The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method. Henri Poincare

The Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method - Henri  Poincare

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system, as real attractions do, the other on their relative velocities, as real frictions do.

      Many difficulties, however, would soon awaken their attention; if they succeeded in realizing an isolated system, the center of gravity of this system would not have an almost rectilinear path. They would invoke, to explain this fact, the centrifugal forces which they would regard as real, and which they would attribute no doubt to the mutual actions of the bodies. Only they would not see these forces become null at great distances, that is to say in proportion as the isolation was better realized; far from it; centrifugal force increases indefinitely with the distance.

      This difficulty would seem to them already sufficiently great; and yet it would not stop them long; they would soon imagine some very subtile medium, analogous to our ether, in which all bodies would be immersed and which would exert a repellent action upon them.

      But this is not all. Space is symmetric, and yet the laws of motion would not show any symmetry; they would have to distinguish between right and left. It would be seen for instance that cyclones turn always in the same sense, whereas by reason of symmetry these winds should turn indifferently in one sense and in the other. If our scientists by their labor had succeeded in rendering their universe perfectly symmetric, this symmetry would not remain, even though there was no apparent reason why it should be disturbed in one sense rather than in the other.

      They would get themselves out of the difficulty doubtless, they would invent something which would be no more extraordinary than the glass spheres of Ptolemy, and so it would go on, complications accumulating, until the long-expected Copernicus sweeps them all away at a single stroke, saying: It is much simpler to assume the earth turns round.

      And just as our Copernicus said to us: It is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round, since thus the laws of astronomy are expressible in a much simpler language; this one would say: It is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round, since thus the laws of mechanics are expressible in a much simpler language.

      This does not preclude maintaining that absolute space, that is to say the mark to which it would be necessary to refer the earth to know whether it really moves, has no objective existence. Hence, this affirmation: 'the earth turns round' has no meaning, since it can be verified by no experiment; since such an experiment, not only could not be either realized or dreamed by the boldest Jules Verne, but can not be conceived of without contradiction; or rather these two propositions: 'the earth turns round,' and, 'it is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round' have the same meaning; there is nothing more in the one than in the other.

      Perhaps one will not be content even with that, and will find it already shocking that among all the hypotheses, or rather all the conventions we can make on this subject, there is one more convenient than the others.

      But if it has been admitted without difficulty when it was a question of the laws of astronomy, why should it be shocking in that which concerns mechanics?

      We have seen that the coordinates of bodies are determined by differential equations of the second order, and that so are the differences of these coordinates. This is what we have called the generalized principle of inertia and the principle of relative motion. If the distances of these bodies were determined likewise by equations of the second order, it seems that the mind ought to be entirely satisfied. In what measure does the mind get this satisfaction and why is it not content with it?

      To account for this, we had better take a simple example. I suppose a system analogous to our solar system, but where one can not perceive fixed stars foreign to this system, so that astronomers can observe only the mutual distances of the planets and the sun, and not the absolute longitudes of the planets. If we deduce directly from Newton's law the differential equations which define the variation of these distances, these equations will not be of the second order. I mean that if, besides Newton's law, one knew the initial values of these distances and of their derivatives with respect to the time, that would not suffice to determine the values of these same distances at a subsequent instant. There would still be lacking one datum, and this datum might be for instance what astronomers call the area-constant.

      But here two different points of view may be taken; we may distinguish two sorts of constants. To the eyes of the physicist the world reduces to a series of phenomena, depending, on the one hand, solely upon the initial phenomena; on the other hand, upon the laws which bind the consequents to the antecedents. If then observation teaches us that a certain quantity is a constant, we shall have the choice between two conceptions.

      Either we shall assume that there is a law requiring this quantity not to vary, but that by chance, at the beginning of the ages, it had, rather than another, this value it has been forced to keep ever since. This quantity might then be called an accidental constant.

      Or else we shall assume, on the contrary, that there is a law of nature which imposes upon this quantity such a value and not such another.

      We shall then have what we may call an essential constant.

      For example, in virtue of Newton's laws, the duration of the revolution of the earth must be constant. But if it is 366 sidereal days and something over, and not 300 or 400, this is in consequence of I know not what initial chance. This is an accidental constant. If, on the contrary, the exponent of the distance which figures in the expression of the attractive force is equal to −2 and not to −3, this is not by chance, but because Newton's law requires it. This is an essential constant.

      I know not whether this way of giving chance its part is legitimate in itself, and whether this distinction is not somewhat artificial; it is certain at least that, so long as nature shall have secrets, this distinction will be in application extremely arbitrary and always precarious.

      As to the area-constant, we are accustomed to regard it as accidental. Is it certain our imaginary astronomers would do the same? If they could have compared two different solar systems, they would have the idea that this constant may have several different values; but my very supposition in the beginning was that their system should appear as isolated, and that they should observe no star foreign to it. Under these conditions, they would see only one single constant which would have a single value absolutely invariable; they would be led without any doubt to regard it as an essential constant.

      A word in passing to forestall an objection: the inhabitants of this imaginary world could neither observe nor define the area-constant as we do, since the absolute longitudes escape them; that would not preclude their being quickly led to notice a certain constant which would introduce itself naturally into their equations and which would be nothing but what we call the area-constant.

      But then see what would happen. If the area-constant is regarded as essential, as depending upon a law of nature, to calculate the distances of the planets at any instant it will suffice to know the initial values of these distances and those of their first derivatives. From this new point of view, the distances will be determined by differential equations of the second order.

      Yet would the mind of these astronomers be completely satisfied? I do not believe so; first, they would soon perceive that in differentiating their equations and thus raising their order, these equations became much simpler. And above all they would be struck by the difficulty which comes from symmetry. It would be necessary to assume different laws, according as the aggregate of the planets presented the figure of a certain polyhedron or of the symmetric polyhedron, and one would escape from this consequence only by regarding the area-constant as accidental.

      I have taken a very special example, since I have supposed astronomers who did not at all consider terrestrial mechanics, and whose view was limited to the solar system. Our universe is more extended than theirs, as we have fixed stars, but still it too is limited, and so we might reason on the totality of our universe as the astronomers on their solar system.

      Thus we see that finally we should be led to conclude that the equations which define distances are of an order superior to the second. Why should we be shocked at that, why do we find it perfectly natural for the series of phenomena to depend upon the initial values of the first derivatives of these distances, while we hesitate to admit that they may depend on the initial values of the second derivatives? This

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