The Complete Tragedies of William Shakespeare - All 12 Books in One Edition. William Shakespeare
But was a petty servant to the state,
He was your enemy; ever spake against
Your liberties, and the charters that you bear
I’ the body of the weal: and now, arriving
A place of potency and sway o’ the state,
If he should still malignantly remain
Fast foe to the plebeii, your voices might
Be curses to yourselves? You should have said,
That as his worthy deeds did claim no less
Than what he stood for, so his gracious nature
Would think upon you for your voices, and
Translate his malice towards you into love,
Standing your friendly lord.
Thus to have said,
As you were fore-advis’d, had touch’d his spirit
And tried his inclination; from him pluck’d
Either his gracious promise, which you might,
As cause had call’d you up, have held him to;
Or else it would have gall’d his surly nature,
Which easily endures not article
Tying him to aught; so, putting him to rage,
You should have ta’en the advantage of his choler
And pass’d him unelected.
Did you perceive
He did solicit you in free contempt
When he did need your loves; and do you think
That his contempt shall not be bruising to you
When he hath power to crush? Why, had your bodies
No heart among you? Or had you tongues to cry
Against the rectorship of judgment?
Have you
Ere now denied the asker, and now again,
Of him that did not ask but mock, bestow
Your su’d-for tongues?
He’s not confirm’d: we may deny him yet.
And will deny him:
I’ll have five hundred voices of that sound.
I twice five hundred, and their friends to piece ‘em.
Get you hence instantly; and tell those friends
They have chose a consul that will from them take
Their liberties, make them of no more voice
Than dogs, that are as often beat for barking
As therefore kept to do so.
Let them assemble;
And, on a safer judgment, all revoke
Your ignorant election: enforce his pride
And his old hate unto you: besides, forget not
With what contempt he wore the humble weed;
How in his suit he scorn’d you: but your loves,
Thinking upon his services, took from you
Th’ apprehension of his present portance,
Which, most gibingly, ungravely, he did fashion
After the inveterate hate he bears you.
A fault on us, your tribunes; that we labour’d,—
No impediment between,—but that you must
Cast your election on him.
Say you chose him
More after our commandment than as guided
By your own true affections; and that your minds,
Pre-occupied with what you rather must do
Than what you should, made you against the grain
To voice him consul. Lay the fault on us.
Ay, spare us not. Say we read lectures to you,
How youngly he began to serve his country,
How long continued: and what stock he springs of—
The noble house o’ the Marcians; from whence came
That Ancus Marcius, Numa’s daughter’s son,
Who, after great Hostilius, here was king;
Of the same house Publius and Quintus were,
That our best water brought by conduits hither;
And Censorinus, darling of the people,
And nobly nam’d so, twice being censor,
Was his great ancestor.
One thus descended,
That hath beside well in his person wrought
To be set high in place, we did commend
To your remembrances: but you have found,
Scaling his present bearing with his past,
That he’s your fixed enemy, and revoke
Your sudden approbation.
Say you ne’er had done’t,—
Harp on that still,—but by our putting on:
And presently when you have drawn your number,
Repair to the Capitol.
We will so; almost all
Repent in their election.
Let them go on;
This mutiny were better put in hazard
Than stay, past doubt, for greater:
If, as his nature is, he fall in rage
With their refusal, both observe and answer
The vantage of his anger.
To the Capitol,
Come: we will be there before the stream o’ the people;
And this shall seem, as partly ‘tis, their own,
Which we have goaded onward.
SCENE I. Rome. A street
Senators, and Patricians.]
Tullus Aufidius, then, had made new head?
He had, my lord; and that it was which caus’d
Our swifter composition.
So then the Volsces stand but as at first;
Ready, when time shall prompt them, to make road
Upon’s again.