The Greatest Works of William Blake (With Complete Original Illustrations). William Blake

The Greatest Works of William Blake (With Complete Original Illustrations) - William  Blake

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him in vain:

      I cry arise O Theotormon for the village dog

      Barks at the breaking day. the nightingale has done lamenting.

      The lark does rustle in the ripe corn, and the Eagle returns

      From nightly prey, and lifts his golden beak to the pure east;

      Shaking the dust from his immortal pinions to awake

      The sun that sleeps too long. Arise my Theotormon I am pure.

      Because the night is gone that clos’d me in its deadly black.

      They told me that the night & day were all that I could see;

      They told me that I had five senses to inclose me up.

      And they inclos’d my infinite brain into a narrow circle,

      And sunk my heart into the Abyss, a red round globe hot burning

      Till all from life I was obliterated and erased.

      Instead of morn arises a bright shddow, like an eye

      In the eastern cloud: instead of night a sickly charnel house;

      That Theotormon hears me not! to him the night and morn

      Are both alike: a night of sighs, a morning of fresh tears;

      And none but Bromion can hear my lamentations.

      With what sense is it that the chicken shuns the ravenous hawk?

      With what sense does the tame pigeon measure out the expanse?

      With what sense does the bee form cells? have not the mouse & frog

      Eyes and ears and sense of touch? yet are their habitations.

      And their pursuits, as different as their forms and as their joys:

      Ask the wild ass why he refuses burdens: and the meek camel

      Why he loves man: is it because of eye ear mouth or skin

      Or breathing nostrils? No. for these the wolf and tyger have.

      Ask the blind worm the secrets of the grave, and why her spires

      Love to curl round the bones of death; and ask the rav’nous snake

      Where she gets poison: & the wing’d eagle why he loves the sun

      And then tell me the thoughts of man, that have been hid of old.

      Silent I hover all the night, and all day could be silent.

      If Theotormon once would turn his loved eyes upon me;

      How can I be defild when I reflect thy image pure?

      Sweetest the fruit that the worm feeds on. & the soul prey’d on by woe

      The new wash’d lamb ting’d with the village smoke & the bright swan

      By the red earth of our immortal river: I bathe my wings.

      And I am white and pure to hover round Theotormons breast.

      Then Theotormon broke his silence. and he answered.

      Tell me what is the night or day to one o’erflowd with woe?

      Tell me what is a thought? & of what substance is it made?

      Tell me what is a joy? & in what gardens do joys grow?

      And in what rivers swim the sorrows? and upon what mountains

      Wave shadows of discontent? and in what houses dwell the wretched

      Drunken with woe forgotten. and shut up from cold despair.

      Tell me where dwell the thoughts forgotten till thou call them forth

      Tell me where dwell the joys of old! & where the ancient loves?

      And when will they renew again & the night of oblivion past?

      That I might traverse times & spaces far remote and bring

      Comforts into a present sorrow and a night of pain

      Where goest thou O thought? to what remote land is thy flight?

      If thou returnest to the present moment of affliction

      Wilt thou bring comforts on thy wings. and dews and honey and balm;

      Or poison from the desart wilds, from the eyes of the envier.

      Then Bromion said: and shook the cavern with his lamentation

      Thou knowest that the ancient trees seen by thine eyes have fruit;

      But knowest thou that trees and fruits flourish upon the earth

      To gratify senses unknown? trees beasts and birds unknown:

      Unknown, not unpercievd, spread in the infinite microscope,

      In places yet unvisited by the voyager. and in worlds

      Over another kind of seas, and in atmospheres unknown:

      Ah! are there other wars, beside the wars of sword and fire!

      And are there other sorrows, beside the sorrows of poverty!

      And are there other joys, beside the joys of riches and ease?

      And is there not one law for both the lion and the ox?

      And is there not eternal fire, and eternal chains?

      To bind the phantoms of existence from eternal life?

      Then Oothoon waited silent all the day. and all the night,

      But when the morn arose, her lamentation renewd,

      The Daughters of Albion hear her woes, & eccho back her sighs.

      O Urizen! Creator of men! mistaken Demon of heaven:

      Thy joys are tears! thy labour vain, to form men to thine image.

      How can one joy absorb another? are not different joys

      Holy, eternal, infinite! and each joy is a Love.

      Does not the great mouth laugh at a gift? & the narrow eyelids mock

      At the labour that is above payment, and wilt thou take the ape

      For thy councellor? or the dog, for a schoolmaster to thy children?

      Does he who contemns poverty, and he who turns with abhorrence

      From usury: feel the same passion or are they moved alike?

      How can the giver of gifts experience the delights of the merchant?

      How the industrious citizen the pains of the husbandman.

      How different far the fat fed hireling with hollow drum;

      Who buys whole corn fields into wastes, and sings upon the heath:

      How different their eye and ear! how different the world to them!

      With what sense does the parson claim the labour of the farmer?

      What are his nets & gins & traps. & how does he surround him

      With cold floods of abstraction, and with forests of solitude,

      To build him castles and high spires. where kings & priests may dwell.

      Till she who burns with youth. and knows no fixed lot; is bound

      In spells of law to one she loaths: and must she drag the chain

      Of life, in weary lust! must chilling murderous thoughts. obscure

      The clear heaven of her eternal spring? to bear the wintry rage


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