forever are they sweetly blent

       With the falling summer rain.

       "Upon the last lid's polished field—

       Legend now both fair and true—

       A gallant knight bears on his shield,

       'Amy,' in letters gold and blue.

       Within lie snoods that bound her hair,

       Slippers that have danced their last,

       Faded flowers laid by with care,

       Fans whose airy toils are past;

       Gay valentines, all ardent flames,

       Trifles that have borne their part

       In girlish hopes and fears and shames,—

       The record of a maiden heart

       Now learning fairer, truer spells,

       Hearing, like a blithe refrain,

       The silver sound of bridal bells

       In the falling summer rain.

       "Four little chests all in a row,

       Dim with dust, and worn by time,

       Four women, taught by weal and woe

       To love and labor in their prime.

       Four sisters, parted for an hour,

       None lost, one only gone before,

       Made by love's immortal power,

       Nearest and dearest evermore.

       Oh, when these hidden stores of ours

       Lie open to the Father's sight,

       May they be rich in golden hours,

       Deeds that show fairer for the light,

       Lives whose brave music long shall ring,

       Like a spirit-stirring strain,

       Souls that shall gladly soar and sing

       In the long sunshine after rain.

      "J. M."

      "It's very bad poetry, but I felt it when I wrote it, one day when I was very lonely, and had a good cry on a rag-bag. I never thought it would go where it could tell tales," said Jo, tearing up the verses the Professor had treasured so long.

      "Let it go, it has done its duty, and I will haf a fresh one when I read all the brown book in which she keeps her little secrets," said Mr. Bhaer, with a smile, as he watched the fragments fly away on the wind. "Yes," he added earnestly, "I read that, and I think to myself, 'She has a sorrow, she is lonely, she would find comfort in true love. I haf a heart full, full for her; shall I not go and say, 'If this isnot too poor a thing to gif for what I shall hope to receive, take it in Gott's name?'"

      "And so you came to find that it was not too poor, but the one precious thing I needed," whispered Jo.

      "I had no courage to think that at first, heavenly kind as was your welcome to me. But soon I began to hope, and then I said, 'I will haf her if I die for it,' and so I will!" cried Mr. Bhaer, with a defiant nod, as if the walls of mist closing round them were barriers which he was to surmount or valiantly knock down.

      Jo thought that was splendid, and resolved to be worthy of her knight, though he did not come prancing on a charger in gorgeous array.

      "What made you stay away so long?" she asked presently, finding it so pleasant to ask confidential questions and get delightful answers that she could not keep silent.

      "It was not easy, but I could not find the heart to take you from that so happy home until I could haf a prospect of one to give you, after much time, perhaps, and hard work. How could I ask you to gif up so much for a poor old fellow, who has no fortune but a little learning?"

      "I'm glad you are poor; I couldn't bear a rich husband," said Jo decidedly, adding, in a softer tone, "Don't fear poverty; I've known it long enough to lose my dread, and be happy working for those I love; and don't call yourself old,—forty is the prime of life. I couldn't help loving you if you were seventy!"

      The Professor found that so touching that he would have been glad of his handkerchief, if he could have got at it; as he couldn't, Jo wiped his eyes for him, and said, laughing, as she took away a bundle or two,—

      "I may be strong-minded, but no one can say I'm out of my sphere now, for woman's special mission is supposed to be drying tears and bearing burdens. I'm to carry my share, Friedrich, and help to earn the home. Make up your mind to that, or I'll never go," she added resolutely, as he tried to reclaim his load.

      "We shall see. Haf you patience to wait a long time, Jo? I must go away and do my work alone. I must help my boys first, because,even for you, I may not break my word to Minna. Can you forgif that, and be happy while we hope and wait?"

      "Yes, I know I can; for we love one another, and that makes all the rest easy to bear. I have my duty, also, and my work. I couldn't enjoy myself if I neglected them even for you, so there's no need of hurry or impatience.

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