The Greatest Works of Robert E. Howard: 300+ Titles in One Edition. Robert E. Howard

The Greatest Works of Robert E. Howard: 300+ Titles in One Edition - Robert E.  Howard

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some spells it was weak, but against others it was strong, and a good knife is always a hearty incantation."

      "But if the girdle aided you in conquering the Master," she argued, "why did it not aid Khemsa?"

      He shook his head. "Who knows? But Khemsa had been the Master's slave; perhaps that weakened its magic. He had no hold on me as he had on Khemsa. Yet I can't say that I conquered him. He retreated, but I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of him. I want to put as many miles between us and his lair as we can."

      He was further relieved to find horses tethered among the tamarisks as he had left them. He loosed them swiftly and mounted the black stallion, swinging the girl up before him. The others followed, freshened by their rest.

      "And what now?" she asked. "To Afghulistan?"

      "Not just now!" He grinned hardly. "Somebody—maybe the governor – killed my seven headmen. My idiotic followers think I had something to do with it, and unless I am able to convince them otherwise, they'll hunt me like a wounded jackal."

      "Then what of me? If the headmen are dead, I am useless to you as a hostage. Will you slay me, to avenge them?"

      He looked down at her, with eyes fiercely aglow, and laughed at the suggestion.

      "Then let us ride to the border," she said. "You'll be safe from the Afghulis there—"

      "Yes, on a Vendhyan gibbet."

      "I am Queen of Vendhya," she reminded him with a touch of her old imperiousness. "You have saved my life. You shall be rewarded."

      She did not intend it as it sounded, but he growled in his throat, ill pleased.

      "Keep your bounty for your city-bred dogs, princess! If you're a queen of the plains, I'm a chief of the hills, and not one foot toward the border will I take you!"

      "But you would be safe—" she began bewilderedly.

      "And you'd be the Devi again," he broke in. "No, girl; I prefer you as you are now—a woman of flesh and blood, riding on my saddle-bow."

      "But you can't keep me!" she cried. "You can't—"

      "Watch and see!" he advised grimly.

      "But I will pay you a vast ransom—"

      "Devil take your ransom!" he answered roughly, his arms hardening about her supple figure. "The kingdom of Vendhya could give me nothing I desire half so much as I desire you. I took you at the risk of my neck; if your courtiers want you back, let them come up the Zhaibar and fight for you."

      "But you have no followers now!" she protested. "You are hunted! How can you preserve your own life, much less mine?"

      "I still have friends in the hills," he answered. "There is a chief of the Khurakzai who will keep you safely while I bicker with the Afghulis. If they will have none of me, by Crom! I will ride northward with you to the steppes of the kozaki. I was a hetman among the Free Companions before I rode southward. I'll make you a queen on the Zaporoska River!"

      "But I can not!" she objected. "You must not hold me—"

      "If the idea's so repulsive," he demanded, "why did you yield your lips to me so willingly?"

      "Even a queen is human," she answered, coloring. "But because I am a queen, I must consider my kingdom. Do not carry me away into some foreign country. Come back to Vendhya with me!"

      "Would you make me your king?" he asked sardonically.

      "Well, there are customs—" she stammered, and he interrupted her with a hard laugh.

      "Yes, civilized customs that won't let you do as you wish. You'll marry some withered old king of the plains, and I can go my way with only the memory of a few kisses snatched from your lips. Ha!"

      "But I must return to my kingdom!" she repeated helplessly.

      "Why?" he demanded angrily. "To chafe your rump on gold thrones, and listen to the plaudits of smirking, velvet-skirted fools? Where is the gain? Listen: I was born in the Cimmerian hills where the people are all barbarians. I have been a mercenary soldier, a corsair, a kozak, and a hundred other things. What king has roamed the countries, fought the battles, loved the women, and won the plunder that I have?

      "I came into Ghulistan to raise a horde and plunder the kingdoms to the south—your own among them. Being chief of the Afghulis was only a start. If I can conciliate them, I'll have a dozen tribes following me within a year. But if I can't I'll ride back to the steppes and loot the Turanian borders with the kozaki. And you'll go with me. To the devil with your kingdom; they fended for themselves before you were born."

      She lay in his arms looking up at him, and she felt a tug at her spirit, a lawless, reckless urge that matched his own and was by it called into being. But a thousand generations of sovereignship rode heavy upon her.

      "I can't! I can't!" she repeated helplessly.

      "You haven't any choice," he assured her. "You—what the devil!"

      They had left Yimsha some miles behind them, and were riding along a high ridge that separated two deep valleys. They had just topped a steep crest where they could gaze down into the valley on their right hand. And there was a running fight in progress. A strong wind was blowing away from them, carrying the sound from their ears, but even so the clashing of steel and thunder of hoofs welled up from far below.

      They saw the glint of the sun on lance-tip and spired helmet. Three thousand mailed horsemen were driving before them a ragged band of turbaned riders, who fled snarling and striking like fleeing wolves.

      "Turanians," muttered Conan. "Squadrons from Secunderam. What the devil are they doing here?"

      "Who are the men they pursue?" asked Yasmina. "And why do they fall back so stubbornly? They can not stand against such odds."

      "Five hundred of my mad Afghulis," he growled, scowling down into the vale. "They're in a trap, and they know it."

      The valley was indeed a cul-de-sac at that end. It narrowed to a high- walled gorge, opening out further into a round bowl, completely rimmed with lofty, unscalable walls.

      The turbaned riders were being forced into this gorge, because there was nowhere else for them to go, and they went reluctantly, in a shower of arrows and a whirl of swords. The helmeted riders harried them, but did not press in too rashly. They knew the desperate fury of the hill tribes, and they knew too that they had their prey in a trap from which there was no escape. They had recognized the hill-men as Afghulis, and they wished to hem them in and force a surrender. They needed hostages for the purpose they had in mind.

      Their emir was a man of decision and initiative. When he reached the Gurashah valley, and found neither guides nor emissary waiting for him, he pushed on, trusting to his own knowledge of the country. All the way from Secunderam there had been fighting, and tribesmen were licking their wounds in many a crag-perched village. He knew there was a good chance that neither he nor any of his helmeted spearmen would ever ride through the gates of Secunderam again, for the tribes would all be up behind him now, but he was determined to carry out his orders—which were to take Yasmina Devi from the Afghulis at all costs, and to bring her captive to Secunderam, or if confronted by impossibility, to strike off her head before he himself died.

      Of all this, of course, the watchers on the ridge were not aware. But Conan fidgeted with nervousness.

      "Why the devil did they get themselves trapped?" he demanded of the universe at large. "I know what they're doing in these parts—they were hunting me, the dogs! Poking into every valley—and found themselves penned in before they knew it. The poor fools! They're making a stand in the gorge, but they can't hold out for long. When the Turanians have pushed them back into the bowl, they'll slaughter them at their leisure."

      The din welling up from below increased in volume and intensity. In the strait of the narrow gut, the Afghulis, fighting desperately, were for the time holding their own against the mailed riders, who could not throw their whole weight against them.

      Conan scowled darkly, moved

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