Heaven and its Wonders and Hell. Emanuel Swedenborg
2628, 2798, 2803, 3195, 3704).
When the Lord was in the world He made His Human Divine truth from the Divine good that was in Him (n. 2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199).
The Lord then arranged all things in Himself into a
heavenly form, which is in accord with Divine truth (n.
1928, 3633).
For this reason the Lord was called the Word, which is
Divine truth (n. 2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712).
The Lord alone had perception and thought from Himself,
and this was above all angelic perception and thought (n.
1904, 1914, 1919).
The Divine truth which was Himself, the Lord united with
Divine good which was in Himself (n. 10047, 10052, 10076).
The union was reciprocal (n. 2004, 10067).
[6] In passing out of the world the Lord also made His
Human Divine good (n. 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199,
This is what is meant by His coming forth from the Father
and returning to the Father (n. 3194, 3210). Thus He
became one with the Father (n. 2751, 3704, 4766).
Since that union Divine truth goes forth from the Lord (n. 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398). How Divine truth goes forth, illustrated (n. 7270, 9407).
It was from His own power that the Lord united the Human with the Divine (n. 1616, 1749, 1752, 1813, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2523, 3141, 5005, 5045, 6716).
From this it is clear that the Lord's Human was not like
the human of any other man, in that it was conceived from
the Divine Itself (n. 10125, 10825, 10826).
His union with the Father, from whom was His soul, was not as between two persons, but as between soul and body (n. 3737, 10824).
[7] The most ancient people could not worship the Divine being [esse], but could worship only the Divine Outgo [existere], which is the Divine Human; therefore the Lord came into the world in order to become the Divine Existere from the Divine Esse (n. 4687, 5321).
The ancients acknowledged the Divine because He appeared to them in a human form, and this was the Divine Human (n. 5110, 5663, 6845, 10737).
The Infinite Being [Esse] could flow into heaven with the angels and with men only by means of the Divine Human (n. 1676, 1990, 2016, 2034).
In heaven no other Divine than the Divine Human is perceived (n. 6475, 9303, 10067, 10267).
The Divine Human from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven and the Divine passing through heaven; thus it was the Divine Outgo [existere] which afterwards in the Lord became the Divine Being [Esse] per se, from which is the Divine Existere in heaven (n. 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579).
What the state of heaven was before the Lord's coming (n.
The Divine was not perceptible except when it passed
through heaven (n. 6982, 6996, 7004).
[8] The inhabitants of all the earth worship the Divine under a human form, that is, the Lord (n. 6700, 8541–8547, 10736–10738).
They rejoice when they hear that God actually became Man
(n. 9361).
All who are in good and who worship the Divine under the
human form, are received by the Lord (n. 9359).
God cannot be thought of except in human form; and what is
incomprehensible does not fall into any idea, so neither
into belief (n. 9359, 9972).
Man is able to worship that of which he has some idea, but
not that of which he has no idea (n. 4733, 5110, 5663,
7211, 9356, 10067, 10267).
Therefore the Divine is worshiped under a human form by most of the inhabitants of the entire globe, and this is the effect of influx from heaven (n. 10159).
All who are in good in regard to their life, when they think of the Lord, think of the Divine Human, and not of the Human separate from the Divine; it is otherwise with those who are not in good in regard to their life (n. 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198).
In the church at this day those that are in evil in regard to their life, and those that are in faith separate from charity, think of the Human of the Lord apart from the Divine, and do not even comprehend what the Divine Human is,-why they do not (n. 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6872, 8878, 9193, 9198).
The Lord's Human is Divine because it is from the Being [Esse] of the Father, and this was His soul—illustrated by a father's likeness in children (n. 10269, 10372, 10823).
Also because it was from the Divine love, which was the very Being [Esse] of His life from conception (n. 6872).
Every man is such as his love is, and is his love (n. 6872, 10177, 10284). The Lord made all His Human, both internal and external, Divine (n. 1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2083, 2093).
Therefore, differently from any man, He rose again as to
His whole body (n. 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).
[9] That the Lord's Human is Divine is acknowledged from
His omnipresence in the Holy Supper (n. 2343, 2359).
Also from His transfiguration before His three disciples
(n. 3212).
Also from the Word of the Old Testament, in that He is called God (n. 10154); and is called Jehovah (n. 1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315).
In the sense of the letter a distinction is made between
the Father and the Son, that is, between Jehovah and the
Lord, but not in the internal sense of the Word, in which
the angels of heaven are (n. 3035).
In the Christian world the Lord's Human has been declared not to be Divine; this was done in a council for the pope's sake, that he might be acknowledged as the Lord's vicar (n. 4738).
[10] Christians were examined in the other life in regard to their idea of one God, and it was found they held an idea of three gods (n. 2329, 5256, 10736–10738, 10821).
A Divine trinity or trine in one person, constituting one
God, is conceivable, but not in three persons (n. 10738,
10821, 10824).
A Divine trine in the Lord is acknowledged in heaven (n.
14, 15, 1729, 2004, 5256, 9303).
The trine in the Lord is the Divine Itself, called the
Father, the Divine Human, called the Son, and the Divine
going forth, called the Holy Spirit and this Divine trine
is a One (n. 2149, 2156, 2288, 2319, 2329, 2447, 3704,
6993, 7182, 10738, 10822, 10823).
The Lord Himself teaches that the Father and He are One (n. 1729, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025, 2751, 3704, 3736, 4766); also that the Holy Divine goes forth from Him and is His (n. 3969, 4673, 6788, 6993, 7499, 8127, 8302, 9199, 9228, 9229, 9264, 9407, 9818, 9820, 10330).
[11] The Divine Human flows into heaven and makes heaven (n. 3038). The Lord is the all in heaven and is the life of heaven (n. 7211, 9128). In the angels the Lord dwells in what is His own (n. 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157).