Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught. Joshua Rose

Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught - Joshua  Rose

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align="right"> 279 The size and use of brushes; light in shading; example for shading a Medart pulley 280 Brush shading 281 To show by the shading that the surfaces are highly polished; representation of an oil cup; representation of an iron planing machine 282 Example in shading of Blake's patent direct acting steam pump 284 Example of shading an independent condenser 288 CHAPTER XV. EXAMPLES OF ENGINE WORK. Drawings of an automatic high speed engine; side and end views of the engine; vertical section of the cylinder through the valve face 289 Valve motion; governor 292 Pillow box, block crank-pin, wheel and main journal 294 Side and edge view of the connecting rod 295 A two hundred horse power horizontal steam boiler for a stationary engine; cross sectional view of the boiler shell 296 Side elevation, end view of the boiler, and setting 297 Working drawings of a one hundred horse power engine; plan and side view of the bed plate, with the main bearing and guide bars; cross sections of the bed plate; side elevation of the cylinder, with end view of the same 299 Steam chest side and horizontal cross section of the cylinder; steam chest and the valves; cam wrist plate and cut-off mechanism; shaft for the cam plate; cross head; side view and section through the centre of the eccentric and strap 301 Construction of the connecting rod 303 Index 305 Catalogue

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Fig. 1.


      There are several kinds of T squares; in one the blade is solid, as it is shown in Figure 5 on page 20; in another the back of the square is pivoted, so that the blade can be set to draw lines at an angle as well as across the board, which is often very convenient, although this double back prevents the triangles, when used in some positions, from coming close enough to the left hand side of the board. In an improved form of steel square, with pivoted blade, shown in Figure 2, the back is provided with a half circle divided into the degrees of a circle, so that the blade can be set to any required degree of angle at once.


Fig. 2.


Fig. 3.


Fig. 4.



Fig. 5.

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