Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold. Arnold Matthew

Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold - Arnold Matthew

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Religious Isolation 8 Mycerinus 8 The Church of Brou I. The Castle 13 II. The Church 17 III. The Tomb 18 A Modern Sappho 20 Requiescat 21 Youth and Calm 22 A Memory-Picture 23 A Dream 25 The New Sirens 26 The Voice 36 Youth's Agitations 37 The World's Triumphs 38 Stagirius 38 Human Life 40 To a Gipsy Child by the Sea-shore 41 A Question 44 In Utrumque Paratus 45 The World and the Quietist 46 Horatian Echo 47 The Second Best 49 Consolation 50 Resignation 52

       Table of Contents

Sohrab and Rustum 65
The Sick King in Bokhara 92
Balder Dead—
1. Sending 101
2. Journey To the Dead 111
3. Funeral 121
Tristram and Iseult
Tristram 138
Iseult of Ireland 150
Iseult of Brittany 158
Saint Brandan 165
The Neckan 167
The Forsaken Merman 170

       Table of Contents

Austerity of Poetry 177
A Picture at Newstead 177
Rachel: I, II, III 178
Worldly Place 180
East London 180
West London
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