The Complete Works of Robert Browning: Poems, Plays, Letters & Biographies in One Edition. Robert Browning

The Complete Works of Robert Browning: Poems, Plays, Letters & Biographies in One Edition - Robert  Browning

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— or, as the tuneful Quarles well phraseth it —

      He’s most in debt who lingers out the day,

       Who dies betimes has less and less to pay.

       So far, therefore, from these sagacious ethics holding that

       Debt cramps the energies of the soul, &c.

      as thou pratest, ’tis plain that they have willed on the very outset to inculcate this truth on the mind of every man, — no barren and inconsequential dogma, but an effectual, ever influencing and productive rule of life, — that he is born a debtor, lives a debtor — aye, friend, and when thou diest, will not some judicious bystander, — no recreant as thou to the bonds of nature, but a good borrower and true — remark, as did his grandsire before him on like occasions, that thou hast ‘paid the debt of nature’? Ha! I have thee ‘beyond the rules’, as one (a bailiff) may say!

      Such performances supplied a distraction to the more serious work of writing ‘Paracelsus’, which was to be concluded in March 1835, and which occupied the foregoing winter months. We do not know to what extent Mr. Browning had remained in communication with Mr. Fox; but the following letters show that the friend of ‘Pauline’ gave ready and efficient help in the strangely difficult task of securing a publisher for the new poem.

      The first is dated April 2, 1835.

      Dear Sir, — I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter: — Sardanapalus ‘could not go on multiplying kingdoms’ — nor I protestations — but I thank you very much.

      You will oblige me indeed by forwarding the introduction to Moxon. I merely suggested him in particular, on account of his good name and fame among author-folk, besides he has himself written — as the Americans say — ’more poetry ‘an you can shake a stick at.’ So I hope we shall come to terms.

      I also hope my poem will turn out not utterly unworthy your kind interest, and more deserving your favour than anything of mine you have as yet seen; indeed I all along proposed to myself such an endeavour, for it will never do for one so distinguished by past praise to prove nobody after all — ’nous verrons’. I am, dear sir, Yours most truly and obliged Robt. Browning.

      On April 16 he wrote again as follows:

      Dear Sir,

      Your communication gladdened the cockles of my heart. I lost no time in presenting myself to Moxon, but no sooner was Mr. Clarke’s letter perused than the Moxonian visage loured exceedingly thereat — the Moxonian accent grew dolorous thereupon: — ’Artevelde’ has not paid expenses by about thirty odd pounds. Tennyson’s poetry is ‘popular at Cambridge’, and yet of 800 copies which were printed of his last, some 300 only have gone off: Mr. M. hardly knows whether he shall ever venture again, &c. &c., and in short begs to decline even inspecting, &c. &c.

      I called on Saunders and Otley at once, and, marvel of marvels, do really think there is some chance of our coming to decent terms — I shall know at the beginning of next week, but am not over-sanguine.

      You will ‘sarve me out’? two words to that; being the man you are, you must need very little telling from me, of the real feeling I have of your criticism’s worth, and if I have had no more of it, surely I am hardly to blame, who have in more than one instance bored you sufficiently: but not a particle of your article has been rejected or neglected by your observant humble servant, and very proud shall I be if my new work bear in it the marks of the influence under which it was undertaken — and if I prove not a fit compeer of the potter in Horace who anticipated an amphora and produced a porridge-pot. I purposely keep back the subject until you see my conception of its capabilities — otherwise you would be planning a vase fit to give the go-by to Evander’s best crockery, which my cantharus would cut but a sorry figure beside — hardly up to the ansa.

      But such as it is, it is very earnest and suggestive — and likely I hope to do good; and though I am rather scared at the thought of a fresh eye going over its 4,000 lines — discovering blemishes of all sorts which my one wit cannot avail to detect, fools treated as sages, obscure passages, slipshod verses, and much that worse is, — yet on the whole I am not much afraid of the issue, and I would give something to be allowed to read it some morning to you — for every rap o’ the knuckles I should get a clap o’ the back, I know.

      Excuse all this swagger, I know you will, and

      (The signature has been cut off; evidently for an autograph.)

      Mr. Effingham Wilson was induced to publish the poem, but more, we understand, on the ground of radical sympathies in Mr. Fox and the author than on that of its intrinsic worth.

      The titlepage of ‘Paracelsus’ introduces us to one of the warmest friendships of Mr. Browning’s life. Count de Ripert-Monclar was a young French Royalist, one of those who had accompanied the Duchesse de Berri on her Chouan expedition, and was then, for a few years, spending his summers in England; ostensibly for his pleasure, really — as he confessed to the Browning family — in the character of private agent of communication between the royal exiles and their friends in France. He was four years older than the poet, and of intellectual tastes which created an immediate bond of union between them. In the course of one of their conversations, he suggested the life of Paracelsus as a possible subject for a poem; but on second thoughts pronounced it unsuitable, because it gave no room for the introduction of love: about which, he added, every young man of their age thought he had something quite new to say. Mr. Browning decided, after the necessary study, that he would write a poem on Paracelsus, but treating him in his own way. It was dedicated, in fulfilment of a promise, to the friend to whom its inspiration had been due.

      Mr. Browning did treat Paracelsus in his own way; and in so doing produced a character

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